I have said it before, if an escort is continually not getting enough business it is NOT always going to be down to pay day, holidays, the rain ect. I would really consider lower my rates slightly or offering special offers if this were the case. There are still men out there booking certain prossies constantly, some of these girls continually have 20-30 feedbacks for one month so imagine how many clients they are really getting! This is what I see in my area and plenty others anyway.
OK so going on that 30 feedback in one month then i must be totally crap cos i have only had 1feedback this year
however 30 feedback /client is really only 1 client a day or so not a massive amount and even if she see 2 clients a day its not exactly hard to achieve that if she is good at what she dose priced correctly and has decent photos feedback ect
However if she see 3 clients a day and works say 5 days a week then that 60 clients a month, so maybe half leave her feedback but 3 clients a day is not a massive amount to do But it all depend on how many days /hours she works as well
Three client a day would be my rough target if I'm working at home so again not a massive target to achieve ( imo)
But since i have had no feedback since feb by all accounts I must be doing shit and need to rethink my advertising and slash my prices so that i can see more clients and get more feedback to prove that i am busy ( not sure who i would want to prove that to though)
However saying that I was probably one of the few escorts that wasn't running around like a headless chicken panicking when adultwork went down last week because I advertise elsewhere and I do get business from elsewhere and these client might not write feedback about me anywhere But it doesn't mean that I'm not busy just because i don't have feedback from a site
Feedback especially from a site like adultwork really don't mean shit imo ,
And those that have had 30+ feedback in a month added how do we know they are genuine, or not in real terms
Feedback is subjective and once you have a fair amount of feedback that positive its not really worth any more Just show that your still whoring and still sucking cock and not getting complaints from clients and that your consistent in your work