Yeah and on Sunday 16th it’s Father’s Day and England match
And there are 3 matches playing on Father’s Day as well
So I’m definitely not working
I'm in a much more populated area than Mirror so do fine without having to make 'content' or do camming and suchlike, and we work in very different ways. What we have in common is that we both advertise in lots of places; I'm sure if you crank up your marketing you'll be fine (and your old regulars will be waiting to see you!)
Everybody knows Euro 2024 starts on Friday, right?
I didn't want to jinx myself by saying so but when these posts were made I was already technically been 'fully booked' as much as 'fully booked' for me goes, for this weekend. I had time for 1 booking per day and that is what I had 7 days ahead - one of the bookings was made a few weeks ago. I am minimum 1 hour and moderate rate which is enough, whilst allowing me time to attend a festival, do a little camming, bit of admin, usual personal and hobbies today (Sunday). I did have other enquiries and some having been told I was fully booked still checking in case of cancels. If I wasn't low volume by choice and requirement and privacy reasons I could have had a couple of bookings Friday/Saturday/Sunday.
Regards Father's day some families don't do anything different, some are not fathers (or have been foster carers their charges no longer in touch), or children are the other end of the country/abroad even and their own dads are old enough to have passed away.
I have also made a post about football, roads can be quiet, good opportunity to do your own stuff, and plenty of men aren't interested in football. My booking happened before the match (does it start 8pm?).
I guess it might depend on your client/punter demographic, also building up interest in other places. If I had spare time I would perhaps upload some more photos, or write a blog, or do something else admin/preparing for next week/next bookings(which I have already done some of this morning, tonight is about painting my toenails!). Getting stuff out of the way so you are ready for the clients when they get over the match (or need to cheer themselves up/celebrate whatever).