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Author Topic: Slow at the minute or just me?  (Read 3560912 times)

English Green

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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #10545 on: 12 December 2018, 02:21:10 pm »
It has been a joke recently... i mean this whole year to be honest, but nov and dec wa meant to be good, i am on a tour now (in a place i made bank last time just a month ago) and this time nothing, second day here had 1 booking from a regular yesterday, and today not even 1 phone call... now this is promising :(
i was lucky old regular booked me on monday for a few h!
i really dont understand why is this, HOWEVER it is not like that for everyone a friend of my (we work together often) always has 100s calls every day and heaps and heaps of clients no matter what and earning such money it is crazy, she also turns around 50% of the clients away and can be picky with them, why is she brexit/reccesion/ what ever else- proof with clients ?  and i am not ?
this question always kills me, especially when we work together she would make a good 1k (or more in a day) whilst i scramble one half h c or so, s frustrating... :(

I think this week people have less money as buying xmas presents before pay day so it can be a tricky time. I think if you're friend does very well most of the time no matter where she works i can only assume her pics and her stats how she looks is very appealing to a lot of men looking and she has the higher percentage type of what most men would like. But apart from that hard to say without comparing.

English Green

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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #10546 on: 12 December 2018, 02:27:01 pm »
There has been a significant drop in business for me too, and usually I'd be nicely booked up in advance. But I do remember this time last year, I am sure I actually made a loss during December or had to arrange with clients I generally wouldn't have met.

It hasn't really come as much of a surprise, this hefty lull, but I do wish I had more savings to carry me through the next few months.

Maybe I'll learn for next year?

This industry has so many ups and downs then when you do earn good money for a period i suppose if you do not save for the bad times the reality hits some very quick. I think the saying " easy come easy go" fits well. The money is not always there especially if you had it good had a good spend up and then see not much coming in. Never expect or take good times like it will last.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #10547 on: 12 December 2018, 02:42:42 pm »
Terrible, it’s terrible at the mo, for me and people I know, and December is usually a good one.  ???


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #10548 on: 12 December 2018, 04:07:18 pm »
It has been a joke recently... i mean this whole year to be honest, but nov and dec wa meant to be good, i am on a tour now (in a place i made bank last time just a month ago) and this time nothing, second day here had 1 booking from a regular yesterday, and today not even 1 phone call... now this is promising :(
i was lucky old regular booked me on monday for a few h!
i really dont understand why is this, HOWEVER it is not like that for everyone a friend of my (we work together often) always has 100s calls every day and heaps and heaps of clients no matter what and earning such money it is crazy, she also turns around 50% of the clients away and can be picky with them, why is she brexit/reccesion/ what ever else- proof with clients ?  and i am not ?
this question always kills me, especially when we work together she would make a good 1k (or more in a day) whilst i scramble one half h c or so, s frustrating... :(

Could be a loads of reasons why she is busier than you
Are you very similar in looks / services prices
Do you charge the same and offer same services 
Objectively has she got a better profile than you. What I mean is is hers well written, appealing good photos and more appealing to her client base
Has she got better feedback
Are most of her clients regulars as that can make a big difference between being quiet or busy
Sometimes it can be the tiniest thing on a profile that puts punters off .when I started I had lots of photos of me in PVC and and they probably came across as quiet dominating . I remember a client saying he wasn’t sure if he wanted to see me as the pictures were quiet dominating to him
So ever since then I have always included a wide range of pictures from latex & PVC dresses  thigh high boots,  nice glamourous sexy dresses,  pretty girly style lingerie and some selfies  So guys can see a wide range of styles that I have .

Myself and two of my friends profile are very very similar by way of services prices and photos and the way we actually price our services are pretty much identical
When we tour we often end up seeing  each other’s clients or if we happen to be in the same area then clients have said I can’t decide between you and xxx 😂
But overall our profiles seem to appeal to a lot of different types of guys not just a certain type so we are generally pretty busy or steady  even when it’s quiet like now
I’ve just Finnished my tour and normally it’s a place that is very very busy but it’s been slowish  I hit my target but mainly because I had quiet a few regular clients .Without them though it would have been dead


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #10549 on: 12 December 2018, 04:45:23 pm »
Quiet for me as well, :( yesterday I had this weirdo guy... all set for x time and he's here... then ask this stupid question, credit card or debit card :))  ( i was, wtff no way!! )  and said with a smile on my face, cashh :D  then, oo i'm sorry i thought you're an agency and accept transfer as well.
I have on my profile very clear that I'm independent and he should know that in this business most of the girls do not accept transfer.
I've explained where is the nearest ATM, 5mins  away, maximum. Then receive a call from him saying sorry but he got called from work and he can't do it anymore :))) (i was sure about this. Luckily a nice regular was in the area and saw him. thanks god )
After a couple of minutes the same guy text me that he can do 30 mins :)))  yea yea, sure i will give up my regular now to waste my time again, no way!
I can't rely on new clients right now as they tend to cancel or are TW.  :FF


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #10550 on: 13 December 2018, 10:40:08 am »
This has got to be the quietest week I’ve ever had  :FF  :FF


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #10551 on: 13 December 2018, 03:56:09 pm »
I'm normally pretty busy but today I had to check my phone a few times just make sure it's working. It's not rang once not even the timewasters! This whole fortnight has been shit


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #10552 on: 13 December 2018, 06:06:11 pm »
I feel so crap, I barely had any phonecalls. I am on tour and charge high class rates although I planned a photoshoot in a few weeks because my pictures are not that high quality, clients were schocked when they saw me and said my pictures were very bad comparing to in person  :FF. I changed my rates by -£50 and refuse to work for cheaper as I used to work for a high class agency with higher rates, so I am stuck in the middle, no professional pictures, no website yet, but hard to convince client and make money...It gets me desperate to say the least with many, many timewasters, last minute cancellations...but I have to keep up until I get my pics done, many use fake ones (too many fall for them too, so funny) but I don’t really want to go this road...until then I am waiting, and getting tired of all that, but the service I offer is very complete and I used to get many regulars and fixed clients with the agency. Hard time to go through...hopefully it will pay off...
« Last Edit: 13 December 2018, 06:13:33 pm by Cardibarbie »


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #10553 on: 13 December 2018, 06:50:03 pm »
Since my post, it’s even worse!
My only booking of the day is late and still hasn’t arrived after 1h  :'( and became rude over the phone
I was supposed to get a one hour outcall as well and he just cancelled, fuck what did I do to deserve all that?  ???


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #10554 on: 13 December 2018, 06:52:00 pm »
I think touring and charging very high rates is probably very hard to do as you need to convince guys that don’t know you to part with double the amount they would do usually. 
Whereas if your with an established agency or you have your own place it’s probabably easier to command  a higher rate .
   Maybe work out where your agency used to advertise and see if you can match their  advertising as wherever they were advertising obviously worked for them and got you work

If your getting the calls but not the work then the guys obviously like the look of you regardless if you think you have crap photos . So it probably comes down to the price

« Last Edit: 13 December 2018, 06:55:41 pm by ParisB »


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #10555 on: 13 December 2018, 06:58:45 pm »
Thanks ParisB
Omg what a nightmare I am currently experiencing! My plan is to tour to the same places every month, so the time I get myself known and get a shiny new set of pictures I will suffer. But now with just the £50 discount, I think my rates are reachable for many...what a day, it’s very frustrating getting last minutes cancellations  :'( :'(


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #10556 on: 13 December 2018, 07:33:06 pm »
Idiot of an ex-regular left me some nasty fb and this impacted me last week.  Phone hardly rang. Thankfully this week they seem to have gotten over it and looked at all the other FB and I'm back to being selective about who I see.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #10557 on: 13 December 2018, 08:19:39 pm »
Idiot of an ex-regular left me some nasty fb and this impacted me last week.  Phone hardly rang. Thankfully this week they seem to have gotten over it and looked at all the other FB and I'm back to being selective about who I see.
We're you able to leave his feedback too  >:D


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #10558 on: 13 December 2018, 08:21:56 pm »
on tour and its very slow ??? one 30 mins booking so far.
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, they won't be able to hear you from that far away. Plus, you'll have their shoes.

English Green

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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #10559 on: 13 December 2018, 08:52:53 pm »
on tour and its very slow ??? one 30 mins booking so far.

Yep i hear you