i will agree that this year its been shit - normally i am pretty much flat out even when i work at home and often turn away a fair amount of work
i have done three tours so far this year and they have been CRAP for me apart from one which was really a working holiday in the sunshine to cheer me up

Yes i covered my overheads of touring
Yes i made a profit
No it was fuck all like it was this time last year when i was rolling in it ( im still rolling in it just that its a harder slog

When doing my sums I made more money when i was working from my flat in Bristol this year than what i did from the last 3 tours as at home i have minimal overheads to work from my flat as its paid for also i dont work long hours i can work 11 -7pm monday to friday weekends go in and see a few regs and evenings if i get a evening appointment i can easily slip back over to the flat to do appointments
Thankfully it looks like my tour that im doing now is back to normal so far for me ( fingers crossed)
One of the place that i visit it used to be fabulous last August i spent 9 days there working and never did less than 800 a day every single day it was heaving
There recently and a few ladies that i know all agreed that its was shit compared to the previous year and this is a realtivly weathly place with more than a few millionaires with money to spend
Sadly now you have loads of girls charging next to nothing clients still ring me and ask when im coming back but its a big never ever from me unless things change which i dont see happening any time soon
Its pretty much the same all over the place and i would rather work at home and money wise and time wise make just as much and sleep in my own bed at night
im now picking my tours very carefully not wasting my money on going to places unless i feel thats it really really worth the effort and the expenses
i actually dont think it will get any better i think it will get worse
thats my 10 pence worth