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Author Topic: Romance -- how do you feel about it now after working for a while?  (Read 3312 times)


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When I see romantic films or hear romantic songs, I'm not sure what to think. My cinical side battles with my romantic side. I know now what many men do while romancing their wives and girlfriends. But I want a romantic connection too. How do you feel about romance now? I don't know what to think.


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Re: Romance -- how do you feel about it now after working for a while?
« Reply #1 on: 10 September 2011, 11:26:36 am »
Call me naive but even after nearly 3 years in this job I still believe in love and romance.

The way I always look at it is this. Yes there are men out there who lie and cheat on their partners/ wives and these are the ones that we, by the very nature of our job, get to meet.

But there are also lot's of men out there who have never visited an escort, love their partners / wives and would never be unfaithful. We never get to see those ones though because they are too busy spending time with the people they love and not paying to shag strangers :)

You will always get lying, cheats in this world ( both male and female) and you will also always get kind, basically decent people who believe in faithfulness. Not to say those people don't act like utter berks  sometimes as well but then again don't we all?.

I try my best not to let this job make me bitter and twisted about love. I'm a soft bugger at heart and I don't ever want to become a hardened person who believes every man is a lying scum bag because it's simply not true!


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Re: Romance -- how do you feel about it now after working for a while?
« Reply #2 on: 10 September 2011, 11:34:40 am »
isn't there an element of a double standards here??

(Not sure if thats the right expression)  If we meet someone that is kind, decent, FAITHFUL and so on ... what does that make us?  I agree that some men you wouldnt look twice at and that its ALL about the money with them, but there are times that I have a lot of fun and enjoy it enormously .... but it doesnt mean that we are faithful in the true sense of the word.

However if I found out that my hubby went behind my back I personally would chop his willy off and smack him in the face with a frying pan.   


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Re: Romance -- how do you feel about it now after working for a while?
« Reply #3 on: 10 September 2011, 11:55:19 am »
A double standard in me believing that there are both faithful and unfaithful people in the world Scottishgirl? I'm sorry I don't quite follow what you mean?

With regards to this job and relationships, well that is down to the individual and their conscience really. Css seemed to be asking (or at least I interpreted it as her asking) whether or not she should still believe in love and romance, even after all she has seen doing this job. My personal belief is that she should, others of course are free to disagree (and I'm sure many will ;))

I'm with you on the frying pan though!


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Re: Romance -- how do you feel about it now after working for a while?
« Reply #4 on: 10 September 2011, 12:01:09 pm »
On a slightly different note, one thing that does really mess my head up in this job is when you have a client telling you 'Oh your so beautiful, sexy, amazing, the best thing ever'. Yet in your real life all the men in you know/are interested in are acting like total f**kwits toward you.

I always want to shout at them 'Oh yeah, well go and tell such and such that then because he doesn't seem to bloody well think so'

I feel better for having said that (ahem :-[)

<<shuffles off thread in an embarrassed fashion>>


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Re: Romance -- how do you feel about it now after working for a while?
« Reply #5 on: 10 September 2011, 12:21:50 pm »
of course there is love and romance around, its just harder for us to see it I think.

Are men REALLY so bad for using our service?  Its us as women that perceive it as being 'bad' isn't it?

My hubby and I were swingers and he has been open enough to say if the opportunity arose ( a woman answers the door in a negligee and seduces him - he's a postman BTW) he's not going to turn it down.  I wouldn't 'frying pan' him for that as he would tell me but if I found out he'd used my hard earned cash to visit a WG or had an affair (even worse) yup... I'd have the greatest pleasure in making him suffer! ::)

And I loved 'pretty woman' ...........


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Re: Romance -- how do you feel about it now after working for a while?
« Reply #6 on: 10 September 2011, 12:23:39 pm »
On a slightly different note, one thing that does really mess my head up in this job is when you have a client telling you 'Oh your so beautiful, sexy, amazing, the best thing ever'. Yet in your real life all the men in you know/are interested in are acting like total f**kwits toward you.

I always want to shout at them 'Oh yeah, well go and tell such and such that then because he doesn't seem to bloody well think so'

I feel better for having said that (ahem :-[)

<<shuffles off thread in an embarrassed fashion>>

a good rant makes you feel better!! :-*
of course you are beautiful!  xxxx


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Re: Romance -- how do you feel about it now after working for a while?
« Reply #7 on: 10 September 2011, 05:59:47 pm »
Since doing this job I've began to think all men are absolute **nts and I'd never trust a man again. But having said that one of my sons and his girlfriend are soooooooooo in love and soooo romantic and even while they've been apart and on web cam together 24/7 I know they've never had cam sex or shown each other their bits.
I drove him to the airport yesterday for her return from the US and it was just the most romantic, cutest thing I ever did see. The love light in their eyes as they hugged and kissed.....awwwwwwwww, I melted.
So thanks to them I'm sure love and romance does exist still!

But we obviously get to see all the sleaze balls as that's the nature of our job.


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Re: Romance -- how do you feel about it now after working for a while?
« Reply #8 on: 10 September 2011, 06:49:52 pm »
Ive been doing this for about a year now, ive also been seeing/dating a friend for about the same amount of time... i decided to tell him what i do because i wanted to be honest about what he was letting himself in for.. he himself took it well and made jokes about it.. once my phone rang while i was at his (i thought i had put it off).. he looked at my bag and said ''your whore phone is ringing!!''... i had to laugh and the term has been used ever since, even a few friends has picked it up.

Anyways back to romance, i still believe in it and feel it... with him i get alot more then just a quick fuck..i get cuddled and kissed like i was really his gf (i'm not, we maintain our single works) and the sex is's the kind thats full of feeling and almost proper love making. He makes me coffee in the mornings and dinner at night when i visit his, asks me about my day... ect ect
he doesnt know it.. but i love him and his weird sense of humour.

As for clients, really i dont feel much.. i seem to have this switch that turns me into buisness woman and the focus is all on pleasing the client and making money.. i do my routine and i stick to it..and i dont do it outside of work. I enjoy most of my clients company but at the end of the day it's work, not play.
*Well they're aint no rest for the Wicked and money dont grow on tree's, I bills to pay, i've got mouths to feed aint nothing in this world for free! I cant slow down, i cant hold back.. now you know i wish i could.. well they're aint no rest for the Wicked untill we Close our Eyes for good*


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Re: Romance -- how do you feel about it now after working for a while?
« Reply #9 on: 10 September 2011, 11:59:36 pm »
I think you develop a bit of a cynical attitute towards men and relation ship in this job (which makes total sense as you are dealing 80% of the times with cheats). But like another poster said not all men cheat and there's a lot of good ones out there.

In my case I started dating a client a year ago (which is very rare because I have a strict policy about NOt dating clients and I've always been very good at sticking to it). I wasn't too much into him but he was a really cool and funny guy (I guess he caught me on a "weak day" lol.. And he makes me laugh. A lot. The fact he is really handsome played a part lol). I told him I didn't want to get in a relationship so I limited our dates to twice a month and never let him sleep at my place nor I ever stayed to sleep at his (he's single by the way). Now this has been going on for a year (already!) and the fact that I'm so "stand-offish" has him intrigued  and wanting to see me more. But I "sticked to my guns" and kept him at distance . The problem is that at this point  we've  developed a friendship and i feel confident enough talking him about my job, how i feel about it, my personal life etc.... Dating a sex worker is totally new to him and my impression is that he's  coming to terms with it. He's informed he he wants to take it "to the next level" but I met him thru work so I'm taking him with a HUGE pinch of salt. I'm not sure I want to take it to the next level (besides: I'm just happy the way things are!).

Maybe I'm not romantic, maybe the job has made me bitter, maybe I'm not meant to be in a relationship or maybe I'm just "not that much into him" lol...  I guess I'll stay the way I am and see were this goes. I'm in no rush.

Any feedback will be appreciated  ;D

« Last Edit: 11 September 2011, 12:16:01 am by Ana30 »
Mornings were made for sleeping, wild sex and bacon.


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Re: Romance -- how do you feel about it now after working for a while?
« Reply #10 on: 11 September 2011, 05:03:48 pm »
shit I have accidentally started a new thread topic because the session got timed out mid rant! mods please merge with the original "romance" thread . sorry!  :-[
"Good things come to those who hustle" Anais Nin


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Re: Romance -- how do you feel about it now after working for a while?
« Reply #11 on: 11 September 2011, 05:06:22 pm »
shit I have accidentally started a new thread topic because the session got timed out mid rant! mods please merge with the original "romance" thread . sorry!  :-[

Done :)


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Re: Romance -- how do you feel about it now after working for a while?
« Reply #12 on: 11 September 2011, 05:56:33 pm »
''your whore phone is ringing!!''

lol I call mine my whore phone!  ;D

I am married and the two are so separate. Yes if I was single I can see your view of the male species could become quite distorted and for that reason I'm so glad to already have my partner. It makes me feel even more lucky to have him  :D


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Re: Romance -- how do you feel about it now after working for a while?
« Reply #13 on: 12 September 2011, 07:57:06 pm »
I log in here almost every day, read the new posts and mostly log off again. I think this site is an absolute treasure!
I've gleaned so much information that's helped me more than I can say and I thank you all.
However, unless I need guidance and support or I have anything  constructive to say on a certain topic, tend to stay in the background, as I'm relatively new to the job and usually find that most, if not all of my concerns are voiced by the more experienced of you;-)
Having read this thread and responding posts, I felt a need to put my thoughts out for an airing!
From what I've experienced so far, the 'family man' seems to be our main bread and butter. I often think that if it wasn't for the likes of us, so many of these guys would have a mistress on the side. What would that mean?
1. Emotional blackmail from said mistresses
2. Anxiety, stress for the guy, trying to juggle 2 lives
3. Risk of mistress 'spilling the beans' to his family
4. Family's heartbreak, distress, pain if they found out
... The guy loves his wife and family, she loves him. They've been together for 20yrs or so. They don't have a great deal of passion any more maybe, but they'd lie down and die for each other or their kids.
His physical needs outway hers, he needs sex... come and see your local friendly escort. No harm done;-)
The guy has more love and respect for his family than maybe you think? Isn't it the one's who take a mistress who are the real selfish, thoughtless gits?



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Re: Romance -- how do you feel about it now after working for a while?
« Reply #14 on: 12 September 2011, 08:32:00 pm »

I seem to have the opposite thing from all of you.  I was already cynical before I started this job  to be honest, and not because of it. Although  this job has helped to enhance the feeling at times  minus the occasions of getting some lovely clients.

I have always had the ability to compartmentalise. t I got married  whe  I was really young and  ran an antiques business with my ex husband.

Now, the next bit but make me sound really bad but often , id find myself lying in bed , fully engaged in body and one part of my mind. The other part of my mind would be thinking about such things as Sainsbury's and shopping lists. Yes, really.

Oh gosh, i hope that does not make me sound really evil. Bottom line is i do not do commitment or long term relationships as they make me feel hemmed in and cooped up hence why I like and enjoy this job he he.

As to whether  romance still exists, I am sure it does. There are lots of people who are  sex workers but also have boyfriends or are married. It's just not for me  but if you want it to exist then I'm sure it could.