Thanks ParisB
Omg what a nightmare I am currently experiencing! My plan is to tour to the same places every month, so the time I get myself known and get a shiny new set of pictures I will suffer. But now with just the £50 discount, I think my rates are reachable for many...what a day, it’s very frustrating getting last minutes cancellations
I only tour places once every 3 months or so rather than once a month
I know that might seem weird but you want to keep the clients wanting you and if you are there to often then you just become the norm like the rest of the ladies that are based in that area and guys get bored easily .
The place I just left every day was actually quite quiet as it’s normally really busy but I had anything from 2 -4 returning clients each day that i worked and that made a potentially quiet tour into a decent one And the last time I went there was May this year .
A lot of ladies visit a place and they are really busy the first time then they go back a week or so later and they are dead . You can easily overtour a place by being there to often.
I generally only visit places every 3 months sometimes 4 months
I have a couple of places that I visit every 2 months or so but that’s because I know that I have a fair amount of regular clients and they are also great locations with plenty of passing trade