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Author Topic: Sex work and the menopause  (Read 22155 times)


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Re: Sex work and the menopause
« Reply #60 on: 19 October 2017, 11:13:26 pm »
I am getting the hot flushes+ night sweats and mood swings I have no desire for a relationship and just manage clients part time I quite enjoy the physical experience and excitement of sex work plus I need the money . Quite happy to see guys and not commit to anyone  just bookings only twice a week.
Many ladies go off sex with menopause but fortunately I've not yet .
I am taking only evening primrose Oil capsules can any ladies in a similar position recommend anything else as it's getting a bit much .I've not been offered HRT and have never had kids or a historectomy . There is a produxt for night sweats  that's herbal sold in Holland and Barrett but I'm on thyroxine for hypothyroidism so it won't agree with me sadly not sure what ekse is available to try 
How do you find working and the change ?  :-\


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Re: Sex work and the menopause
« Reply #62 on: 20 October 2017, 05:47:13 am »
Thank you xx
I have no period sincr January so there's the only plus for me .

Nora batty

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Re: Sex work and the menopause
« Reply #63 on: 20 October 2017, 06:48:41 am »
I started the menapause 2 years ago.  Like you I on levothyroxine (I have no thyroid gland) and I have kidney issues.  I was offered HRT but declined it due to the risks that brings.  I was offered Gabbapentin, it's an alternative to HRT but Drs don't like you being on it too long as it's addictive.  I declined that too on the basis that it's addictive.

I have zero sex drive, but can manage bookings.  But I do massage HR a lot as well as escort.

What I have found helps is wearing clothes in light layers, so when I feel the flush start, I literally strip layers off, especially upper body.  I basically have nothing on my shoulders or top back area.  Sipping water when the hot flush starts helps too.  Flushes come hard and fast for me a few weeks at a time, then go away then come back.

Exercising helped with my mindset.  As I get moody, depressed, angry.  It really does help.  It also keeps the weight down.  I found I gained a stone with menapause, but I am have got that off now and my figure is very very good now, all down to weights and exercise.

The broken sleep, I have been using meditation apps with headphones to help me get back off to sleep.  I still wake up at stupid o'clock and fall asleep early in the evening.  I not found anything helpful for this, but if anyone else has please say, as I really struggle with this.  And if I honest I have been smoking a joint every night to knock me to sleep but I don't want to keep doing that.

When I am on a "angry" day, I can't work.  When I am on a "fatigue" day I don't even get dressed.  These days there is no point even trying as I would put myself in a very bad mood and even the slightest misdemeanours from clients I want to physically hurt them lol.  So listen to your body.

I also take Well Woman Menapause Vitiams daily, which I buy from the local supermarket, probably just an angle at selling us higher priced Vitiams but as my appetite has gone it helps put back in my body what my body needs.  I haven't noticed any difference to be honest but I still take them.

I found Drs attitudes crap, it's either take HRT or get on with it.

Sex work whilst going through the change can be difficult, as some days I feel as sexy as a bag of spuds. 


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Re: Sex work and the menopause
« Reply #64 on: 20 October 2017, 07:48:45 am »
I take vitamin B3 at night for sleep it is great.  The daily recommended dose on the Holland & Barrett bottle states 100 mg but I take 300 mg daily since online it does state you can have up to 500 mg daily dose.

It has done wonders for my broken sleep since spring of this year.  Prior to that I had had six months of really interrupted sleep and worse still waking up at 3 am sometimes and not being able to return to sleep!

For hot flushes people swear by sage tablets.  I don't get much else.

For libido issues there is a homoeopathic that seems to help if anybody wishes to privately message me I can let them know.

Parsley tea also helps libido.  Don't make it too strong or it can induce menstruation and also make the bowels a bit loose!


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Re: Sex work and the menopause
« Reply #65 on: 20 October 2017, 10:44:39 am »
Vitamin B is one of the few vitamins you can take that don't get stored in the body , you just pass it out , it makes your urine bright yellow almost luminous , then you know you've had enough  ;D


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Re: Sex work and the menopause
« Reply #66 on: 20 October 2017, 05:10:06 pm »
It sounds really difficult, Nora.   :-[ There are quite a few posters on this site who have thyroid issues. 


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Re: Sex work and the menopause
« Reply #67 on: 20 October 2017, 09:25:29 pm »
NB ,
I've been checking this out myself and prenatal vits are supposed to be really good  ;D


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Re: Sex work and the menopause
« Reply #68 on: 16 November 2017, 03:41:36 pm »
I am going through the peri menopause.  The last 2/3 years my periods have gotten more and more irregular, from missing every second one last year, the last maybe 9 months I?ve been skipping a couple then getting one.

I haven?t had too much of a problem until recently except for never knowing when to expect a period.  I had one a month ago, it didn?t get going properly so I was surprised when a few weeks later I got another one.

All of a sudden I started getting full on night sweats (starting 2 nights prior to the period, actually thought I was getting ill), then my actual period was intolerably painful to a level I?ve never known before.

I can normally manage to work on my period, but from day 2 the flow was so heavy, it was so painful I couldn?t.  I also felt physically ill.

I don?t want to go on HRT if I can help it, I also get migraines so my options are limited there anyway.  I don?t like my current GP (last summer my GP practice shut down and had to move), he?s an unsympathetic guy and I don?t want to see him for normal stuff let alone this.  For some reason (and I?ve tried 3 times) they won?t let me see a different doctor, they fobbed me off with a nurse 6 months ago, she was very blas? and unhelpful, and this was before things worsened with my periods.

So until I can change doctors I?m not sure what to do.  I suppose when I go for my next check up at clinic I could bring it up.

In the meantime dreading my next period if its going to be like this last one. It meant I wasn?t able to work for a full week.

Any ideas?


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Re: Sex work and the menopause
« Reply #69 on: 16 November 2017, 04:04:01 pm »
I've been going through this for the last two years I've had to cancel loads of tours including the one I'm supposed to be on now !

It's a complete nightmare , I've lost more money than I've made it's crazy and I'm starting to feel I am now too !

I'm happy to pm if you want :)

I've also had the mirena in to stop bleeding and had pretty much 4 months of bleeding prior , they convinced me it would stop it but nope , the Mirena made me ill and continued to bleed or a further eight months on and off .

I took that out myself in the hope it would stop , it did after the initial bleed then stopped , I booked and paid , again upfront as convinced it was definately ok , only to end up in hospital on the day I should of left .

I have posted in a menopause thread but can't use the search facility at the moment due to the server issues, I've also posted in the mirena one .

Best wishes


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Re: Sex work and the menopause
« Reply #70 on: 16 November 2017, 04:43:24 pm »
Thanks I?m a little bit at my wits end. The pain was out of this world bad.

I kept waking up in the dead of night or early hours with horrendous cramps where I was in tears   :'(. I?m a poor sleeper anyway but found out this is yet another effect of the peri menopause...

I heard that about the Mirena so decided that wasn?t an option.

If my periods suddenly start being more frequent (has happened) then I may have a week or 10 days each month where I can?t work


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Re: Sex work and the menopause
« Reply #71 on: 16 November 2017, 05:12:51 pm »
Yep exactly the same , never have I been in bed with cramps like it , then knackered in the day and really tired .
Also I've never ever had a migraine ( not even from a hangover just a Muzzy head) but these are untrue .


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Re: Sex work and the menopause
« Reply #72 on: 16 November 2017, 05:32:48 pm »
I have been working as a service provider since way before my menopause which happened around 5 years ago. Several of my civvy friends and family have suffered or are suffering in varying degrees with the sweats and all the other side effects mentioned by others. I almost feel guilty as my own menopause passed by with hardly a whimper. Periods which had always been pretty much regular and reliable and not heavy, just stopped. One or two over the next few months but after that nothing at all. Hot flushes I can count on one hand and no other significant side effects I can think of, I know how lucky I am because for many women in whatever job have horrendous times with menopausal symptoms which can drag on for years.

No HRT was ever suggested to me as I had no need to visit a doctor during my change, but I know one lady who is suffering badly with general tiredness and aches and pains but will not seek help as she is afraid she will be prescribed HRT and is fearful of it due to all the scare stories. 

As a service provider it must be very stressful to want to take bookings but not risk having to cancel and/or go through with the bookings while feeling physically awful.

I wish I could wave that magic wand over others that was waived over me but there is one little thing  which still nags me, I was told that the menopause is with us when once it starts and never actually finishes, there for new symptoms can appear at any time and I am still waiting for mine to show, how can I have felt almost nothing? Is that normal?


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Re: Sex work and the menopause
« Reply #73 on: 16 November 2017, 06:02:18 pm »
Yep exactly the same , never have I been in bed with cramps like it , then knackered in the day and really tired .
Also I've never ever had a migraine ( not even from a hangover just a Muzzy head) but these are untrue .

Strangely enough I?ve had virtually zero migraines this year.  I could not cope with an increase in them as well!

I am praying this one was a once off so it won?t affect work too much...


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Re: Sex work and the menopause
« Reply #74 on: 16 November 2017, 06:08:50 pm »
I wish I could wave that magic wand over others that was waived over me but there is one little thing  which still nags me, I was told that the menopause is with us when once it starts and never actually finishes, there for new symptoms can appear at any time and I am still waiting for mine to show, how can I have felt almost nothing? Is that normal?

I think there the general medical line is, once you haven?t had a period for a year you have officially reached the menopause, average time to get to that stage is 4 years...

I don?t think there is a normal way to experience the menopause. The nurse I saw 6 months ago before things got bad just didn?t take my worries seriously at all, she was so blas? she was horizontal, and it was pointless to have seen her.  She just told me I was having it easy...

Thanks nursie! How about some constructive advice.  And one things for sure I?m not seeing her again.

Of course she has no idea about the sexwork. Which is why it?s probably a good idea to make a clinic appt. asap.