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Author Topic: My parents found out  (Read 7597 times)


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Re: My parents found out
« Reply #15 on: 15 January 2019, 02:31:22 pm »
Agree with lushblossom(fantastic advice IMO) and Justine is right sadly too.
I just wouldnt want to be lying to them to "protect" them when i am not ashamed or doing anything wrong!
Its up to the parents to see past it unfortunately.

courtney lee

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Re: My parents found out
« Reply #16 on: 20 January 2019, 02:19:55 pm »
I think its because parents are in a different generation too, possibly in some years time people may be a little more relaxed about it, depending on their own upbringing and depending on what hopes/dreams if any they had for their princess. My mum would have had a heart attack but my dodgy estranged dad would have probably seen it as a money maker Im sorry to say! I had been working about four years when I started to feel it was normal and nobody would care, I told an older cousin and she actually deleted me off facebook and never spoke to me again, although hasnt told anyone.  Sad really as I liked her.


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Re: My parents found out
« Reply #17 on: 26 February 2019, 05:08:26 pm »
I think its because parents are in a different generation too, possibly in some years time people may be a little more relaxed about it, depending on their own upbringing and depending on what hopes/dreams if any they had for their princess. My mum would have had a heart attack but my dodgy estranged dad would have probably seen it as a money maker Im sorry to say! I had been working about four years when I started to feel it was normal and nobody would care, I told an older cousin and she actually deleted me off facebook and never spoke to me again, although hasnt told anyone. Sad really as I liked her.

Sorry that happened to you.

I have been feeling lately that this is so normal no harm telling a few folk but I will remember and keep quiet.


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Re: My parents found out
« Reply #18 on: 26 February 2019, 08:47:20 pm »

I have been feeling lately that this is so normal no harm telling a few folk but I will remember and keep quiet.

This work has always from the very beginning seemed normal to me. Not saying I was born to do it but when I made the decision to take the plunge I was with my first client within a few days. No hesitating and I had a strong feeling I would be doing it for years.  This is the case and I have had a great time with a few exceptions which is natural.

I was maybe a little naive in thinking I could keep it all a secret but before long realised that was not easy.  A handful of people know and appear to be accepting of it but I am glad I don't hear their conversations when I am not there. Nothing I can do about it but one thing is certain, I am not giving it up for anyone. Those who have made negative comments have forgotten their prejudices when being taken on holiday or receiving lovely gifts etc.  More fool me eh?

courtney lee

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Re: My parents found out
« Reply #19 on: 05 March 2019, 05:16:26 pm »
So true ^^ they like the benefit's dont they.....


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Re: My parents found out
« Reply #20 on: 07 March 2019, 11:07:33 am »
This is a hard one.
Hope everything works out for you, soon. x


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Re: My parents found out
« Reply #21 on: 07 March 2019, 02:17:57 pm »
My family know what I do and have done for quite a long time it’s so long ago I can’t actually remember how they find out 😂
I think because I have a bit of a ( ok a lot ) I don’t give a fuck what you think attitude to everyone and I have no shame in what I do my family accept that
I would have been prepared to go no contact with them if they kicked up a fuss despite loving my parents deeply

We don’t really  talk about as such it but when I say I’m going to be away for a week working  or something they don’t really say anything but if they did I would be quite happy to to pull them up on stuff

Such as when my mum was very ill with cancer and my dad was quite unwell I took lot of time to help them sorting out forms for extra help and care. Visiting the hospital pretty much every day Which in a normal job I couldn’t probably couldn’t  just  take random days off to help them.

I don’t think you should stop for your parents or lie to them that you have stopped because you can bet your bet if you tell them that you have stopped they will be trying to find you on the net and when they do you will be right back at the beginning

Only stop if you want to not because of someone else

On a funnier not my mother has dementia and Alzheimer’s when I see her before I go away she will slyly say stuff like.” Oh I wish I was younger and had your job “   😂


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Re: My parents found out
« Reply #22 on: 09 March 2019, 07:10:35 am »
Just give it time.  I am sure things will calm down slowly.  Just reduce contact somewhat over a year or so and by then they hopefully will have come to terms with it a fair bit.  You can also meet them meanwhile only when you are feeling fully at peace and just mention all the positives each time and reassure them you are still sane and sensible.


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Re: My parents found out
« Reply #23 on: 08 October 2019, 05:22:20 pm »

Apologise it's been so long, I appreciate all your replies and love :angel: I just distanced myself from forums until now and sorry if that came across as rude to people who made the effort to reply but thank you <3

So update Me and my parents are almost back to normal. Things will never be the same and is always this underlying awkwardness. We've been on holiday together a couple times since and I see them every week. They won't ever accept what I do but we just don't talk about it. I spend alot of time with my mum alone but when I'm alone with my dad it's still so awkward which is so sad because we were so close. Anyway things are better and I have hope for the future for our relationship.

Thanks again for your support

p.s I'm closing down this account due to punters telling me they'd seen this post :FF and making a new anonymous one.


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Re: My parents found out
« Reply #24 on: 23 March 2021, 10:00:21 am »
I just joined this site and I know it’s a old post but was looking for support,and how to deal with this.
I was outed by my brother in law,I quit escorting 5 years ago and he decided last week to tell my whole parents,siblings and my kids.They are not speaking to me and this really hurts.I feel ashamed,and disappointed in myself for letting this happen.My boyfriend at the time suggested I do it,so I thought about it and decided to do it.I started liking it because the money was good,and I liked dressing up and I just felt better about myself.My boyfriend was my pimp at that time and it was going well.We broke up 5 years ago because I didn’t want to do it anymore.I had a full time job and I was getting exhausted.
About 3 years ago my brother and brother in law had a fight,this in a public place and I was helping my brother get away from him and my brother in law yelled at me and said he knows all about what I’m doing.Nobody asked me what he was talking about so I moved on.A couple years ago my sister asked if she could stay with me a bit because they were looking for a place and I had the room for them(her husband was the brother in law that outed me)I said yes because I did it for my sister and niece,not him.I did a lot for them,they just don’t appreciate what people do for them.
So now that he outed me,and I don’t know why he decided to at this time.Nobody in my family likes my brother in law because the way he treats people,and he’s a loose cannon at times.So now no one is talking to me,I feel so alone and ashamed,disgusted with myself.But what really hurts is my sister knew and let him tell everyone that I was an escort before I quit doing it.I don’t know why she let him,it has ruined me.
How do you live with this?This happened last week and I just feel so alone now because my family wants nothing to do with me and my son is mad at me,and we had a close relationship.
I could really use some advice&support!Thanks!


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Re: My parents found out
« Reply #25 on: 23 March 2021, 01:05:49 pm »
Hi Mgreen, I am so sorry this has happened to you.

I have been outed a couple of times, I am still in contact with my mum and her side of the family. Thankfully she was always on my side when it came down to it and understood sex work is work but I still lost half my family. I found that the best way to move on personally was to immerse myself within the community and just understanding that what you did wasn't actually a bad decision, it was just work. If others are going to judge you for it you can't blame yourself. Its not always your responsibility to convince people otherwise, I only spoke more to my mum about it because she was willing to listen and have an open mind about it.

I think like others have said here sometimes its best to let people have their space and check back in when the dust has settled a bit. If people are willing to listen then you can talk more about it. Losing family and the support can also be really devastating so it might also be worth going to a local sex worker meet up to talk more about it with others who may have gone through something similar.

The main thing is not to isolate yourself, if this is actually a reality and your family decide not to talk to you again you want to be able to move on from this properly. I have a very large 'found' family of friends I have made and they know about my work as its the first thing I say to people when I meet them.

I am not suggesting you do the same as you are not doing sex work anymore and its your business who you tell. If I am honest I have personally not found many people who have actually had an issue with it most are just curious more than anything and have the usual misconceptions but I have steered them right.
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Re: My parents found out
« Reply #26 on: 23 March 2021, 02:49:25 pm »
I’m so sorry MGreen that you are going through this right now and I would equally be as mortified if someone outed me, I think it all boils down to the types of people your family are and if they’re not that open minded about different walks of life, but even for a lot of people it’s hard for them to understand because it’s such a hard world to comprehend if you’ve not lived in it.

By the sounds of things you were led astray by your, would I be right to say, controlling ex. Cant you put most of the situation on him and say you felt trapped and it actually was a horrific time of your life and the only reason you didn’t tell your family was to protect them and that you’ve moved on so far from that now. They must be able to see the pain this is causing you, but I do also think as cliche as it it that time is a healer.

For me personally, I would expect people to be upset but for people to also accept that this is MY life and I would probably pull away from them if I felt judged to the point of making me feel ashamed.

You say your kids know? How old are they? This would also be my greatest concern. You sound like a loving mother or you wouldn’t be so upset about this, tell your children that you love them dearly and they will find in life that adults make decisions that are hard for children to understand but it doesn’t ever take away the love and caring nature you have for them.

I hope you’re okay, sending lots of happy and positive thoughts your ways XxX


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Re: My parents found out
« Reply #27 on: 23 March 2021, 03:56:50 pm »
Unfortunately a lot of people are very judgemental and have an idea of what an escort is and think we all fit into whatever box that may be.

I have told most of my friends and most are cool with it but don't think my family would be so have lied about my job but know they don't believe me.

If I told them i actually enjoy this job I don't know what reaction I'd get especially as a lot of my regulars are my dads age. If they knew some of the things I have done too. For me id rather keep it secret from them.

If your family love you then in time things may improve.Maybe for the father would be more difficult and awkward.


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Re: My parents found out
« Reply #28 on: 23 March 2021, 03:57:21 pm »
First, I'd say try and stay calm/not do anything drastic within the next couple of weeks, as time can be a great healer. Second I, personally, would cut off your sister and brother-in-law and focus on righting things with your children. Don't be too apologetic though - just explain why you did it.
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