After years of being on my own, and I mean, years ... I am now playing the field somewhat
I currently have 3 men in the picture. None of whom know what I do yet. The first one I really liked as I have known him for years and he never made a secret of the fact that he liked me. But that's gone sour as despite not knowing about my job, he wanted me as his personal ATM machine. He works full time btw
We've never had sex, either, as he had a breakdown last year and doesn't feel ready for sex yet. Pity he doesn't have the appetite for that as he does my bank balance
The second one he's my postie and also really fit, ha ha. We kissed a year ago today but nothing ever came of it
Back then he wasn't long out of a divorce. I went for him whereas the first one came after me, which also hurts more considering the way number 1 has treated me. My postie didn't make a move with me cos he wasn't ready. Fair enough.
And the third guy I met last year through a mutual hobby. He's the guy who has the most going for him without a shadow of any doubt. He's got a good job which he hasn't had that long due to all the training he had to do for it. He also doesn't have any kids which is an absolute BONUS for me
The first two both have kids. He's also shown himself to be the most reliable which is another huge bonus. And he also doesn't have any lingering exes, doesn't appear to have any at all which seems a bit odd if he's hetrosexual and not asexual. He's also older than me by a few years, too. He must have had a girlfriend at some point though. He's a nice guy if not extremely quiet.
What I want to happen is my liking of number 3 to deepen if he likes me too. I pray to God he likes me and for me to loosen my connection to number 1 cos he has really treated me badly
I'll take him to a small claims court if I have to.