I'm in a similar boat to Megan. Although I had been escorting about 6 months when I meant my current boyfriend. I didn't tell him at the start because to be honest I wasn't looking for such commitment. Anyway, months went by and we got along great and I couldn't fault him. I was escorting behind his back and everything started feeling weird for me. So I ended it thinking that was the only way as I couldn't risk telling him. He chased me and tried so hard bless him, and of course he just couldn't understand why I'd walk away from what he thought was a perfect relationship.
We went camping and he kept asking me why, saying he knew there was something I wasn't telling him etc.... then he just blurted it out "are you a call girl?" I was like FUCKKKKKKKKK! But that was when I just decided to confess. It was hard and he was upset but overall he took it very well, respected my honesty and told me we'd get through it. I remember I just couldn't believe it! I could still be a whore and have a decent man? I thought he'd probably want to say friends but not have a relationship!
A year on from the confession and everything is fab! I always make sure to set aside one night of the week for 'date night'. And I make sure to treat "us" with nights away etc. I don't spoil him with gifts all the time, I also don't flash the cash or make him feel like he's on a shit wage compared to him.
But I also don't spend too much time setting "rules" about how I should be or what I talk about. Work is work and if he doesn't like it, he has the choice of walking. I don't think anyway should fall into the rut of "oh well he lets me work so I shouldn't do this or I should do that"
He has told me though that if I'd have told him before he was madly in love with me, he would have ran a mile!
I think it's possible to have relationships while working but it does take a certain type of person and it's all about having good judgment on who you tell. Or when you tell them!
My boyfriend knows everything now but when I first told him I didn't tell him my work name or where I advertised so that's always something you could keep private if you were worried they might out you later down the line... it's harder for them to prove. But on the other hand, trust is a key part of a relationship and so is honesty.
Never rule a relationship out because honestly I never thought I'd be in this situation but I am and it's bloody great! Having my cake and eating it. I have to remind myself how lucky I am sometimes haha.