Thanx, that is what i thought ...
Even though might be a bit slow towards the end of april, people do email or call, but many are looking for freebies, or just titillation stuff.. I dislike bookings, because until the day of booking come, most client feel entitled to send endless texts , or to randomly call to check how is it going and so on...
I wrote a personal note on adult work to not to use the booking form and to contact me by email message through adult work first by introducing himself, and stating: Age-approx/Ethnic bkd/the Tel nr he will be calling me from, then i will give my tel. Then on the dayof the appointment, the same person and voice, calling by the same noted tel number, must call one hour before coming in.
That normally puts off many wasters who like things to be immediate,,,
Wasters can only operate when they have all like instant coffe, when making it a little more difficult many give up.