I think the thing is, your profile could be tip top, your advertising could be fabulous but it's normal to sometimes have droughts, business is not going to be a constant. If girls started slashing their prices every time they'd have a dry spell we'd all be charging about 2p an hour. Besides often it's dangerous if an escort sees herself at fault too much when business is slow that's when people start considering doing things they're not comfortable with or coming across too aggressive with clients, sometimes worrying is counterproductive in business.
My business has been awful lately I started things from scratch and instead of getting an influx for being new I've had nada for a whole week except tws, I panicked dropped my prices a bit (I'd recently raised them quite high) and tried to stop checking my inbox constantly and thankfully things are back to normal, I usually get about 4 or 5 clients a week which is probably a lot less than most but I work in a small area, offer limited services and I don't take last minute bookings a lot of the time so I miss out, I also suffer from depression so take unplanned amounts of time off and I've been very ill lately. I could take this all personally and think wow I'm the worst escort ever I'm doing everything wrong. If I did that I'd not even leave my bed, I'm sure with time as I gain more confidence I'll get better at organising clients, maintaining my client base and taking last minute bookings more. I'm young I live alone I find it very hard to motivate myself so if I analysed my business all the time like you suggest I'd give up.