Yeah. I think, I'm just going to have to be make-up ready, full-body shaved to cater to clients schedules.
I had to say no to a couple clients, a big 2-hour booking last week due to handling my own personal outside of escorting appointments. I was so disappointed.
I swear, some clients, they must follow your ads, because, when I don't update my ad, that's when I get text messages asking if I'm available lol.
The world right now is pretty messed up. I know that's probably been said for generations, but in Canada, I just saw on the news, that Canadians are going into more debt than ever before just to cover basic expenses (we can thank our joke of a government).
Brexit, is pretty messed up.
Politics, have always been, but seem to be getting pretty messed up.
I also, need to pay more attention to the effort I am putting in when clients do book. I'll admit, I haven't been really into it. I've been treating it more like a job, same lingerie (although I do change but I keep the same handful that I wear because they are easy to take on and off lol). So, I will make sure I can do that. It just gets hard sometimes lol, but you are right you have to pretend to be into it even if you aren't unfortunately lol.
I still don't like the concept of posting new pictures all the time. I feel like this might ruin the mystery of meeting you in person. Plus, I don't want a bunch of freeloaders jerking off to my pictures and never coming to visit. Twitter, current pics, etc. seem to work for some ladies though. I guess I'm just not creative lol. It's like come on, just come see me, you will not be disappointed.
I remember the back page days. That was when I first started, around 3 years ago. I truly miss it. Big traffic with back page. Leolist is okay. But again, having a very slow, painful day. I will never understand why it's so god damn expensive to live in Canada when *surprise* there is nothing here LOL. Fuck, some people that live here are nothing but a bunch of cry babies I swear.
I mean, overall, things are ok. Lately, I've been thinking that it's good to take a step back and not let money consume me. "If you have a roof over your head, clean water to drink" blah, blah, blah, but, I mean, I guess it is true, some of us are more lucky than we think.