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Author Topic: Reverse oral unprotected  (Read 23290 times)

Sylvia C

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Reverse oral unprotected
« on: 22 October 2009, 09:55:23 am »
Hi, Not sure if I am posting in the correct place, this is my first visit. I have been an escort now since March of this year (2009) the question is: when I give my date oral I always use a condom, but my dates spend most of their time giving me oral, which I do BB, do all escorts do the same, if so ok, if not what is suggested. I do not do anal, ws, cim or cum on my face and penetration is always protected. ???

Anika Mae

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Re: Reverse oral unprotected
« Reply #1 on: 22 October 2009, 10:21:16 am »
It's normal in this country for female escorts to receive oral without protection if they do it. The risks to either party are low, and I think lower for us than for them.

You can use dental dams if you want to, though you'd probably get some resistance since guys aren't used to them. I saw a suggestion once that if you're using a dam but a client wants to taste you you can turn the dam around once it's picked up some juices.

Sylvia C

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Re: Reverse oral unprotected
« Reply #2 on: 22 October 2009, 11:46:02 am »
Thank you so much for your reply. Although I have only been an escort since March this year. I am actually 54 years old, at my age you would think I would know the answers. LOL xx


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Re: Reverse oral unprotected
« Reply #3 on: 06 December 2009, 03:22:29 pm »
Hi al,

Not sure if this is the right place to post. Seems to be several dicussions on this topic.

I am returning to work On Monday. Iused to when i worked before offer owo and cim. But I  have just spoken to an old friend who is also returning after  abreak.

She told me that  she caught varying diseases, (athough she wouldnt elaborate on which ones) from unprotected reverse oral and unprotected oral on hersef.

now I know it is a one in how many chance but it is not a risk i would like to take either for mysef or my clients.

I think not offering owo or cim is simple enough. And it is easy enough to slip a condom on aguy. But what about protetcting myself?

i cant envisage in the middle of an appointment getting out  a dental dam/female condom. They are alittle fiddly and take more time than a condom. And as you said somewhere anika mae,  gusy are not familiar with it? help.
« Last Edit: 06 December 2009, 04:52:32 pm by amy »


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Re: Reverse oral unprotected
« Reply #4 on: 06 December 2009, 05:04:22 pm »
Found it! Beebuzz, I've merged your post into a thread that deals specifically with RO, as this appears to be your main concern here.

I don't know what it is your friend caught during reverse oral, but if it was anything other than herpes (which is the only thing I worry much about catching from this) then she would have to have been spectacularly unlucky. I would say give the dams a go if it bothers you that much, but I have never used them except when asked, and never caught a thing - if your client has open sores or lesions in his mouth it goes without saying he shouldn't be doing it anyway.

If you don't want to do it, don't do it. It isn't the be all and end all and no-one can complain as long as you're upfront about it. But I wouldn't worry unduly - the risk really is very small (and I would question how your friend knows for certain that she was infected from RO, to be honest).


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Re: Reverse oral unprotected
« Reply #5 on: 06 December 2009, 05:26:36 pm »
 Thanks for the merge thats great !  Um I knew someone would ask how she knew. i asked her that alreday and her answer was that she went through a period of only offering orals due to problems down there or something  and she said this was for a while. She said that it wasonly after this and going to clinic to be tested that she found out!

I  have no reason to doubt what she says! And she wont tell me what she got so it must  be either serious or very embarrassing.  And if it is true then i dont think it is a risk i want to take. Im quite happy to be firm about no owo or cim but surely part of the package is for guys  to perform oral on me if they want.

And i enjoy oral so  what to do? Im thinking about anika maes previous post about gusy not being used to the dama  and  meeting resistance?

Im not just thinking of myself, I am thinking of the welfare of other clients.


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Re: Reverse oral unprotected
« Reply #6 on: 06 December 2009, 05:40:30 pm »
My concern also would be if a client has picked soemething up and gives it to me and then I end up passing it to other clients. Then I have the nice embarassing task of having to explain to clients that I got something and they should get checked.

It also puts me out of work which is  very annoying and as i am going to be working for an agency these are things i would rather not having to end up explaining.

My biggest fear is of  a client having hiv and passing it onto  me via oral sex.  I know the risk is small and not likely but all the same it is there. And yes it is more likely to be increased risks with  cuts and   legions and blood to blood cuts.

But how would I know a client has bleeding gums or whatever? I wouldnt necessarily.............
« Last Edit: 06 December 2009, 06:25:50 pm by beebuzz »


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Re: Reverse oral unprotected
« Reply #7 on: 06 December 2009, 09:53:35 pm »
One last thing,

If i did wish to get a dental dam then are there any shops on the high street or would it have  to be online? Just wondering as work starts tomorrow.

Oh and you must all think i am some saddo with the the mount Im posting lol. With abit of luck ill be working soon and wont have to bother you all so much ha ha ha


Anika Mae

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Re: Reverse oral unprotected
« Reply #8 on: 06 December 2009, 11:19:00 pm »
I don't think you're likely to get them on the high street. Good sex shops might have them, but I think your best bet is an outreach project or GUM clinic.

You can also use non-microwavable cling film.


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Re: Reverse oral unprotected
« Reply #9 on: 06 December 2009, 11:28:57 pm »
ha ha ha,

 Non  Microwaveable clingfilm.................... that just made me laugh. However i dont think it be  as nice for the client and as you say  some men are not used to this method and resistant so  perhaps not?????????/

I mean a dam is not the same anyway . But i am thinking if we use condoms on them which  for me is less pleasurable but vital for hath issues then why cant  they just do the same  lol?

So in regard to my other question  am i being totally paranoid about this whole thing? I just do not want to   something that wil make me feel uncomfortable?


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Re: Reverse oral unprotected
« Reply #10 on: 07 December 2009, 01:35:32 am »
You can use dental dams if you want to, though you'd probably get some resistance since guys aren't used to them. I saw a suggestion once that if you're using a dam but a client wants to taste you you can turn the dam around once it's picked up some juices.

Just wondering - After using the dam for a little while the woman's juices are on the one side the man's saliva on the other side of the dam. So turning it over means the man is licking the woman's juces off the dam and the man's saliva is coming into contact with the woman's genitals - doesn't that defeat the entire purpose of using the dental dam?
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Re: Reverse oral unprotected
« Reply #11 on: 07 December 2009, 01:57:12 am »
I wondered the same thing.


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Re: Reverse oral unprotected
« Reply #12 on: 07 December 2009, 02:04:14 am »
i cant envisage in the middle of an appointment getting out  a dental dam/female condom. They are alittle fiddly and take more time than a condom. And as you said somewhere anika mae,  gusy are not familiar with it? help.

Since a female condom doesn't cover the outer labila, clitoris or perenium I would say it is pretty useless as RO protection and wouldn't recommend it.

My biggest fear is of  a client having hiv and passing it onto  me via oral sex.  I know the risk is small and not likely but all the same it is there. And yes it is more likely to be increased risks with  cuts and   legions and blood to blood cuts.

In all the global studies concerning HIV and AIDS, there are no known cases of HIV transmission through RO or through OWO for that matter. In theory it is possible, but in theory you can get HIV from an infected person's tears. I can understand however that you may worry, I just think you would have to be extremely unlucky for it to happen. On the bright side you would make medical history.

So in regard to my other question  am i being totally paranoid about this whole thing? I just do not want to   something that wil make me feel uncomfortable?

With all due respect I think Amy has answered that question fully, the risk of catching anything via RO is minimal, but if you are uncomfortable doing it unprotected use dams or tell the clients you don't do RO. You should never do anything you are uncomfortable with.
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Re: Reverse oral unprotected
« Reply #13 on: 07 December 2009, 09:55:02 am »
You can also use non-microwavable cling film.

The small holes that appear in microwave cling film (saran wrap, I think is what Americans call it) only do so at temperatures far higher than body heat, so it's usable too.

In all the global studies concerning HIV and AIDS, there are no known cases of HIV transmission through RO or through OWO for that matter.

To be fair, while I think that is right regarding RO, there are a few possible ones for OWO almost invariably involving CIM, but the risk of that - if they are HIV+ - is at most 'almost nil'. Very very little of the oral sex that goes on between men in the UK involves condoms, for example, and there isn't a link between that and whether they have HIV. (In contrast, there are studies that report that none of the men they looked at who have never done BB have HIV, while all the ones with HIV have, for example)

My cynical view is that dental dams were pushed within the lesbian communities as a way of avoiding talking about the real HIV risks there: sex with men and IV drug use.

For other STIs, the risks are also nil to very low - the arguments about whether some of the bacterial ones are ever transmitted orally to women still go on - but for some people, that's too high, hence..

With all due respect I think Amy has answered that question fully, the risk of catching anything via RO is minimal, but if you are uncomfortable doing it unprotected use dams or tell the clients you don't do RO. You should never do anything you are uncomfortable with.

.. is absolutely right.

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Anika Mae

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Re: Reverse oral unprotected
« Reply #14 on: 07 December 2009, 11:27:10 am »
The small holes that appear in microwave cling film (saran wrap, I think is what Americans call it) only do so at temperatures far higher than body heat, so it's usable too.

Ahh, thanks. I never actually knew what the distinction was for, it's just what I'd read.