I am on holiday just now and my regulars know this. Some have texted to say they are looking forward to me returning.
However, I have one who I literally could just strangle for being a total prat (this is the same guy who I posted about who kept on wanting more and more and knackering me). He texted and asked if I had a tan. I replied with yep. Then the cheeky sod asked for free pics! I replied that a) my phone was not equipped to do this and b) he knows the score about this. Then the idiot replied with "email one then".
I have already had a so called SD cancel on me and waste my time, wanting free sex, so I told him where to go, now I have this guy.
Money is very tight at the minute, and I simply cant afford to be picky (unless of course, they are very aggressive and nasty). I will be asking for my old job back at the sauna for when I return at the end of next week as I really am skint.
I wouldnt say this client is nasty but he does grate on my nerves with stupid requests and pushes boundaries occasionally (but again, nothing dangerous, just likes to chance his luck such as what I mention!)
Has anyone else ever had a regular who has gone like this? What did you do?