I really rally like sex work .. I stripped, escorted, played sugarbaby. I just love doing it. I love the connection, the sex, the flirting, the action, feeling desired..
Luckily my husband supports me and lets me do it. I have two nights a week and four weeks a year when i can stay out and be with other men. We also have other rules, like i cannot ever mention the money i make with him. I can save it, spend it, waste it, as long as i pay taxes and keep it hidden he is ok with it. He wants to pay all bills, doesn't want me to put food on table with it ... I can only buy lingerie with it, miniskirts, anything sexy to turn heads.
There are men who are very happy to accept sex work, find it hot, but you must catch them when they are emotionally fragile and feel left alone because you are with someone else .. Then one has to be super sweet with them to compensate.. Your husband is your best regular, you must treat him really well