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Author Topic: Returning to work and starting again  (Read 2130 times)


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Returning to work and starting again
« on: 22 April 2016, 03:24:21 pm »
Hey ladies

I haven't worked for over a year now I was in a relationship after being a escort and a independent lady for 6 years I decided I wanted to retire I fell in love I gave up work for him and moved to where he lives . He slowly tried to control me and was starting to get very abusive . I have left him and I'm poor I want to get back into work . I have just moved out his house left majority of my stuff not worth it . I'm on my way to family members house . Before I moved in with him and we became bf and gf I was very honest told him bout escorting and web cam he said he did not mind the web cam but the escorting had to stop which I did . The past 6 months he has made my life hell found ways to stop me from camming usually switching off the wifi or screaming and shouting at me . I have lost a lot of money when he carrys  on like that when he goes away to work is the only time I could cam in Peace .

He has been threatening to tell my family members and friends bout how I used to escort and I said well they all know any way so do what you want so he is now threatening to harass them .

I'm basically having to start over again get a new place and re furnish it and so on .  I feel very down at the mo and I don't know where to start . My plan at the mo is to stay with a family member for now and just cam it's just hard to cam from there I wanna get some money behind me before I go tour . I feel like he has  totally knocked my confidence I feel like I have put weight on and I don't look sexy any more also feel nervous to start work again it's a strange feeling . I was considering doing some agency work to get some money behind me before I go off and tour just hate working for others . 

Any of you ladies ever had to start back to work again ?

And any advice xxx


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Re: Returning to work and starting again
« Reply #1 on: 22 April 2016, 05:37:09 pm »
I've been in abusive controlling relationships and know how it feels trying to piece your life back together afterwards, well done for getting away from him. I've not been escorting long but in the past have given up working in strip clubs and webcamming for boyfriends and I know it's weird going back to that sort of thing after you've been gone for a while but you get back into the swing of things pretty quickly, just stay strong and focus on yourself xx


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Re: Returning to work and starting again
« Reply #2 on: 22 April 2016, 05:46:18 pm »
I just started working again after a year due to family problem. I just did some shopping for clothes, accessories e.t.c Got be into the routine of getting up early, saving etc updating my profile and waiting for the calls. Was a tad bit nervous but yeh I am back.

Just got same problem with accomodation and now with trying to fit it around family memebers who need help, hopefully I will sort it all out soon.

Just follow your old routine and you will get back into the swing of things. Best of luck xx


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Re: Returning to work and starting again
« Reply #3 on: 23 April 2016, 12:21:34 am »
Thank you both for your replies . It so hard I always felt that when  I found a guy to be with I would  tell them bout my past and would quit for them . I think I have learnt not to be so hasty to quit and not tell men bout escort work . I'm thankful majority of my family know so when he made his threat wasn't in to much of a Panic.  I rather he didn't harass my family but if my escorting was a total secret to them all I would be in such a panic . I'm gonna try to get as much together as I can on webcam and then go off and tour it's just having the money for hotels I don't even have enough travel money at the mo ha. Like you both said bit by bit I'll get there I could go work at a agency but I don't like them . The one my friend works at she likes she makes between 200 and 400 night I just don't want to be in agency or massage parlours enrivoment I'm wondering whether I should just do it for a couple of nights . Xx 


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Re: Returning to work and starting again
« Reply #4 on: 23 April 2016, 12:49:15 am »

I can totally relate to this too, it's not easy starting afresh especially when you feel at a low ebb after an abusive relationship. I'm recently making a comeback after leaving AW for a year and just seeing old regulars, I do agree that it feels difficult to 'get sorted' when you don't have the cash for tours and can't accommodate incalls where you live.

If I was you I'd stick to your original plan about saving for a hotel before you consider parlours, I don't know about you but I would feel a little resentful having to charge a certain rate set by the owners and having a big percentage taken from me. I was considering that route myself not too long ago, but I changed my mind after doing some research. I would just take my time and save a little from webcamming and advertise incalls when you've got enough money set aside to pay for a night or two in a hotel. Premier inns and such tend to be quite affordable, you don't need to rush into anything so long as you've got enough to live for the time being.

Don't worry yourself about being outed, it's not nice and I hope it doesn't happen to you (it's happened to me) but if the worst happens then just remember it'll be yesterday's chip paper before long and it'll die down. The only people who's opinions mean shit is your family and friends, who cares what strangers say, they don't pay the bills :)

You're rid of the asshole now and free to be your own person again, enjoy it. It's so  empowering when you find your feet and start earning good money again.

Good luck xx


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Re: Returning to work and starting again
« Reply #5 on: 23 April 2016, 01:19:52 am »
Thanks Hun those are very kind words . I have worked for parlours when been desperate for cash there not long term but if your skint can really help you out. But the way I'm feeling right now think parlour would make me more depressed you can some right idiots sit in parlours and just be rude or waste time . Plus some times the girls can be bitchy you have to pay out loads in some of them . But with parlours they can very busy if your getting picked .

I worked for agency's when I first started at 20 and I found the receptionists to be not so nice and the hours to be long and usually you either get a very nice driver or a asshole . You can get agency's also where you just work from a aperment and you don't even see any one just put there money into a safe there's so many different ways to work being indie suits me better . Majority of my family know and some are disgusted and some are ok with it .


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Re: Returning to work and starting again
« Reply #6 on: 23 April 2016, 02:53:04 pm »
I think parlour girls being bitchy towards each other is subjective, that being said a friend of mine worked in one for a week in my area when she first dipped her toes in the industry. She was 19 at the time and was very popular over the first few days, the other ladies were quite a bit older than her, naively after a busy day she asked one of the others how the day and been for them and the girl she asked (a lady in her fifties) bit her head off for asking such a thing, and from that day on made her shifts so uncomfortable for her she had to move on, constantly sniggering behind her back with the others, playground bullshit really.

In hindsight it was a bit of a nosey thing to say, But I guess it goes some way to showing how competitive the environment must be, more so than say AW when you don't have to share premises with your competition.

That's not to say there will be plenty of lovely people working in these places too, that was just a story that stuck with me after I heard it and is obviously not the rule. I'm really shy and awkward around new people (but oddly enough not clients) so I would stick out like a sore thumb in a parlour.

If you have previous positive experiences in them then I say go for it if it works for you :)

I think agency work sounds better and something I would prefer to parlours, but then again it's just the handing over chunks of your hard earned cash - everything has its pros and cons though doesn't it.

Sorry to hear you're feeling down, this too will pass I can assure you :)

Best of luck with whatever you choose to do, I'm sure you're gonna do just fine :)
« Last Edit: 23 April 2016, 03:06:25 pm by mysteriousGirl »


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Re: Returning to work and starting again
« Reply #7 on: 23 April 2016, 03:07:06 pm »
Not all parlours and agencies have rude people but the majority I have been too have . I worked at one parlour where there was 3 of us and one girl wasn't doing well one day and we sat back for her let her catch up with us they were really nice girls . I Have worked in agencies where the reception staff have there faves and will only get work for there faves . The best one I worked for isn't around any more bit gutted as would of been perfect for me now .

To be fair I don't ask girls how much they have made I will ask if there day was good but I'm always happy to say how much I have made . I think the quicker I get back in the swing of things be better . Can't wait to go back touring nice apartments and hotels making pennies and re build my life . I still thinking bout what to do I think I'll see how can goes this weekend it's not practical for me to stay with family members . When I toured nearly a couple of years ago I had areas where I was always busy and some where I made like no money whether those places will still be busy where my regulars will come Back to me I Duno .

I was never really based in one area I used to tour a lot


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Re: Returning to work and starting again
« Reply #8 on: 26 April 2016, 10:00:06 pm »
If you need to make money quickly but can't offer incalls where you are living (for obvious reasons) but can't afford to tour yet, why don't you get a cheap hotel room in the city you are in and just work for the time you have the room? I don't know how much hotels are where you live, but the standard rate per night for somewhere decent for work, it is around ?100 a night. Although it is a large cost, you would easily make that back, plus more, from one day's work. You just have to make sure your profile / ad is professional, attractive and posted in advance so that potential clients have the opportunity to see it and book you. If you don't have the money to pay for a room, is there someone you could borrow it from? Even one of those pay day loan people? You would be able to pay it back in a few days so the interest wouldn't cripple you, maybe just ?10 or so! (I am not suggesting you use these things regularly, but in the case of this one time event, I am sure it will be fine).

I must admit, when I first started, and then restarted, it was the busiest time of my career. I remember my very first day, I didn't know what the hell I was doing but I went away and booked a hotel room, had 3 confirmed bookings for that day made in advance, done them, they all became regulars and I never looked back. And this was before I knew about featuring my profile of showing as "available today" to increase exposure. It was like BOOM! Literally there were days I had over 100 calls. Use this time to your advantage that you are seen as a "newbie" and rake it in.


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Re: Returning to work and starting again
« Reply #9 on: 29 April 2016, 10:08:22 am »
Hey I don't like to get loans out or borrow unless I was extremely desperate . I'm trying to cam when I can and add money to the pot and then I'll invest into going on tour . There are no cheap hotels near me and there's like no work . When I was working there were two areas I did really well in . I have been telling my cam guys I'm back to working been getting a lot of interest .

My friend thinks I'll be really busy when I first go back . I'm still really nervous I was a working girl was years I don't know why I'm so nervous to go back . I don't feel attractive any more like I used to. I'm hoping the first day I'm back working I'll be ok . I want to go back I want to get back to work put some pennies behind me I'm not getting any younger . I tried the whole being in a relationship thing and being honest and up front did me no favours .



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Re: Returning to work and starting again
« Reply #10 on: 30 April 2016, 10:53:54 pm »
I've been in abusive controlling relationships and know how it feels trying to piece your life back together afterwards, well done for getting away from him. I've not been escorting long but in the past have given up working in strip clubs and webcamming for boyfriends and I know it's weird going back to that sort of thing after you've been gone for a while but you get back into the swing of things pretty quickly, just stay strong and focus on yourself xx

I can speak from experience too regarding abusive relationships. You've already done the hardest part and that was getting away from him.

When I left my ex last year, I moved in with my mum again. I was there for nine months before moving out and getting my own place. I'd never escorted before but had previously cammed. I did this when I was with my ex and to his credit he didn't mind.

But I do this job now so I don't have to be with anyone. It's fabulous  :D

I wish you the best of luck and send you a great big hug  xx
These days there are no Prince Charmings. A girl just has to be her own hero


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Re: Returning to work and starting again
« Reply #11 on: 01 May 2016, 04:46:34 pm »
Thanks Hun

Will keep you all updated xxx