Bold statement to make for a first post
I believe you, I know it’s very possible numbers. But what I’ll say is not everyone will be suited to that style of working, it would be too physically demanding and stressful to be full whack all day every day
Some of us have personal commitments and family who we can’t leave the small town we’re in…. Not everyone is central London.
This thread is good to let us vent if we need to. January is known to be tougher times
I didn't ask anyone not to believe me nor have I bragged, this is a way we make more money than a normal job so I'm not sure why numbers shock some people or just want to dag. I didn't say personal investment takes time, it costs money more than anything. And just because some people 'can't be arsed, every other reason' none of which was mentioned. I get it's here to vent but is there any point complaining without trying to improve the situation? Most girls could improve their numbers massively with small effective changes, I was not off topic for sharing my opinion on constant success, it was a comparison to people saying they aren't making anything or breaking even. And I directly relate my personal and financal investments to my success. If you've got a time free because you aren't busy and you're sat there then that is spare time in itself.