Got married over a year ago to an absolute bastard it must be noted. Met the git on of all places. Was upfront from our initial conversation. Once the control freak had me where he wanted me that's when it became a problem.
He couldn't get his fat head around my working was working and only that and did not give him the right to then go and book an escort and spend our hard earned money on having sex with another woman. Anyway I'm divorcing the scum of the earth so that's that.
Met the fiance 6months ago. We lived in the same area so he had heard the rumours. Neither of us mentioned to eachother that we both knew the other knew untill a few weeks into being together when it came up in a deep chat in bed.
He is an absolute gem and knows that my work is work and that is all, he doesn't for a second doubt my monogamy nor my love for him. We now offer live porn shows and he drives me to my outcalls and helps me get ready for my incalls however never would he tolerate another man touching me infront of him.
We're a very traditional/old fashioned couple and he's extremely over-protective and jealous but this is something that we make work and he copes with really well.
Initially there were alot of questions and hypothetical situations but that's pretty much died down. He does like a little reassurance on a working day though, just an extra "I love you" or a cuddle etc. And he insists on being the first and last man inside me each day I work.
He has a ridiculously high sex drive, we are at it like at least 5 times every single day, most days more and whilst it's great etc etc after a hard days work of maybe 7+ guys it is bloody knackering. Obviously the sex is alot better and all that but sometimes you're just too dam sore. I feel guilty sometimes when I have to turn him down if I feel a bad bout of thrush or cystitis coming on and I know I have a busy day following. It's like I'm keeping myself good for my clients and I'm sure that hurts him but he understands.
I find or atleast I did (I think I still do) that him being so ok with it bothers me. It crossed my mind that either a) he is a pervert and gets off on it b) he is using me for my money c) he doesn't care that much for me/he's cheating etc d) he's very liberal and open minded. But then again if he was to not be ok with it I'd be pissed off, he can't win, bless him!
I think it can be a head fuck when you're in a relationship. It's a head fuck of a job anyway but to try and deal with your own emotions and that of someone you're with can be quite the juggle.
I definately think it helps (me and) him deal with it that my mum, dad, brothers and friends all know what I do. He doesn't just see me as "that aul blonde prossy" but as an intelligent independent loving woman.
Natalie Xx