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Author Topic: Relationships whilst escorting?  (Read 111188 times)


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Re: Relationships whilst escorting?
« Reply #465 on: 01 February 2020, 07:12:09 am »
How do you girls cope with working in the middle of a breakup? :-( Just yesterday broke up with a guy who although was aware of my job and let me do it, he would always have excuses why can’t he be an actual boyfriend worth a shit. I even heard excuses about why can’t he spend a night with me or see me more often. Recently ive had birthday and he wouldnt even give me anything. Even clients did... I’ve had enough especially when faced with clients who’d treat me better than him.

It fucks with my head and I find it difficult to continue working. Is it better to take a break??


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Re: Relationships whilst escorting?
« Reply #466 on: 01 February 2020, 07:31:32 am »
How do you girls cope with working in the middle of a breakup? :-( Just yesterday broke up with a guy who although was aware of my job and let me do it, he would always have excuses why can’t he be an actual boyfriend worth a shit. I even heard excuses about why can’t he spend a night with me or see me more often. Recently ive had birthday and he wouldnt even give me anything. Even clients did... I’ve had enough especially when faced with clients who’d treat me better than him.

It fucks with my head and I find it difficult to continue working. Is it better to take a break??

I remember finding it difficult with a couple of breakups, I found keeping it strictly to personal life worked best and for me just getting on with work.


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Re: Relationships whilst escorting?
« Reply #467 on: 01 February 2020, 10:23:05 am »
How do you girls cope with working in the middle of a breakup? :-( Just yesterday broke up with a guy who although was aware of my job and let me do it, he would always have excuses why can’t he be an actual boyfriend worth a shit.

Why would you stay with someone who is straight out telling you that "as a  boyfriend he's not worth a shit"? Most women have to find this the hard way by themselves but he straight out told you so it's only you to blame for sticking with him.( I'm guessing you thought he was going to magically change and  turn into Mr good boyfriend)
« Last Edit: 01 February 2020, 10:25:51 am by Ana30 »
Mornings were made for sleeping, wild sex and bacon.


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Re: Relationships whilst escorting?
« Reply #468 on: 01 February 2020, 02:28:23 pm »
Why would you stay with someone who is straight out telling you that "as a  boyfriend he's not worth a shit"? Most women have to find this the hard way by themselves but he straight out told you so it's only you to blame for sticking with him.( I'm guessing you thought he was going to magically change and  turn into Mr good boyfriend)

He finally admitted that only yesterday so called it quits. Before hand, he had many excuses not to do basic things and my patience has ran out. Have had enough and although it’s hard, we must let go of people who won’t make effort for us and don’t make space in their life for us. It was challenging to have a booking with a punter right after that was decided but braved thru it. Break needed I think...


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Re: Relationships whilst escorting?
« Reply #469 on: 02 February 2020, 12:14:29 am »
How do you girls cope with working in the middle of a breakup? :-( Just yesterday broke up with a guy who although was aware of my job and let me do it, he would always have excuses why can’t he be an actual boyfriend worth a shit. I even heard excuses about why can’t he spend a night with me or see me more often. Recently ive had birthday and he wouldnt even give me anything. Even clients did... I’ve had enough especially when faced with clients who’d treat me better than him.

It fucks with my head and I find it difficult to continue working. Is it better to take a break??

I made myself to work during my breakup. It was really bad but I was in a bad financial situation as well (justb moved to different city, completly broke). So I was working and crying between bookings, then sleep all day and working in the night.  It was also an agency job, they were mentally abusive, I felt like I have to work 7 days a week.

It was harsh and very very damaging mentally, I got burned out to the point I hated this job. But it also gave me a motivation to tell my agency boss fo f*** himself and go independent. And here I am now 5 months later, independent, happy and developing my own business.
Wish you good luck! And If you are able to take a few day/weeks off - do it!


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Re: Relationships whilst escorting?
« Reply #470 on: 03 February 2020, 11:27:19 am »
I found that work really helped me focus on moving forward with my life. I also couldn't afford to take so much time off whilst I got my shit together but eventually I woke up one day and was no longer in that dark, horrible place of a break up.

Good luck, you will get to the other end.


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Re: Relationships whilst escorting?
« Reply #471 on: 03 February 2020, 01:02:52 pm »
During a break up I had a booking with a punter who looked just like person I was breaking up with, same style of clothing, build, facial features, general demeanor. Spent the whole booking choking back tears.


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Re: Relationships whilst escorting?
« Reply #472 on: 03 February 2020, 01:06:34 pm »
During a break up I had a booking with a punter who looked just like person I was breaking up with, same style of clothing, build, facial features, general demeanor. Spent the whole booking choking back tears.

That’s gotta be a mind fuck...


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Re: Relationships whilst escorting?
« Reply #473 on: 15 November 2020, 08:04:12 pm »
Ok so with lockdown and ex husband pushing for a divorce I'm feeling more alone than ever and anxious. An ex has been trying for years to get me to sleep with him again and I just felt lonely and had him over for a drink and we slept together. What made me feel worse is after the act he got dressed and was off home, Normally it's a job getting a punter out the door lol. So today I'm trying to think why I gave it away because i felt worse than when I get paid by a punter, Kind of feel like he got a freebie lol Feel sad and weak over it but also I'm thinking that doing escorting means I've made myself alone and no chance of dating due to the way I view men, Escorting actually made me realise I'd rather have men pay for my time and body than give it away as before escorting I found most guys just wanted the goods with no commitment.Is that messed up to think this way or am I not alone? I couldn't date a guy if he knew I was a escort so until I save and do what I planned I'm going to be alone. Lockdowns making it worse with not seeing friends and then knowing some people have a partner for companionship.  Hoping not to come across pathetic but that's how i feel right now.

Has anyone experienced a real relationship with someone who knew you was a escort?  I just worry that a guy that was ok with it wasn't really that bothered about me as a companion but more free sex and decent lifestyle.


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Re: Relationships whilst escorting?
« Reply #474 on: 15 November 2020, 10:23:00 pm »
Ok so with lockdown and ex husband pushing for a divorce I'm feeling more alone than ever and anxious. An ex has been trying for years to get me to sleep with him again and I just felt lonely and had him over for a drink and we slept together. What made me feel worse is after the act he got dressed and was off home, Normally it's a job getting a punter out the door lol. So today I'm trying to think why I gave it away because i felt worse than when I get paid by a punter, Kind of feel like he got a freebie lol Feel sad and weak over it but also I'm thinking that doing escorting means I've made myself alone and no chance of dating due to the way I view men, Escorting actually made me realise I'd rather have men pay for my time and body than give it away as before escorting I found most guys just wanted the goods with no commitment.Is that messed up to think this way or am I not alone? I couldn't date a guy if he knew I was a escort so until I save and do what I planned I'm going to be alone. Lockdowns making it worse with not seeing friends and then knowing some people have a partner for companionship.  Hoping not to come across pathetic but that's how i feel right now.

Has anyone experienced a real relationship with someone who knew you was a escort?  I just worry that a guy that was ok with it wasn't really that bothered about me as a companion but more free sex and decent lifestyle.

Yes, lockdown has made me very resentful of people having company just cos they live together. Most people are in a relationship and lockdown just forces single people to become isolated.

I never feel lonely usually as I have so many friends, hobbies and interests. Now I am mostly left with nothing.
These days there are no Prince Charmings. A girl just has to be her own hero


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Re: Relationships whilst escorting?
« Reply #475 on: 15 November 2020, 11:32:39 pm »
Ok so with lockdown and ex husband pushing for a divorce I'm feeling more alone than ever and anxious. An ex has been trying for years to get me to sleep with him again and I just felt lonely and had him over for a drink and we slept together. What made me feel worse is after the act he got dressed and was off home, Normally it's a job getting a punter out the door lol. So today I'm trying to think why I gave it away because i felt worse than when I get paid by a punter, Kind of feel like he got a freebie lol Feel sad and weak over it but also I'm thinking that doing escorting means I've made myself alone and no chance of dating due to the way I view men, Escorting actually made me realise I'd rather have men pay for my time and body than give it away as before escorting I found most guys just wanted the goods with no commitment.Is that messed up to think this way or am I not alone? I couldn't date a guy if he knew I was a escort so until I save and do what I planned I'm going to be alone. Lockdowns making it worse with not seeing friends and then knowing some people have a partner for companionship.  Hoping not to come across pathetic but that's how i feel right now.

Has anyone experienced a real relationship with someone who knew you was a escort?  I just worry that a guy that was ok with it wasn't really that bothered about me as a companion but more free sex and decent lifestyle.

Lockdown is proving to be awful for peoples mental health -in general-, that means sex workers and non sexworkers. Peoples' depression and anxiety levels are of the roof. There is a mental health pandemic right now with all the lockdowns, uncertainty and people loosing their jobs left and right so Miss Elvira: you're not alone (believe me), the loneliness is becoming too much for quite  a few. We were designed to interact with other humans, not to be isolated. Said this your guy is a jerk. If I were in your shoes I would let him know that you've been through a tough time with all this isolation and him leaving so coldly after having sex made you feel like crap. Take it out of your system and don;t be ashamed of telling him, them cross him of your list and have a nice hot bubble bath. :)
« Last Edit: 15 November 2020, 11:36:11 pm by ana30 »
Mornings were made for sleeping, wild sex and bacon.


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Re: Relationships whilst escorting?
« Reply #476 on: 16 November 2020, 12:17:03 am »
I'm in a relationship and he knows what I do. Only been going out a few months. But it's an open relationship as I get a lot of sexual and emotional satisfaction with some of my regulars and I could only do it by being honest. He seems ok with it so far but time will tell. It doesn't bother me if he sleeps with other women.
I believe there is always someone for everyone so stay positive and I'm sure you will find someone. Don't go looking for it though.


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Re: Relationships whilst escorting?
« Reply #477 on: 16 November 2020, 10:51:55 am »
During a break up I had a booking with a punter who looked just like person I was breaking up with, same style of clothing, build, facial features, general demeanor. Spent the whole booking choking back tears.

I’ve been here! Can do relate  :'(


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Re: Relationships whilst escorting?
« Reply #478 on: 16 November 2020, 12:43:00 pm »
Thanks Girls and I feel better today I'm normally dying for some alone time with busy work and social life lol But lockdowns taken away my life outside of escorting and I definitely agree on the mental health part as I have looked after a family member with mental health issues and I'm feeling anxiety with lack of appetite, Bad sleep and stomach aches. Just need to adapt more and exercise more to get my mood up and less wine because I'm bored or feeling sorry for myself and foolish regarding the ex. So sorry for moaning and I hope things do get better for us all and people can have that connection again.

Relationship wise I need to just be in the best one with myself for now and more bubble baths :) x

Vintage Miss

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Re: Relationships whilst escorting?
« Reply #479 on: 16 February 2021, 02:32:09 pm »
Every guy I have ever dated has seen my job, as I have come to realise, as an excuse to use me for money, to keep me as a dirty secret (whilst pretending to care more for me) and to be able to sleep around and rub my nose in it. On top of which, whenever I've got involved with a guy its always dented my confidence with work because many of them have put down my appearance and made me feel not good enough and told me they didn't believe I would be able to make that much money doing what I do (even though I've always done well and had good reviews, lots of return clients etc). I've given up on love and serious relationships a few years back but thought I'd be able to casual date but that didn't work either, one user got his claws into me through emotional manipulation, which I've never been very good at detecting until it clicks in.

I've decided not only to not have boyfriends but not to even do it for free casually. It never feels worth it. Sex work is a nice, clean simple way of getting my sexual needs met (whilst earning a comfy living) without becoming vulnerable to those who'd happily take advantage.