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Author Topic: Regular asking for personal number and suggesting to meet up outside of work  (Read 3267 times)


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Hi ladies,
I have a regular who always books me when im in his area, but lately he has become abit of a nuisance, he keeps asking for my personal number, real name, and even suggesting that me and him should be a couple, he has stated several times that we should meet up and get to know each other on a personal basis, I politely say that I dont mix business with pleasure but he dosent seem to be getting the hint, I find it weird how he would think I would go out my way to see him when he lives 3 hours from me free of charge!  Is it best that I just stop seeing him?

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He's pushing boundaries with you Bunny, he fancies you and thinks you will like him enough to see him for free.
Just tell him you don't mix business with pleasure and whatever you do don't give out any private info to him about you.     


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Hi ladies,
I have a regular who always books me when im in his area, but lately he has become abit of a nuisance, he keeps asking for my personal number, real name, and even suggesting that me and him should be a couple, he has stated several times that we should meet up and get to know each other on a personal basis, I politely say that I dont mix business with pleasure but he dosent seem to be getting the hint, I find it weird how he would think I would go out my way to see him when he lives 3 hours from me free of charge!  Is it best that I just stop seeing him?

Some men really don't take "hints." And it's not just prossies that have this problem. A lot of women don't want to firmly and unequivocally reject a man's advances because they want to be "nice." It doesn't work because men think that they're supposed to pursue and we're just playing hard to get.

Whether because you want to be "nice" or because you want to somehow keep his regular custom, it's not going to work. You have to tell him that you don't want to see him in a personal way at all. Frankly, I think you should stop seeing him altogether. Once one of these guys jumps out of their punter pen it's well nigh impossible to put them back in it.


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I would tell him you do not wish to have a relationship with him.

You may offend him, you may lose his business, but you may not. Either way it's the only way to make things clear and resolve the issue. The long term benefit is peace of mind.


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You could stop seeing him, but then again does it matter, I'd probably continue to see him and just repeat what you've already said anytime he brings it up, that you don't mix business with pleasure. From sounds of it he's one of those who thinks he can grind you down, so either stop seeing him or just let it go over the top of your head. I've had a few like this and if they repeatedly ask same questions I repeatedly give same answer. They get bored of trying to grind you down, well some of them
*** I can resist everything but temptation***


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It's a 6 week/month obsession.
I agree with the girls.
Some clients brains don't process hints.
They only understand direct language...if you're lucky.

Or you be super-professional and keep repeating
you're happy to spend social time, shopping,
eating, etc at 900 pounds half day (4 hrs) and
1500 pounds full day. Cash upfront.
That's a fair fee for a social companion/escort.
See what he says lol
« Last Edit: 04 May 2015, 04:57:10 pm by cheesypeas »
Random idle thoughs...Can I manage 100 sit ups a day for a year...?


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Tell him you have a partner and would only meet him if he paid you as this is your job. I don't know how you put up with it to be honest, I'd want to kick him, what a self-entitled little prat. I've never had a client get like this and if they started I wouldn't sugar coat anything to protect their ego.

A lot of women don't want to firmly and unequivocally reject a man's advances because they want to be "nice." It doesn't work because men think that they're supposed to pursue and we're just playing hard to get.

This is true but the reason I'm "nice" or at least polite to men who approach me outside of work is because I'd be scared they might follow me home/start yelling at me/kill me. Sounds dramatic but a woman is murdered around once a week by a guy she rejected because his feels got hurt. I used to tell guys who catcalled me on the street to f*** off but they'd start yelling at me or take that as an invitation to harass me even more so now (hard as it is) I ignore them, then go home and punch something.


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But if you leave it to escalate, then it could get far worse if you do get to a point where it is causing you a problem.

So far I've not have any serious reactions by employing a truthful approach.

Yes like you I was scared, but I told the guy(s) that the were affecting me and stressing me out. With that approach they can't really argue because they profess to care.

Only stalker I ever had was someone I saw for a very short booking once, he then harassed me by telephone for 3 years and continues to do so 6 years on even after warnings from the police via contact with other ladies. Flipping scary.

Good security awareness is also essential in this job.


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Possibly a stupid question, can you not block this persons number Mirror
*** I can resist everything but temptation***


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Possibly a stupid question, can you not block this persons number Mirror

He no longer contacts me directly - he contacts other ladies with messages 'for me' which they then pass on our of curiosity and concern. When he was contacting me directly I didn't have a block facility on my phone (6 years ago he started, I got the blocker 4 years ago).

When he was in touch he'd constantly change his phone number, if there was no response from me he started emailing firstly directly then by AW.

It was when he said he'd be changing his number and booking me without me knowing it was him, that that police stepped in. As my first line says it's not stopped him letting me know he's out there.
« Last Edit: 05 May 2015, 09:14:56 am by Mirror »


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I'm really sorry this has happened to you, Mirror. It's so upsetting that someone can just fuck with us and try to exert power over us.


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Hi ladies,
I have a regular who always books me when im in his area, but lately he has become abit of a nuisance, he keeps asking for my personal number, real name, and even suggesting that me and him should be a couple, he has stated several times that we should meet up and get to know each other on a personal basis, I politely say that I dont mix business with pleasure but he dosent seem to be getting the hint, I find it weird how he would think I would go out my way to see him when he lives 3 hours from me free of charge!  Is it best that I just stop seeing him?

I guess it has been said... Best to stop seeing him!


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I turned someone away because they had hidden feedback with negatives last night and they got really agitated about it (said something about besmirching me all over the place)... hoping they don't ring and make a booking without me knowing it's them  :(


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IMHO, it depends how he is approaching the subject.

If he is a nice friendly guy who is just chancing his arm a bit and being a bit too pushy, I'd just tell him politely but firmly that it would be unprofessional for you to do that and you prefer to keep work and personal life seperate, but that you'd be happy to do XYZ with him at your social rate.

If, however, you think he's pushing too hard, is at risk of getting sinister with it or is making you uncomfortable to the point that it's not worth the fee from him each time, I'd find a nice, polite and non offensive way of stopping seeing him.  Keep it as nice as possible though.

At the end of the day, it's all about how you feel.  I probably wouldn't lose a regular just over him asking, but you know how uncomfortable all this is making you.  If it's at the point where the discomfort of this isn't worth the fee, then you stop seeing him.