Hi everyone majorly sorry for ridiculously long post , but I don't know who to talk to or just vent my feelings too.
I'm in bed majorly stressed out I've been having problems with periods ,irregular etc , this year. I think I'm actually hitting the menopause or in it ? .
I've had a period , heavy now for over ten days and the one prior to that only finished with one clear week in between . I'm finding it impossible to work , plus I have bad cramping.I've been to the Doctors a couple of times and had HRT prescribed that appeared to be a stab in the dark, with my G.P just asking if I wanted the equine one that can give you excess hair ( he said face etc) or one of the synthetic ones that he said could affect my libido...it did ( killed it couldn't even muster up a sexy thought )plus bled non stop and got bad fluid retention.
Now I've put myself on Yasmin birth control ( it's being used as HRT in older women now), my G.P mentioned it ages ago as an option to control bleeding. I've been taking it a week now and still no let up, and I'm panicking re work . My work flat is miles away so going to the docs etc for blood tests etc is a complete nightmare on top of getting an actual appointment. The Gum clinic have been good , near where I work and have got me an ultrasound next week as I had blood in my urine and she thinks I may have a kidney stone as well .
I'm just feeling pretty run down , tired, worried about money( can't see how I can work I'm white as a sheet) etc. Just really wondered if anyone knows a quick fix energy wise, I'm guessing I might be a bit anaemic but iron takes quite a while to replenish , I know what to eat leafy green veg and red meat etc but didn't know if there's a tonic or something to help with that or if anyone has any experience with Yasmin ...I'm so sorry for the long post but when your GP doesn't know I can't be bleeding because of my job it's difficult , because the response is a bit " oh don't worry it's the menopause it'll ( bleeding) stop soon "
I understand if nobody can even answer but it's been nearly all this year I've had problems working due to medical , reasons so I'm majorly behind , plus I can't take ibrufen or mefanamic acid ( stops periods) due to a bloody gastric problem.
I'm now thinking I'm gonna have to earn so might have to take that norethisterone tablets again ..but then my cycle goes way out of wack and I seriously have a car crash period that doesn't stop ..
Really sorry just needed to rant , just feel like I need some energy, but walked around the block last night and had really bad cramping / lower back ache .