Ok, will add this, i have been chatting online to a guy via emails for 6 months....we started talking on an 'alternative ' site, and email daily. Hes not ready to meet me though. I knoe, sounds a bit mad, he was very supportive when i saidthat i was going to start escorting, and due to being unwell recently and not working, i asked him if i could borrow ?300, and he was there for me. He has listened to me daily, opening my heart, pouring out problems etc......and no, hes single, hes getting over a close bereavement and ended a long term relationship last year......i dont know how it will pan out, but i have another year of college to get through, so equally im not ready yet. But yeah, there are intelligent and decent guys out there.......just not many i guess.
good luck candy. X