Yes - Paris is really right about sectioning your earnings requirements into smaller, manageable amounts. Don't go thinking "I've got to earn eighteen grand this year. ARGH!" because then you'll just sit there sobbing at the thought of all the thousands of idiots and weirdos you'll be spending the year fighting off while trying to give the decent clients 110% effort - knackering!
I refuse to think more than one month ahead (except when it comes to trying to save, of course, but even then I just save a certain amount each month and most of it's for my tax bill but nonetheless, I just focus on each month in turn and try not to let everything else build up in my mind scarily), these days, and it's helped a lot. Then you can break it down to one week at a time. Knowing exactly what you need for a "minimum target" and "maximum target" is helpful, too; I keep a rather simplistic tally in my diary (basically recording each ?100 that I earn) so that I can see at a glance if I've met my targets that week. It's quite motivating! I do a vaguely similar thing with the hours I spend working on my other-work stuff and it's great to see my progress like that.
LouLou - I totally empathise about how wearing the never-ending barrage of idiocy and disrespect is. And we have to deal with it alone. At least in any other job you've either got colleagues, or you can ring up your mum, if you need to complain about the way so many idiots behave! And of course in our job it's that much more personal. Trying not to get "hardened" and to still bring a fresh, sunny attitude to every good client despite the way we're treated daily by what sometimes in my rather overactive imagination feels like an actual army of idiots - some more vicious than others! - marching towards you 24/7. I know I'm a bit of a sensitive soul and so I know that's why I won't be in the biz for too much longer; the money and hours can be good sometimes, but other times they're actually not, and often times they don't feel worth it compared to putting yourself out there to be disrespected all the time.
Sorry - god, I really do ramble about this all the time! But anyway, I'm just really excited that you've got your plan and that it's working out.
I'm taking loads of the things you've written in your posts here to heart because things like remembering to use this job to make our lives better (rather than feeling "all used up" by the job etc), and to hopefully not have to rely on our sex work earnings entirely but just be grateful for what we do get because it improves our situation while we need it, and so on, are really important. I've got an important meeting to set up and I'm going to do it today, even though I'm still rather terrified of everything and it's sometimes hard to shake the idea that sex work is the only thing you can do - but you've inspired me to just get on with things!