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Author Topic: Site unavailable in certain countries?  (Read 4574 times)


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Re: Site unavailable in certain countries?
« Reply #15 on: 29 March 2010, 10:57:23 pm »
Ok, you guys are way too techy for me!

Tracert? Huh?

Ping is the techy way of saying 'Hello other computer, are you listening?' In most cases, you will get a 'yes, I am' response back = something is working. (Some computers are told not to respond, so silence doesn't necessarily mean they are not working.)

Traceroute - AKA tracert for lazy typists or people whose systems couldn't cope with 'long' names until relatively recently - is a way of seeing what route the ping took from 'here' to 'there'. It will be several steps. Not everything en route will respond, but when something does, you know everything worked up to that point.

My aha moment a few minutes ago was to realise that I could ping you happily from the netbook, but not the main PC. The tracert showed it never left the PC. Hmm. Ah yes, the main PC has a program that takes a list of IP addresses (the equivalent of the telephone numbers the internet actually works with) from a variety of sources and blocks at least some contact with them. This is typically because they just serve ads / spam / nasties / something else you don't want..

.. and, yes, the IP address for your server is currently on at least one 'blocklist' from

Ghod knows why. It's often because someone else is hosting their site on the same IP and they're doing something naughty.

There are sites which allow you to enter an IP address - your site is at - and see if they are on a particular blocklist and why.

But saying 'Oi, the IP for my site is on a blocklist' to your host is a good start. Then ask the person who is complaining if they're running peerguardian or similar.
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."


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Re: Site unavailable in certain countries?
« Reply #16 on: 30 March 2010, 01:02:15 am »
This is great information, at least now I am armed with something when I call the host company.  Thanks.

 So is it possible to get off the blocklist? And is there any way of knowing how many people are not seeing my site and why these people tend to be located in the U.K while I am in N.A?

Thank you for your help,



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Re: Site unavailable in certain countries?
« Reply #17 on: 30 March 2010, 01:25:01 am »
One more question.  How concerned should I be?  Everyone I"ve asked on this side of the Atlantic can access my site, it seems to just affect U.K users (obviously not my largest market).

Tell me please whether I should be stressed or whether this is just a minor glitch.

Thanks again,


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Re: Site unavailable in certain countries?
« Reply #18 on: 30 March 2010, 09:22:40 am »
This looks to be the list it's on: If I tell the program I use on the main PC to ignore it, I can happily ping you. What seems to cause offence to the compilers of the list is that is also used by some businesses / governmental organisations. Getting off would involve moving ISP which you may not want to do.

I have the filtering program set up to allow web traffic to and from anywhere, but not other stuff - including pings - to addresses on the lists. If I hosted some files here, addresses on the lists could not see or access them, for example. Other people block all traffic to/from the addresses (remember that some lists are ad servers etc). Maybe some UK users are just more paranoid :)

It depends on how many UK visitors you have. I would see if the person running the site you want to be listed on is running any filters. I would also ask if the one who could see it at some times and not others was at the same PC / same ISP.

I am still curious as to why Anika Mae can't see it because of the tracert she reported.
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."

Anika Mae

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Re: Site unavailable in certain countries?
« Reply #19 on: 30 March 2010, 11:17:37 am »
I haven't set up any filters. I have my iMac, which is connected to a wireless router, which is connected to Virgin. There must be something along that line that's doing things I don't know about.

I can't access Lissa's site today either, so I'd say it's consistently down for me.


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Re: Site unavailable in certain countries?
« Reply #20 on: 30 March 2010, 01:09:37 pm »
.. which is particularly interesting because here's a tracert done just now:

 6 (  116.094 ms  111.559 ms  89.497 ms
 7 (  97.723 ms  97.533 ms  96.893 ms
 8 (  97.190 ms  96.791 ms  96.633 ms
 9 (  97.199 ms  97.041 ms  96.438 ms
10 (  109.627 ms  112.755 ms  107.213 ms
11 (  109.032 ms  108.865 ms  108.495 ms
12 (  110.406 ms  109.647 ms  109.684 ms
13 (  109.959 ms  109.871 ms  110.446 ms

.. which shows it is just one hop from the router you could reach. Why would it work for me, but not for you?

Reaching for straws, because I've only seen this affect encrypted https connections, if you look at your wireless router's setup, can you find a setting for its MTU?
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."


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Re: Site unavailable in certain countries?
« Reply #21 on: 30 March 2010, 04:49:07 pm »
This is probably completely wrong but I'm having ongoing problems with my site (new one 'disappears' for some visitors so my url sends them to my old host with a broken version of my old site) and a genius client did some investigating for me - he found it to probably be a problem with caching. I'll just copy and paste a bit of his email as I barely understand it all:

Browsing your site on two different networks using two different DNS servers at the same time of day I saw content delivered from two different servers therefore DNS caching is the problem. From my home that uses Google's DNS pinging got me; this is the correct IP for your site and I see the correct HTML. From my iPhone on O2's EDGE/3G connection Safari got your old site and ping got me, which is for a Danish web hosting company I assume your old host? Switching my iPhone to my home wifi and thus using Google's DNS got me back to your correct site on

What does this mean I suspect O2 is performing aggressive caching of the DNS. The DNS for your site was changed a while ago? So I suspect O2 is being overly aggressive or some of their servers have stale data and have a bug refreshing their cache. I would hope networks would only cache DNS for a day or two.

If anyone contacts you to say they cannot see your new site ask them to change their DNS to Google's DNS or Open DNS; both sites have docs on how to do this.

I hope none of those numbers are stupid to post on a forum. Er. And sorry again if this is nothing to do with the problem at hand! I just saw the bit about the site seeming to vanish when it wasn't actually down and was reminded of this email.
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Re: Site unavailable in certain countries?
« Reply #22 on: 30 March 2010, 06:12:57 pm »
Thanks Emily, someone else suggested the DNS thing too.  I'll check that out too.  Could that be the reason Anika can't access my site?

xw5 - I am a little confused.  Should I assume that someone purposely put my site on the blocklist or have I been inadvertently caught up in some IP address sweep? 

If I switch ISPs why wouldn't the same thing happen again?

I asked the guy who can't access my site go on to find out what the problem was and it came up that my server appeared to be fine.  Not sure what this means really.

I'm still hyperventilating wondering how many people will just give up on me if they can't access my site!


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Re: Site unavailable in certain countries?
« Reply #23 on: 30 March 2010, 06:14:31 pm »
That was supposed to be:

I don'tthink this is going to come up as a link, how do I set it as one?


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Re: Site unavailable in certain countries?
« Reply #24 on: 30 March 2010, 07:55:06 pm »
Yeah, you've been caught in a sweep. That list is one of ISPs with particular sorts of clients, and it so happens that you're at one of them. If you look around that iblocklist site, you'll see at least one of the lists there blocks iblocklist itself: it's that chaotic and there isn't any regulation - if people find a list blocks things they want and they have had enough of adding exceptions, they will stop using the list. is like the which has been mentioned here - give it a site name and it sees if it can get a response from it. The success at both should reassure him that it's ok to list the site.

The DNS should only be an issue if it wasn't set up correctly (and a couple of checks reckon it is fine) or if you have moved server recently.

There are 950-odd domains using the same IP address as your site. I will PM Anika Mae with the names of a couple of them so we can see if she can see them. Either way, it tells us something.

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Re: Site unavailable in certain countries?
« Reply #25 on: 31 March 2010, 01:15:35 am »
Hi again,

I  contacted the administrator  of iblocklist and he told me it wasn't such a big deal to be on this list , that a small percentage of internet users subscribe to it.  So that's stopped the hyperventilating for now.

He also told me it's not worth switching ISPs over as whichever I moved to stood a "good chance" of being on the very same list!

Curiously, the site administrator of the escort directory never did tell me if he could access my site with any of the solutions I offered him BUT he did try to convince me to pay him to promote my site and be my webmaster?!?

Anika, were you ever able to access my site?

Thanks to everyone for all your input on this one.


Anika Mae

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Re: Site unavailable in certain countries?
« Reply #26 on: 31 March 2010, 01:40:22 am »
Nope. I've never managed to access your site, and I couldn't get to any of the other ones Ian sent me either.


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Re: Site unavailable in certain countries?
« Reply #27 on: 31 March 2010, 02:33:32 am »
I might be stupid to ask, xw5, but what does this tell us?



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Re: Site unavailable in certain countries?
« Reply #28 on: 31 March 2010, 12:18:11 pm »
1) It's not just your site, it's everything at the server you use.

2) It's a very probably a problem somewhere at

I will ask someone I know who is also with Virgin Media to have a look...

'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."


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Re: Site unavailable in certain countries?
« Reply #29 on: 31 March 2010, 02:39:07 pm »
I'm with Virgin Media, if by taking a look you mean literally doing that (and reporting) and not someone who Knows Stuff and can contribute more helpfully! :)
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