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Author Topic: Reducing rates. Is it necessary now or should we hold out.  (Read 21295 times)

sadie x

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Re: Reducing rates. Is it necessary now or should we hold out.
« Reply #45 on: 11 May 2012, 07:27:30 pm »
Theres no point trying to compete on price-I just did a search on aw out of curiosity and the cheapest is a lady doing 15 minute quickies for ?10...

There's an ugly  lady in the Chinese herbal store on my neighbourhood who gives a 15 min shoulder massage on a chair for double the price. She doesn't even take her clothes off.
I know!
The girl who is charging a tenner,is disrespecting all escorts from every walk of life,where is her limit..
Do you know,i bet infact im sure some men will even try and get a deal on the tenner."can you do it for 5?""not got my giro yet"
Where does it end..i bet she gets treated terrible..and shes almost asking for it..
When i read back,it does sound harsh..
course no one deserves bad treatment..
Im having a really bad time at moment,constantly getting men, trying to get me to cut my costs.
And get it cheaper..i took out my frustration on this forum,dont want to offend,just had enough


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Re: Reducing rates. Is it necessary now or should we hold out.
« Reply #46 on: 11 May 2012, 07:28:49 pm »
Charging more [or less] does not make you any less a target for guys who wish to treat you badly, rob or attack you. In fact some would argue it can make it more likely since as we know from the assumptions thread, some guys think if you charge ?150 per hour you are earning that every hour of the day, cramming client after client in - or if you have nicer premises that you are therefore more likely to be 'loaded'(not so if you have higher bills to pay).

Very good point Strawberry. This is one of the reasons I?ve said on my profile I only see a very limited number of customers a day. I don?t want anyone to look at my profile and think to themselves ?oh she must be popular/busy, let?s go and rob her?. I never leave any cash in the premises (with back to back bookings I have a system to get the cash out after each appointment but probably best not to rave about that on an open forum) so worst case scenario if I was the target of an attempted robbery, all the guy would get back is his own fee. I read on another thread that some ladies have money for change waiting for customers. I don?t and if they ask why, I?ll explain "sorry for safety reasons flat is completely clear of any money". No one?s yet quibbled about having to pay an extra tenner and again it reinforces the impression (I want them to have) that I?m a crap target for a robbery.

Unfortunately this doesn't put everyone off, some guys don't read websites fully, others assume you are lying to try and create an image.

I agree and wasn?t in any way trying to suggest that my approach will protect everyone from harm all the time. You can have the best precautions in place but anyone really intent on doing harm will still be able to circumvent them. Sometimes I think all you can really do, is make things as difficult as possible for the would-be nasties out there. I certainly don?t think all my methods of working are bullet proof but I?ve done the best I can and tried to think as smartly as I can on the best ways of protecting myself. Should anything happen at least I wouldn?t feel too badly about myself because I know I tried to be careful.
« Last Edit: 11 May 2012, 07:30:55 pm by Danae »


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Re: Reducing rates. Is it necessary now or should we hold out.
« Reply #47 on: 11 May 2012, 08:27:19 pm »
The girl who is charging a tenner,is disrespecting all escorts from every walk of life,where is her limit..
[Irony]I was chatting to her the other day.
It's not all rosy at the bargain end of the market, either.
In fact she handed me this leaflet:


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Re: Reducing rates. Is it necessary now or should we hold out.
« Reply #48 on: 11 May 2012, 08:51:28 pm »
Charging more [or less] does not make you any less a target for guys who wish to treat you badly, rob or attack you. In fact some would argue it can make it more likely since as we know from the assumptions thread, some guys think if you charge ?150 per hour you are earning that every hour of the day, cramming client after client in - or if you have nicer premises that you are therefore more likely to be 'loaded'(not so if you have higher bills to pay).

Attitudes like that can lead to complacency which is when girls tend to drop their guard.
Not how a lot of people think.
The higher the price, the more a person often values a product.
Why do you thing ?500 pound smart phones get thrown round or dropped a lot less
than ?9.99 phones?
They both make calls after all.
It's perceived value, which is often for many people,
tied into the ? or $ value.

Thats one of the reasons I don't charge ?50 per trick; it make me safer.


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Re: Reducing rates. Is it necessary now or should we hold out.
« Reply #49 on: 12 May 2012, 12:00:29 am »
Charging more [or less] does not make you any less a target for guys who wish to treat you badly, rob or attack you. In fact some would argue it can make it more likely since as we know from the assumptions thread, some guys think if you charge ?150 per hour you are earning that every hour of the day, cramming client after client in - or if you have nicer premises that you are therefore more likely to be 'loaded'(not so if you have higher bills to pay).

Attitudes like that can lead to complacency which is when girls tend to drop their guard.
Not how a lot of people think.
The higher the price, the more a person often values a product.
Why do you thing ?500 pound smart phones get thrown round or dropped a lot less
than ?9.99 phones?
They both make calls after all.
It's perceived value, which is often for many people,
tied into the ? or $ value.

Thats one of the reasons I don't charge ?50 per trick; it make me safer.

To be fair, my personal phone gets treated far worse than my crappy work phone. But maybe it's coz it comes on it's travels with me to the bars  ;D
"Ain?t no tellin when I?ll go, so there ain?t sh*t that I?ma wait for. I?m the type to say a prayer and then go get what I just prayed for." - Drake.

?I guess you lose some and win some, long as the outcome is income. You know I want it all and then some.? ? Drake


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Re: Reducing rates. Is it necessary now or should we hold out.
« Reply #50 on: 12 May 2012, 12:11:17 am »
I don't see the link at all; people are not inanimate objects and I cannot think of any context in which the two things can be usefully compared. I've been robbed and I don't charge bargain basement rates, the gangs which targeted touring ladies a few years ago deliberately timed their attacks to those who they thought would have the most money, not the least, and Christopher Shepherd (jailed last year for the rape and robbery of multiple sex workers) picked on fairly upscale agency ladies.

In addition, if business turned quiet for me for whatever reason I'd feel less able to turn work away at a higher rate because I'd undoubtedly be getting fewer enquiries than somebody charging half as much. To say that what anybody charges actually makes them 'safer' (as opposed to 'feel safer') is disingenuous rubbish - there are lots of things sex workers can do to help with this, but tinkering with fees is nowhere near the top of the list.


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Re: Reducing rates. Is it necessary now or should we hold out.
« Reply #51 on: 12 May 2012, 12:00:46 pm »
No Amy, not disingenuous rubbish, IMO. (I'm not talking about targeted robbery, where presumably the robber will consider likely ?take? vs ease of robbery.)
I'm looking at casual violence, the slap across the face, the turning nasty. Where the punter has no initial intention of being nasty, but they just turn violent, in the session.
Fees are not a major factor in attracting a risk from casual violence but in my opinion it can play a small part. I'll elaborate. There are three reasons:
  • Perceived value or worth (The cherish factor) The more expensive an product or service is, the more people generally value it.
    (A post on here said as much "well you're cheap so its not as if you have any self respect is it")
    I'd suggest that type of attitude is in the same ball park as "slap the bitch around, take what I want" That's a common theme among the small group of men who hurt women, be it in domestic violence or as in this case, violence against Providers.
  • Accessibility A low price is accessible to far more people as throw away money, the change left after getting pissed at the pub. I operate a policy of prohibitive-pricing namely for two reasons. Firstly, in my market sector there is no volume market, so if I halved my price, I'd still only get the same number of clients. And two, I price so as to dissuade the drunk'ed up 'impulse-purchase' mob. My prices are significant and that makes the decision to purchase my session a more than casual or impulse for most people. Which I perceive makes me less vulnerable to casual violence.
  • Risk of exposure. If I take your view and accept that price point has no discernible effect on risk of violence (I don't, obviously :))   I then allocate a      "risk of violence" factor of "1" to every client, regardless of price point.          Then For me to earn ?x I need to see 5 clients at price point {A}                           and 15 clients at price point {B}
    ie. price point {B} carries x3 the risk for the same income.
    (The same rational can be applied the risk of exposure to STI's, while working)
I have to live with the consequences of my approach to working, so that's my judgement call. Others may view my thoughts and take one view or another and like me that's their call too.
« Last Edit: 24 January 2017, 02:34:40 pm by River »


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Re: Reducing rates. Is it necessary now or should we hold out.
« Reply #52 on: 12 May 2012, 12:23:30 pm »
I see the point you?re trying to make Jodie and I would say there is a grain of truth in it if you?re talking about how people view and treat luxury items but like Amy I don?t think the principles can be applied when judging the value of a human being. Plenty of high class women from upper middle classes are still the victim of domestic violence and likewise with high class calls girls. On the other hand lots of other ?25.00 an hour quickie girls can go through their entire working lives with little or no trouble from violent punters.

I also don?t feel comfortable with the way your posts seems to suggest that girls have the power of preventing attacks on themselves through their pricing. Surely it should be the aggressor being held accountable for his actions?


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Re: Reducing rates. Is it necessary now or should we hold out.
« Reply #53 on: 12 May 2012, 01:01:03 pm »
Comparing a human being to an object? Happens all the time. This is exactly what a lot of people do.
And that goes from some of the clients who visit us
To walking past a homeless person on the street, lying on a bit of cardboard
to marketing executives moving products to a consumer demographic
through to NICE making ? vs. prolonging life judgements
and to UK/USA governments deciding to bomb Iraq or Libya for the oil reserves.
You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake
There are some Providers on here who fee-price themselves at a low amount.
I hope they contribute, for a balance, as my post is just my perception.

Responsibility was one of the things my post should have stressed:
Namely, that responsibility for violence against an Escort, always rests with the client attacking.
And not with the escort.
My thoughts are about minimising my risk of exposure to potential danger.
(Though if I don't do anything to minimise such risk I'm 0% at fault. But I'm still the one who has to live with the aftermath)


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Re: Reducing rates. Is it necessary now or should we hold out.
« Reply #54 on: 12 May 2012, 03:45:37 pm »
Comparing a human being to an object? Happens all the time. This is exactly what a lot of people do.

Exaaaactly Jodie. The minute we put a sexy picture of ourselves naked/in langerie on the internet and a price tag underneath we are indeed objetifying ourselves. End off.  It doesn't matter if you're a 2000 pound an hour escort with high end  photos or a 20 pound an hour  single mum from AW with grainy self portrait taken at home. We are both obectifying ourselves ( the only thing that difference us is our price tags).

Men browse thru these "human catalogues", compare us, and choose which object they desire most depending on their tastes and budgets. They definately don't choose us for our "human value", our talents, our empathy, they way we treat their kid,our positive outlook to life or  inner beauty. So in result we are perceived as "objects". This is already a bad start if you want to get treated like a human being because it was you -in the first place- who portrayed herself as an object by posing in that "La perla" outfit that screamed "fuck me!".

Some men are sophisticated enough to understand the fact that there is a human being/person behind that object and will treat you accordingly, but a lot of men are not sophisticated enough, have lack of empathy, psicological problems or ARE NOT THAT SMART. And this is why our job is a magnet that attracts all sorts of nuckleheads and we have to deal with SO MUCH BULLSHIT ON THE PHONE every day. Believe me: I've done other jobs that had nothing to do with sex work were my photo and phone number needed to be on the web and I didn't get a tenth of the bullshit I get now on the phone. Why? Because now I have a picture of me posing in a with bikini, a price tag underneath and a phone number (all hell broke loose!).

So my point is: Is the fact that we objectify ourselves a reason for violence against us? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!. But let's not be sooo naive or kid ourselves  thinking that by posting a picture of yourself spreading your legs in AW you are going to attract decent guys who'll treat you as a human being or  appreciate your "inner beauty" (if by "iinner" you mean: guts) .

(Rant over. My apologies if I went off topic)
« Last Edit: 12 May 2012, 04:01:53 pm by Ana30 »
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.


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Re: Reducing rates. Is it necessary now or should we hold out.
« Reply #55 on: 12 May 2012, 04:01:21 pm »
Comparing a human being to an object? Happens all the time. This is exactly what a lot of people do.

Exaaaactly Jodie. The minute we put a sexy picture of ourselves naked/in langerie on the internet and a price tag underneath we are indeed objetifying ourselves. End off.  It doesn't matter if you're a 2000 pound an hour escort with high end  photos or a 20 pound an hour  single mum from AW with grainy self portrait taken at home. We are both obectifying ourselves ( the only thing that difference us is our price tags).

Men browse thru these "human catalogues", compare us, and choose which object they desire most depending on their tastes and budgets. They definately don't choose us for our "human value", our talents, our empathy, they way we treat their kid,our positive outlook to life or  inner beauty. So in result we are perceived as "objects". This is already a bad start if you want to get treated like a human being because it was you -in the first place- who portrayed herself as an object by posing in that "La perla" outfit completely photoshopped.

Some men are sophisticated enough to understand the fact that there is a human being/person behind that object and will treat you accordingly, but a lot of men are not sophisticated enough, have lack of empathy, psicological problems or ARE NOT THAT SMART OVERALL. And this is why our job is a magnet that attracts all sorts of nuckleheads and we have to deal with SO MUCH BULLSHIT ON THE PHONE every day. Believe me: I've done other jobs that had nothing to do with sex work were my photo and phone number needed to be on the web and I didn't get a tenth of the bullshit I get now on the phone. Why? Because now I have a picture of me posing in a with bikini, a price tag underneath and a phone number.

So my point is: Is the fact that we objectify ourselves a reason for violence against us? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!. But let's not be naive or kid ourselves  thinking that by posting a picture of yourself spreading your legs in AW you are going to attract guys who'll treat you as a human being or  appreciate your "inner beauty" (if by "iinner" you mean: guts)

(Rant over. My apologies if I went off topic)

The point I was making, obviously not slowly, clearly and distinctly enough, is that it is not a criminal offence to damage or mistreat a mobile phone, nor is a phone going to alert the police/fight back or have any form of backup should somebody decide to do so. Nor do I agree that I have objectified myself; others may feel that their clients objectify them because they've put a picture of themselves online advertising sex for sale, but the majority of mine 'definately'[sic] choose me for exactly the qualities Ana mentions above, amongst others.

It is our service that is the commodity, not us and I feel deeply sorry for those who feel otherwise, since it is only really the treatment they have received which could have resulted in this. But the people who feel this way about sex workers don't give a toss how much we charge, and to imply that punters who wish to pay less (and I don't mean hagglers, who would haggle regardless of whether the starting price was ?50 or ?500) are somehow less desirable as clients is not only snobbish, but not true in the slightest.

Protecting ourselves from wrongdoing can be aided by efficient and ruthless screening, good security, assertiveness and confidence and various other factors. Putting one's fee up from ?100 to ?150 is not going to make a blind bit of difference. Having very low prices may well result in more arseholes on the phone. Whether they ever get through the door is a completely different matter.

« Last Edit: 12 May 2012, 04:03:43 pm by amy »


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Re: Reducing rates. Is it necessary now or should we hold out.
« Reply #56 on: 12 May 2012, 04:24:25 pm »
I have over the past few years been at the lower rate I am now and a much higher rate (younger and slimmer then) and cannot agree with anything Jodie has said.  It is complete rubbish to assume that being cheaper puts yourself at more risk.   I got more timewasters and even attacked when I was a higher price than I do at the lower end of the scale.

Our prices are not indicative of how at risk we are.  Our security measures do.  I am at the cheaper end now ?100 an hour and not one of my clients would decide to slap me anymore than they would have when I charged more.  My security and the way I handle myself ensures this. Not my pricing.
If someone was intending to steal all my money they would do it regardless of how much I charged.

It may be your opinion that this is true but I can state it is incorrect and any new girls reading this are going to start worrying they are putting themselves at risk unless they charge higher prices.

Good security measures ensure your safety NOT your price structure
Truth is far more important than what one wants to hear. With truth there is no us and them or colour or religion there is just fact


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Re: Reducing rates. Is it necessary now or should we hold out.
« Reply #57 on: 12 May 2012, 04:47:25 pm »
I usually lower my rates from November to middle of January and I have also lowered my rates because of the problems we are experiencing now. That is my choice and that's how I have always worked if I notice that things are slowing down I lower my price at the time so I am not left without money for days which might turn into weeks or god forbid months. I also work part time so I always have money coming in anyway.

I don't think I am in any danger by doing this because I always try to be very careful with the bookings I accept. If someone is going to attack me then it will happen. I have never had any problems charging less so I think it all depends on who books you rather than the amount you charge. A bully is always going to be a bully regardless of who he/she visits

Hello nice to meet you :)


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Re: Reducing rates. Is it necessary now or should we hold out.
« Reply #58 on: 12 May 2012, 05:00:58 pm »
when i started out i charge 30 - 50 for half an hour i didnt do hour appointments so definatly at the lower end of the scale 
Did i ever get attacked  - no
did i ever get any hassel from clients - no
did i ever fell worthless - no
did i ever felt that the guys paying me 30 -50 quid were scummy nasty and vile -  no

Now i charge 80 
Did i ever get attacked  - no did i ever get any hassel from clients - no
did i ever fell worthless - no
did i ever felt that the guys paying me 80 quid were scummy nasty and vile -  no

if someone want to attack you/ me or anyone   the price being charged has no real relevance in relation to the attack or the attacker  theyt will attack you if your a 50 pound hooker or 500 pounds hooker
the only time i would disagree with this is with the street girls but thats nothing to do with the price that they charge simply that they are far more vunerable than those of us who work indoors  they are more easily accessable and less likely to looked for when they dont return home /back to there patch  but there pirce has nothing to do with being attacked simply that they are easy prey to someone
its your common sense ,never taking  that booking cos your skint and need the money,
and listening to your instinct that will stop you from being attacked not
ie  if i wanted to steal something from someone or something , there would be very little that would stop me if i thought that i would get away with it  and why  because its want i want to do ( ifyswim)

so im my opinion  charging the lower end of the scale dosnt mean that you will be more likely to get robbed mugged beaten up 



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Re: Reducing rates. Is it necessary now or should we hold out.
« Reply #59 on: 12 May 2012, 10:58:19 pm »
Hello! I just read the topic and found it a little bit offended. I am Eastern European myself and I don't put my prices down. Why You girls think that this is our fault?
