Oh my! I have to agree with Layla.
My partner of 2 years, soon to be husband this summer, used to be a client of mine. I never had or wanted a relationship with a client before but he is the best man I have ever met. It hasn't always been easy, but then again no relationship ever is. He is understanding, supportive and doesn't see anyone else, because he doesn't want to, although I wouldn't like him to either. He understands that this is a job and doesn't get off on it. His daughter, from a previous relationship, has been a godsend who has had an incredibly positive effect in my life.
Everyone is different, and every relationship is different. After this experience I wouldn't advise anyone to dismiss the possibility of a relationship. Keep your head on your shoulders and be careful of who you open up to. But love is a very powerful thing, one that may appear when you least expect it and never appear again. You may never know unless you embrace it.