I screen everyone on the phone for safety reasons (like we should all do), I don't ask for their occupation because a)that would be quite intrusive and b) their occupation has nothing to do with my safety. Nice people come from all walks of life: from builders to CEO's (although I do find from personal experience that these last group tend to be on the self-entitled side of the spectrum), the problem is that I do attract a certain "niche" (usually the office, the city crowd and the tourists). Most probably it's the way I market myself or the wording on my site, my rates or god knows what, but it certainly has been an issue lately. Unfortunately for me I don't get the builders and the key workers (and I say "unfortunately" because I really like these guys) but... they don;t call me
Pre-covid this was not a problem but with no tourism and everybody working from home my business has been hit more adversely than other ladies with a different business model. On the other hand I'm aware this pandemic has changed the economy, eg: my local bike store that was always empty nowadays has a long queu and have doubled their staff whereas the super busy italian restaurant around the corner is now doing pizza deliveries and have had to downsize their staff to a third. We (the people on this forum) as independent businesses have been affected in very different ways. I was just trying to point out how in my case have been affected. No need for putting down people.
I wasn't criticising Ana, I just couldn't work out why you were describing 'key workers' as if they were a big homogenous group when they're all so different. I would be completely stuffed without them money-wise and I just misunderstood your post

It won't be your rates (I guarantee the scaffolders in the square mile will be taking home more than most of the wage slaves in the suits - a lot more) so I really don't know? I love a builder, meself

And yes, my amount of time wasters has sky rocketed. I believe that's something we all have in common here independently of our business model. 
I'm getting loads of the spam texts from people with shitty rooms and apartments to let - I put my number back up on AW at the start of the week so I know that's it, but it's getting right on my tits. I would have thought the ones that were any good would be full given that the hotels are shut, so these must be the absolute dregs.