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Author Topic: Reduce rate day or any other offers  (Read 2639 times)


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Reduce rate day or any other offers
« on: 16 May 2008, 11:37:28 am »
I charge ?120 for an hour and would really like to be able to get a few appointments within an selected time instead of the unavoidable 10am then 2pm and 8pm.  So i was thinking about reducing my hourly rate just for one day like Thursay between 9am - 4pm and try and get 4 bookings in that time - has anyone done this before? was it a seccess or do other punters then try to haggle with you?

Many Thanks


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Re: Reduce rate day or any other offers
« Reply #1 on: 17 May 2008, 10:55:04 am »
I know of a couple of ladies that have done similar and have been happy with the way things go. But you might probably get the odd chancer who'll ask that you apply your discount outside your allotted day. Be prepared for that.

In the past I've had a couple of over 60 somethings ask me if they can get an OAP rate. They're not any easier, in fact I've met a couple of right randy 60 somethings who're just as horny as men half their age, so I politely giggle (no, I don't do giggle very well) and say something funny about them being cheeky. They still came to see me, they just thought they'd try it on.


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Re: Reduce rate day or any other offers
« Reply #2 on: 26 May 2008, 08:02:50 pm »
i charge ?120 for an hour incall what i offten do is offer a reduction to ?100 if they book in advance by at least one day
this really dose work as most day i can have 3 5 appointments already booked  i do the same on my hot tub appointments which are ?230  but  ?200 if booked in advance and again as a rule i can do at least 1 hot tub appointment a day sometime  2 and on weekends  3even
plus you know where you are with regard to your diary
good luck   


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Re: Reduce rate day or any other offers
« Reply #3 on: 26 May 2008, 08:33:18 pm »
Once a month I have a ?100 per hour day on a Thursday and Friday.  Usually mid month when things can be a bit slow.  My rates for half hour remains the same, as well as my outcall rates.

Ive done this for the past three months, and it works really well for me.  New guys think its a good deal as a way of having a taster session with me, and regulars think they are having a bargain.  Which they are.

I take more bookings on these days than I normally consider, but its worth it.

As Paris said, just beware the guys who will try and push it with you.  I had one guy say he couldnt make it on my Special day but could he have the reduced rate on another day of his choosing.  Told him no as I do these specials every month and he would have to wait until the next one if he wished to book me.  On the other hand, I had to cancel an appointment on a Specials day due to unforseen circumstances, and the guy that I had to cancel I let come the next week at the reduced rate, as it was my fault.

Good luck with it and dont forget to advertise it everywhere you can.


Penny x x x


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Re: Reduce rate day or any other offers
« Reply #4 on: 04 June 2008, 07:49:18 pm »
What i usually do is advertise on my profile incalls on selected days, for e.g i pick 2 or 3 days a week , normally together like mon,tue,wed then advertise that im only providing incalls on these days.  This always works perfectly for me , i get loads of bookings for those dates.  Have a look on my page if you like, its  ''classymanisha''  on adultwork.  xxxx