Him - (calls me at 1.40pm) are you available for an hour around 2-2.30?
Me - yes I can do 2.30 (as I need a freshen up, ciggie and a cuppa)
Him - can you do any earlier?
Me - (getting irked now why say 2-2.30 if 2.30 is too late) ok, how about 2.15?
Him - yes that's fine
Me - sends postcode and road name.
Him - 2 mins later 'actually I'll be there 2.45'
Me - majorly annoyed but need the money 'ok'
Him - (at 2.55) the postcode you sent takes me to a different street than you mentioned so I'm now 10 minutes away
Me - the message I sent was a cut and paste, you've put the last 2 letters in backwards
Him - no I haven't. I'm on xxx xxx road.
Me - I can promise you that you have.
Him - no you sent it wrong.
Me - bye too late now.
I had one actual booking today. Everyone else was just a timewaster.