I would just like to point out that depression can be an illness that you have that isnt caused by a particular event or circumstance. Sometimes its just an caused by a chemical inbalance that you have a predisposition to and will only be made easier if and when that inbalance is sorted either by medication, exercise or herbal. So I would recommend you researching altnernative methods also as a simple thing like diet can affect you.
I am putting this one out here as mental health is something close to my heart. I do suffer with depression and was dianogised 3 years ago. Since then I have therapy, cbt and medication. I now use herbal remedies, exercise and keep a dairy but the main reason I am able to live with this illness is by accepting that it is part of me and recognising warning symptoms of a down spell eg sleeping too much.
It seems weird but the reason I have become an escort is because it does help me overcome these issues because it makes me feel powerful, sexy, femine and love being my own boss but thats my mindset it doesnt work like that for everyone and everyone will at some point feel depressed within thier lives.
I think what I am trying to say is there is a difference between someone who suffers with depression and someone who is depressed and so the treatment needs sometimes to differ with each type and so I would try and find out which one you think it might be and research the best way of treating your symptoms.
Just an idea tho maybe we could create something ourselves to help WG who have mental health issues or need to talk about any issues encountered by this job? We see there is a gap in the care for us so why don't we do something about it ourselves?