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Author Topic: Slow at the minute or just me?  (Read 3559336 times)


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #11280 on: 24 July 2019, 07:10:21 pm »
It's annoying isn't it .. most are just queries but pretend to book with no intention of arriving I found. They want postcode so I only give with booking they suddenly pretend to be interested but fail to convince me these days . I let them chat then say ok I'll send postcode and don't. They don't ever call back or ask for it again

This works well and I have tried it a few times when doubting the sincerety of the caller. This morning though I tried it as was convinced this man was not going to show.  He called again for the postcode after I said I would text it but didn't.  He was genuine.  He turned up and was very very nice.  ;D



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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #11281 on: 24 July 2019, 08:27:33 pm »
It's annoying isn't it .. most are just queries but pretend to book with no intention of arriving I found. They want postcode so I only give with booking they suddenly pretend to be interested but fail to convince me these days . I let them chat then say ok I'll send postcode and don't. They don't ever call back or ask for it again

Yes I get those postcode hunters. I play with them like that too and just say yes to get rid of them lol
I've never work with postcodes for genuine callers anyway as the landmark is the tube. Couldn't be more simple.

The ones today were genuine, over stressed, desperate...almost panic stricken wanting instant contact. And that makes them a really unapealling person for me to spend time with. So I just tell them to ring back and turn off the phone. I don't want to be infected with their horrible mood.
« Last Edit: 24 July 2019, 08:30:07 pm by saltysweet »


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #11282 on: 25 July 2019, 01:46:24 am »
Luckily I've had a pretty good week so far and well over my target. Hoping it continues this way. I'm putting half into saving as no doubt next week will most likely dip. When do these school holidays end?


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #11283 on: 25 July 2019, 01:55:48 am »
Luckily I've had a pretty good week so far and well over my target. Hoping it continues this way. I'm putting half into saving as no doubt next week will most likely dip. When do these school holidays end?

I think these are the Lloooiinngg ones hate to tell ya xx


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #11284 on: 25 July 2019, 01:58:30 am »
I think these are the Lloooiinngg ones hate to tell ya xx

End of August? Or beginning of Sept? Even hotel prices are through the roof with the holidays


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #11285 on: 25 July 2019, 02:01:29 am »
End of August? Or beginning of Sept? Even hotel prices are through the roof with the holidays

The schools I know of are the first or second week in September. :,(
tell me about it. I hate how everything is so much more expensive depending on school terms !!
I don’t have children why should that still rule my world!! Uuggh


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #11286 on: 25 July 2019, 05:56:45 pm »
Today, as everyone is well aware, is one hell of a hot day and doubtful we will get another day the same (I hope not anyway).

My phone has been dead except for a few really rude idiots and all asking me if I do outcalls. No, I do NOT. I make it clear on my ads and profiles its incalls only and the area I am in and yet they always ask, and where are you? Wheres that? One even had the cheek to argue that I wasn't in the area I have lived in all my life, I was more West. I think I know where I live! Asked if I was worth him travelling 55mins to see me. He got blocked instantly. What a tosser. I should of refered him to google before I blocked him to read that he was wrong and I was of course right about my location. Whoever said the customer is always right is a thick idiot.

Anyway, why on earth would punters think that any big girl who only does incalls is going to get on a sweaty bus and tube on the hottest day of the year at the drop of a hat??? Gonna be hard enough for someone driving just now but at my weight and on buses and tubes they are bloodywell having a laugh!!!

Anyone else who doesn't offer outcalls getting silly buggers calling asking today or generally being rude?

Here we go, now the prats on my blocked list have decided to try calling n bothering me. I think the heat brings out the biggest timewasters and know it all's for some reason. Not made a penny today and started at 9.30am!!! Only one quickie last night and nothing the rest of the week. Honestly I will be glad to see the back of this heat, its not good for business.

How is everyone else finding business and managing to cope with the heat? I am just laying in front of my fan and hardly moving.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #11287 on: 25 July 2019, 06:33:06 pm »
Same here too in London—just dullards on the phone.
My colleague left the hotel to hang out in the sun as her phone has being dead for two days now with people giving her the run away as she does outcalls.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #11288 on: 25 July 2019, 06:34:17 pm »
yeah? well I got an outcall outfit request (black stockings and suspenders/ the whole shabang type of thing)   >:D

English Green

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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #11289 on: 25 July 2019, 10:05:16 pm »
It's annoying isn't it .. most are just queries but pretend to book with no intention of arriving I found. They want postcode so I only give with booking they suddenly pretend to be interested but fail to convince me these days . I let them chat then say ok I'll send postcode and don't. They don't ever call back or ask for it again

Hey sugar

This time of year can go quiet. I know you have said before the industry is getting to you and you are fighting the will sometimes with cancellations timewasters etc or phone dead and wonder if you are unappealing as others do well.

Well you cannot always believe everything you hear. I knew 3 women that i knew quite well and they used to always say how well they did over other women how many tips on top they got etc etc they got the best clients etc turned out they were all lying i knew the receptionist that used to give them there jobs at the agency and they earn no where near what they said in fact they earnt less then many others.

Turns out 1 of them was not as desired as some of the better looking ones so made stuff up to make herself look busier and more successful and wanted other workers to look up to her.

So try not to think it is you we all have bad days even the prettiest workers out there with the best photos and feedback can suffer.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #11290 on: 25 July 2019, 11:37:48 pm »
English green thanks for your post .
I'm not working this week I decided that sitting indoors waiting for  time wasters and inquiry callers was soul destroying.
I am sure there are ladies who are busy and some  who have no bookings at least some are genuine on here .
I'll do last day of July and first week August.
I've been getting the odd pointless email but nothing else.
I'm far to hot to care or get wound up lol !
My civvy pay was not great so I better try but my patience runs out fast ..
Shall offer iced drinks  to the rare client who turns up  :)


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #11291 on: 26 July 2019, 12:15:15 am »
English green thanks for your post .
I'm not working this week I decided that sitting indoors waiting for  time wasters and inquiry callers was soul destroying.
I am sure there are ladies who are busy and some  who have no bookings at least some are genuine on here .
I'll do last day of July and first week August.
I've been getting the odd pointless email but nothing else.
I'm far to hot to care or get wound up lol !
My civvy pay was not great so I better try but my patience runs out fast ..
Shall offer iced drinks  to the rare client who turns up  :)

I wouldn't panick this time of the year is generally is more quiet, however I'm just speaking from personal experience,  it's not completely dead. Men always need sex regardless what time of the year. Have u had someone look over your profile? Your pictures? Do u offer something different? I'm mixed ethnic origin and a minority so that keeps me busy as theres not many of us around.

Try adding new pics to your profile and changing around a little bit. Good quality pics make a huge difference. Also remember every girl is different so you just have to make sure you bring something different. Some will still be busy and some won't .

Timewasters will always be there. I've stopped taking advance bookings if they have no aw profile with atleast 5 feedback, otherwise I tell them to call half an hour before the appointment. Genuine clients will call. It's one way of eliminating the timewasters.
« Last Edit: 26 July 2019, 12:18:35 am by Hazzard »


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #11292 on: 26 July 2019, 12:32:29 pm »
English green thanks for your post .
I'm not working this week I decided that sitting indoors waiting for  time wasters and inquiry callers was soul destroying.
I am sure there are ladies who are busy and some  who have no bookings at least some are genuine on here .
I'll do last day of July and first week August.
I've been getting the odd pointless email but nothing else.
I'm far to hot to care or get wound up lol !
My civvy pay was not great so I better try but my patience runs out fast ..
Shall offer iced drinks  to the rare client who turns up  :)

Sugar I had the same 'hermit' problem and made my workplace a prison especially when it's slow.
My experience 'sitting indoors' waiting for clients is a horror of course you will get depressed.
You are torturing yourself. 'Sitting' makes me stale, anxious and not much fun for genuine clients who come along. I think it also shows in our voice in a subliminal way and the clients can tell we're not 'sparkling'.
Isn't there anywhere close by you can sit or walk outdoors?
« Last Edit: 26 July 2019, 06:45:12 pm by saltysweet »


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #11293 on: 26 July 2019, 12:42:07 pm »
Earlier this week it looked very quiet so opted to enjoy the sun then a couple of days ago some genuine bookings came through and really nice clients even postpone a longer booking the other day, to hot. Think the heat has increased the "itch" lol.
But instead of sit and wait, go for a walk as suggested or read a good book.
Enjoy life as long as you live, life too short for sorrows


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #11294 on: 26 July 2019, 01:31:31 pm »
Done 2×30 minutes that's it this week  :-\
These days there are no Prince Charmings. A girl just has to be her own hero