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Author Topic: Self conscious about stretch marks [was: Hi...]  (Read 2119 times)


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Re: Self conscious about stretch marks [was: Hi...]
« Reply #15 on: 31 August 2018, 01:01:43 pm »
One thing to bear in mind is that clients are not one homologous group; each man has individual tastes, just like in "real life", so some will find you attractive and others won't. My philosophy was to be truthful in my marketing so that clients weren't disappointed when they met me, so I didn't photoshop my photos (other than removing temporary blemishes like spots and bruises) or wear bras that made my tits look bigger. I put my vital stats on my website. I have very old faded stretch marks and some celulite, but I never mentioned those as I felt they were superficial, but if I felt they needed to be mentioned I'd have hinted that my body wasn't "perfect", maybe using some phrase like "I'm a "real" woman" (although I hate that phrase). You've mentioned MILF, and I think that's a good idea. Sensible men know childbirth changes a woman's body.

Thanks everyone what's a waspie?

It's a short corset that goes from underbust to hips, like a sort of really wide belt.


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Re: Self conscious about stretch marks [was: Hi...]
« Reply #16 on: 31 August 2018, 08:31:44 pm »
One thing to bear in mind is that clients are not one homologous group; each man has individual tastes, just like in "real life", so some will find you attractive and others won't. My philosophy was to be truthful in my marketing so that clients weren't disappointed when they met me, so I didn't photoshop my photos (other than removing temporary blemishes like spots and bruises) or wear bras that made my tits look bigger. I put my vital stats on my website. I have very old faded stretch marks and some celulite, but I never mentioned those as I felt they were superficial, but if I felt they needed to be mentioned I'd have hinted that my body wasn't "perfect", maybe using some phrase like "I'm a "real" woman" (although I hate that phrase). You've mentioned MILF, and I think that's a good idea. Sensible men know childbirth changes a woman's body.

It's a short corset that goes from underbust to hips, like a sort of really wide belt.

Are those available in Ann Summers?

Yes I've added that I'm a young milf on my profile as I have seen guys say on a PF that women in their 20s arnt milfs so I don't know where that leaves me if I'm not seen as old enough to be a milf. But I've got new photos on so will see how it goes


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Re: Self conscious about stretch marks [was: Hi...]
« Reply #17 on: 01 September 2018, 12:28:16 pm »
I had a younger guy telling me I was too young to be a milf.
I challenged him and asked him what the definition of a milf was. He gave the obvious reply. So I asked him which bit didn't apply to me considering I have kids.
Sometimes they stay stupid things without thinking them through.


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Re: Self conscious about stretch marks [was: Hi...]
« Reply #18 on: 01 September 2018, 12:53:11 pm »
It's not obligatory to pigeonhole yourself with stupid acronyms, you know. You can always just not use any of them :).


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Re: Self conscious about stretch marks [was: Hi...]
« Reply #19 on: 01 September 2018, 02:36:44 pm »
A waspie is so called because just like a wasp's body it nips you in to give a very small waist and while I don't have an uncomfortable boned one I do have some nice  deep suspender belts and  little see through tops which can stay on and just pulled down, anything to appear almost naked but just cover a little bit here and there.  If they want totally naked I do it as not ashamed of my body even though I have had it over 55 years and it is wearing out in places.  ;D

Can't win though as have had an unsubtle comment form one man along the lines of "oh we blokes know all you escorts' secrets to look younger/slimmer than you really are"  Very nearly kicked him in the balls but held back as not good for business if not a ball kicking booking!!  :P 

I prefer my bookings morning to mid day as that is when my belly is flattest. Silly I know but there you go.


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Re: Self conscious about stretch marks [was: Hi...]
« Reply #20 on: 03 September 2018, 12:39:19 pm »
I'm a parent too, big pouch and lots of stretch marks and I've never had an issue! I wear a high waisted suspenders belt that covers my belly if I'm bloated or if I think the client would care. I've also gained and lost and gained a lot of weight over the last three years (have gone from a 16 to a 12 and back up again) and it's always been fine. I just market as curvy. You'll be fine :)

Chanel xxx

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Re: Self conscious about stretch marks [was: Hi...]
« Reply #21 on: 03 September 2018, 07:03:23 pm »
I don’t have any children but I have stretch marks on my hips and faint ones in my thighs. As I got older my stretch marks on one side of my hips got really bad as in discoloured and pronounced. I hated them so much that I spent around £200 on a tattoo to cover them up. If I wasn’t a sw I probably wouldn’t have bothered but I feel so much more confident now.
So, what she done said was that happy hoes ain’t hating and hating hoes ain’t happy.


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Re: Self conscious about stretch marks [was: Hi...]
« Reply #22 on: 08 September 2018, 06:57:44 pm »
I'm plus sized and have very bad stretch marks and mum pouch tum but I am honest on my profile about my size and I state that I have a lot of stretchmarks. So people can make their own mind up before they book. I still get bookings and so far nobody has been put off by it that I have been aware of. I think most men are not bothered. I have found escorting has improved my body confidence.