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Author Topic: Slow at the minute or just me?  (Read 3564180 times)


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #11490 on: 24 September 2019, 11:42:18 am »
Hi MadameK I just read your comments.

Advertising is key.

I am only with two sites, adultwork and  The latter is ok but you must put 'on' on every day or when you are available.

I tour other areas which helps break up clients being bored with you.

Do you tour at all?  Where do you live/work?

« Last Edit: 24 September 2019, 11:47:20 am by Lushblossom »


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #11491 on: 24 September 2019, 01:20:59 pm »
madame K: I'm finding September to be a slow month, in fact... tradictionally septembers suck as a lot of people go on holidays because it's much cheaper. However (and sorry but have to disagree with Amy on her last post): we are going through some challenging political and economic times at the present time. If you've been in the business for a decade working like a horse and with no "life set backs" (physical, mental, family etc..) you are in much more resilient position than someone who lets say started a couple years ago. The pound has plummeted considerably in the last two years, the political and financial status quo right now are incredibly volatile, many companies are moving out of the UK or reducing staff. I know a lot of people who are not in the industry whose finances have been drastically changed because of the present situation in this country. And of course this is going to affect our industry. And yes guys are getting laid for free left and right on Tinder nowadays. To deny all the above is very naive.

The sex industry is changing very fast, a lot of guys would rather interact with women through a screen than in real life, the webcam business is booming, same with the "only fans/patreon" type of online platforms. i believe this is were the industry is heading to. Traditional escorts are changing their business model into a much more niche one. Opening a profile on AW and offering your standard services is just not cutting it nowadays, we are not in 2004 anymore.

Then of course, you always have that super hard working types who've been in the industry for a decade, had the time to build plenty of regulars, spend a lot of money in advertising and tour like a horse. They are doing well of course. Other business models who use to do well in the past are just not... cutting it anymore, and think that joining an agency is the answer, problem is that agencies are going through the same crisis too.
« Last Edit: 24 September 2019, 01:32:48 pm by Ana30 »
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #11492 on: 24 September 2019, 01:46:17 pm »
Oh do excuse me for using the word ‘girls’ Amy, but I do believe it’s a term used by many still even if it’s not to your liking. ‘Working girls’.
But yes in this new world of offence taking we’ve got to watch what we say.
Ana, I believe you are right. All these things have an effect. And I used to see ten a day but in the last couple years even my regs have had to cut back due to finances.
It’s anazing how other girls (sorry I meant ‘women’) like to make others feel like it’s something they’re doing wrong because apparently clients are lining up for them daily in droves. Sorry, I don’t buy that.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #11493 on: 24 September 2019, 01:53:23 pm »
Ana, I'm sure you'te not trying to be patronising but I think you've entirely missed the point I was making which is that we need to be adaptable, and also that just because something worked ten years ago does not mean it'll work now. That's why the people who have been in business a long time survive, because they've learned this - it's no different to anybody else who's been doing their job for decades rather than weeks or months.

In relatively recent UK history we've had two World Wars, mass unemployment, a depression and lengthy recession as well as hundreds of more minor events to blame crap business on; when I was a child we had the three day week complete with rolling blackouts and throughout all of these there were still prostitutes and punters. The people who have worked like crazy over years and are rightly successful have earned it, and it's not as if nobody now is busy as we can see from other posts. I would, however, agree about the webcamming but this has also meant a new source of income for many who find inperson sex work difficult or impossible for whatever reason.

I think there's often a low level sense of that because anybody can stick an ad up and have a go, that means everybody will make a success of a prostitution business and it's something I don't understand when it would be bizarre to suggest that applies to any other job. Not everybody is cut out to be a doctor, or a hotelier, or a teacher and most people don't have any trouble accepting that. Why then does everybody think that anybody can be a (successful) prostitute?

Oh do excuse me for using the word ‘girls’ Amy, but I do believe it’s a term used by many still even if it’s not to your liking. ‘Working girls’.

You don't have to excuse anything - as I've pointed out before I'm almost forty seven and the infantilising of adult women irritates me. That's a personal view, and yours is different to mine, that's all :).
« Last Edit: 24 September 2019, 01:58:31 pm by amy »


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #11494 on: 24 September 2019, 02:04:02 pm »
Not everybody is cut out to be a doctor, or a hotelier, or a teacher and most people don't have any trouble accepting that. Why then does everybody think that anybody can be a (successful) prostitute?

100% agree with that. But in the good ol days a woman could post a small ad in the back of a newspaper and that was enough to get business. In fact.. I personally know of a retired escort who worked as an indie in knightsbridge during the 70's and 80's with one small ad on the back of the paper. Now she's retired in the costa and has a property portfolio in central London. When I tell her about my website, SEO, twitter and twatter she looks at me completely baffled because this woman use to spend 0.5 % of her energy in marketing.. My point is: There's a false perception that going into escorting is going to automatically make you a lot of money. No it won't. Unless of course you have the skills and are prepared to put a lot of hard work, and that includes spending time researching the market and adapting to the changes in the industry.

Just like any other job! tada!  ;D
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #11495 on: 24 September 2019, 02:10:34 pm »
100% agree with that. But in the good ol days a woman could post a small ad in the back of a newspaper and that was enough to get business. In fact.. I personally know of a retired escort who worked as an indie in knightsbridge during the 70's and 80's with one small ad on the back of the paper. Now she's retired in the costa and has a property portfolio in central London. When I tell her about my website, SEO, twitter and twatter she looks at me completely baffled because this woman use to spend 0.5 % of her energy in marketing.. My point is: There's a false perception that going into escorting is going to automatically make you a lot of money. No it won't. Unless of course you have the skills and are prepared to put a lot of hard work, and that includes spending time researching the market and adapting to the changes in the industry.

Just like any other job! tada!  ;D

And I couldn't agree more. I think we've reached the same conclusion just from different directions, that being that if you expect to earn large sums of money in a relatively short period of time doing something that requires no particular training or qualifications, the chances are you're going to have to work bloody hard for it :).


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #11496 on: 24 September 2019, 02:39:40 pm »
I wasn’t infantilising women. Here we go with the old radical feminists tropes.
Oh and btw, I’m actually studying to become a doctor, so I’m aware of what hard work is.
I just think times are slow for a number of reasons, and I think (I may be wrong of course) that the girls claiming to be run off their feet are exaggerating.
 But yeah, women through time immemorial have never tried to compete with each other and upstage one another and try to make other women feel inferior have they? No, evolutionary research doesn’t know what it’s talking about.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #11497 on: 24 September 2019, 03:07:05 pm »
I think it's slow today because half the country is under water.

That being said it hasn't put off the timewasters and undesirables calling who coincidentally all wanted 15 minutes. One Irish guy even had the cheek to haggle the price for one of those. I said no sorry and hung up but what I should have said is FECK OFF in a Father Jack voice  ;D
These days there are no Prince Charmings. A girl just has to be her own hero


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #11498 on: 24 September 2019, 03:35:52 pm »
Oh and btw, I’m actually studying to become a doctor, so I’m aware of what hard work is.
I just think times are slow for a number of reasons, and I think (I may be wrong of course) that the girls claiming to be run off their feet are exaggerating.
 But yeah, women through time immemorial have never tried to compete with each other and upstage one another and try to make other women feel inferior have they? No, evolutionary research doesn’t know what it’s talking about.

If you're studying to be a doctor (bows hat to you) I imagine you don't have much time to dedicate it to running an escort business, so I can see why it's not working for you. I believe that in order to be self employed in this industry you really need to put A LOT of time and energy into it.  I really don't see this being compatible with something so energy consuming as a medical degree. Maybe an agency is not a bad idea after all, or another line of (less energy consuming) work.
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #11499 on: 24 September 2019, 04:15:30 pm »
Not studying to be a medical doctor, but doctor of another field.
I get my evenings and one day at weekend free and also some afternoons from 4pm.
So it’s not really a time issue. I won’t let clients dictate my times but I tell them what days hours I am available. If they can’t do those times then yes I guess that’s a bugger for me but I won’t sacrifice my future for them x


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #11500 on: 24 September 2019, 06:03:05 pm »
If they can’t do those times then yes I guess that’s a bugger for me but I won’t sacrifice my future for them x

And you shouldn't (if you consider "doctor" career is more important which I'm sure you do), but any self employed business nowadays requires lots of time and energy, it's very competitive out there. And even when putting all that time and effort sometimes they will fail, and this applies to plumbing and prostitution. Creating an AW ad and expecting to get a bunch of guys walking in through the door between the hours of x and y is not realistic. I mean... you can make a few bucks but you;re really going to struggle financially. I'm sure in the good ol days this "business model" was lucrative but not anymore.
« Last Edit: 24 September 2019, 06:06:09 pm by Ana30 »
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #11501 on: 24 September 2019, 06:26:33 pm »

I know you mentioned on a different thread about kissing and not wanting to do it / like it
For Some ( not all) punters this can be a massive deal breaker 
also as you have limited times to work you won’t get as much as some who is available longer hrs
Do you have AT show your number and do LES or only take work by email
 From your name I’m thinking  do you offer mainly Dom / Mistress stuff which is a limited niche market

I do a mixture of GFE and Soft Dom so I get a wide range of clients not just those that want the GFE stuff


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #11502 on: 24 September 2019, 06:38:01 pm »
Ana, I think you are right. I need to up my game a bit.
Paris, I don’t always use those functions, but I will now, see if it makes a difference.
What are the other most used sites apart from AW?
Call me behind the times, but I miss the days of the trade it ads etc.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #11503 on: 24 September 2019, 06:52:18 pm »
Ana, I think you are right. I need to up my game a bit.
Paris, I don’t always use those functions, but I will now, see if it makes a difference.
What are the other most used sites apart from AW?
Call me behind the times, but I miss the days of the trade it ads etc.

Lol Trade it that’s where I started out 😂 we are both showing our age 😂
If you want to be busy you have to put in more effort and also spend a little bit of money on advertising
if your working / studying daytime this is what I would do
Pay for AT LES and phone number every day no matter what
If you do Dom Fetish stuff pay for alternative
Get an auto reply on phone to state your available at xxx time and if they would like to book to call back after 4pm or you can provisionally book them in by text. I take a lot of bookings by text
This way you can probably line up bookings for the evenings
You have to spend money to make money and if you are not showing your number or doing AT thats probably why it’s dead for you
 Guys often don’t want to book by email they may not have an AW account they generally  want a number to ring to book and get info
Put AT first thing in the morning you will get guys looking for later in the day / evening
If you only want to do 1-2 bookings a night stick with AW and having a very good profile and also pay for the stuff I mentioned
If you want more work then you may have to advertise on other sites get your own website


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #11504 on: 24 September 2019, 07:47:17 pm »

 Guys often don’t want to book by email they may not have an AW account they generally  want a number to ring to book and get info
Put AT first thing in the morning you will get guys looking for later in the day / evening
If you only want to do 1-2 bookings a night stick with AW and having a very good profile and also pay for the stuff I mentioned
If you want more work then you may have to advertise on other sites get your own website

I too am in the same boat and would love to start getting more bookings in the evenings and weekends. I am heavily reliant on the AW booking system as I only see members with feedback. It's like my comfort blanket. I'm outcall only too so the feedback gives me slightly more reassurance that I'm less likely to be messed around by a time waster... Or worse. Apart from the odd cancellation I haven't had a time waster yet! I don't display my number at the moment for this very reason. At the moment I get roughly 1-2 outcall bookings per week. Could I be potentially missing out on a large amount of  outcall bookings by not displaying my number? If this has been discussed previously and someone could guide me to another post that would be very helpful!
Chloe x