That's me again. On this thread, again. Whining, again.

I did another hotel incall. Net profit: £50. Plus the usual migraine from the hotel's air-con, nicely topped up by the motion sickness from the journey back home.
If you are relying solely on AW and looking for regular/higher volume clients then displaying your number may be the way to proceed and persevere with to get feet through the door.
Thank you, Justine, yes - displaying a phone number definitely helps. x
One more Rodeo you got unlucky with it just being quiet and not working on your trial go. Overall it does get more in by having number up when you need to work but weird times at the moment and things are definately not the same changes of patterns happening.
EG, I might be unlucky or just my profile could be unappealing, or both!

Thanks for your thoughts. x