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Author Topic: Clients getting annoyed when I stick to time.  (Read 2136 times)


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Re: Clients getting annoyed when I stick to time.
« Reply #15 on: 13 November 2022, 04:17:14 pm »
The only question I have for the OP is why does she want clients who do not respect her time or boundaries?  Your clients are paying for a specific period of time.  You have every right to ensure they honour this, after all, that's what was agreed in order for you to accept the booking.  Decent clients will understand this.  Anyone who accuses you of being a clockwatcher is only pissed because they know they can't overstay/you've called them out on their disrespectful behaviour.

Decline any further bookings with them and if they press you as to why, tell them.  The decent ones will book (and stick to) a specific time.  The others whom are only interested in getting extra time will go elsewhere. 


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Re: Clients getting annoyed when I stick to time.
« Reply #16 on: 15 November 2022, 06:13:33 pm »
This happens a lot in this industry because it's such a intimate service so many cannot be strict enough. I can see why it happens and so many of the clients do not see it as " proper work"

I think this is the big issue. They don’t see it as my job but that I am there for a bit of fun.

I have read everyone’s advice. I think I am going to have to slowly replace these trouble makers. I’m lucky that most are really decent and have no issue in timings .


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Re: Clients getting annoyed when I stick to time.
« Reply #17 on: 15 November 2022, 06:17:03 pm »
Sound like you need to work on your boundaries OP, you're running a business not a charity. I believe that if your boundaries were solid and you were much firmer with these guys you would be making more money. They're taking the piss.

Oddly enough, with new clients, I don’t tend to worry as I much if I am strict. It’s with ones I’ve seen a while. I think I am going to completely stop “extra” time. It’s probably blurring things .


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Re: Clients getting annoyed when I stick to time.
« Reply #18 on: 15 November 2022, 06:37:14 pm »
Oddly enough, with new clients, I don’t tend to worry as I much if I am strict. It’s with ones I’ve seen a while. I think I am going to completely stop “extra” time. It’s probably blurring things .

So when  does the overstay start to creep in?


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Re: Clients getting annoyed when I stick to time.
« Reply #19 on: 14 December 2022, 08:24:44 pm »
I've had this problem in the past. So much so that I felt I was being walked all over and had to take a break. I returned with boundaries. I will never be comfortable with setting alarms or telling people to leave however I do now get up myself and say that I had better start getting ready (have a shower, pop out, have lunch etc) and start busying myself as I talk to clients. They follow my lead and do so too. Good regulars will respect your time and will adapt to your new found boundaries.


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Re: Clients getting annoyed when I stick to time.
« Reply #20 on: 15 December 2022, 10:38:19 am »
I've had this problem too. You want to be polite but they take the piss. It was usually the last client of the day for me and even if I directly said you're leaving at xx time, one particular client pushed it by talking to an extra hour!

What pushed it for me was after one day of it I added up all the "free time" I'd given and it amounted to over £200 I'd lost! That made me feel sick, and angry. They wouldn't do overtime in their job for free.
Now, I may run over if I'm having a fantastic session, but general bookings I'm a lot stricter with. As someone else said, time is money.