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Author Topic: What causes bitchiness in the escorting industry and how best to handle it?  (Read 3391 times)

Lil Lolita

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I havent been on here for a while, been very busy with the agency job and my other job!

I had an incall in the agency flat last night, and there were two other girls there. They were very nice and said they lived over 30 miles away so they were just waiting in the sitting room until someone booked them (dressed in normal clothes). I didnt mind if they were there when I had a client, because I just took him through to the bedroom and they shut the door, also having worked in a sauna I was used to being in the same vicinity as others having sex.

The incall went ok and the guy left afterwards. I rang the agency and the guy on the phone who's really nice said I could stay there with the other two if I wanted or head back home, it was up to me. Another girl arrived for an incall who lived locally, and I said I didnt want to put her client off with me in the next room. He reassured me it would be fine, the only one to watch out for was "such and such girls name" as she hates it.

Apparently this girl from hearing from the others is very two faced, bitchy and quite rude. What causes it in the industry? Is it jealousy? Why would someone get so upset at another girl being in another room of a flat if she had a client?

I had to put up with bitchiness from some of the girls in the sauna, which was one of the many reasons I left. The girl ribbed me there about how she had now got my old customer and bragged openly about it. In the agency, this was the first time I had ever met any of the girls there, but the three I met last night were so lovely, even offering me lube when I stupidly forgot my own (client left and came back with some he was so desperate!)

I just wish the girls I met last night were like that generally, without all this nastiness. How do you handle bitchiness, whether independantly on AW (and getting slated by other girls on there), in parlours etc?


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Women can be quite nasty to each other, and extremely competitive - much more so than men.

Not all though and I've met plenty of very supportive ladies who'd never dream of behaving in such a way.


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Women can be quite nasty to each other, and extremely competitive - much more so than men.

Oh yes - men are never competitive about anything, and are never mean to each other, either. ;D (Sorry; [binary] gender-based generalisations make me giggle/sigh every time!)

I think the reality of the matter is that if you're going to be in a situation where two or more individuals in the same venue are directly competing against each other for the money they need to survive, things are can get nasty very easily and very quickly.

I 'share' (sublet) an incall apartment from another escort and if we both weren't extremely organised, up-front and clear about absolutely everything (e.g. exactly who is in the apartment on exactly which days and for what hours, plus all the other general admin re. sharing a place like rent, cleaning, etc) then it could easily be a disaster. But we both know that, so we're both careful and considerate.

It's not the same situation as described in the OP, exactly, but any sort of sharing between any sort of human beings can only go well if people are up-front and open about their concerns, and if they know how to handle any conflicts in a way that is constructive rather than letting things get out of hand.

I'd recommend avoiding sitting about with people you don't really know/can't really trust, though, while waiting for clients - "the devil makes work for idle hands", and all that. Not saying anyone there is being idle, but doing incall appointments is stressful enough without having an audience of people you don't even know possibly getting grumpy with you because they're thinking about their winter gas bill or council tax payment being due.

Also, if I'm reading the OP right...

...I said I didnt want to put her client off with me in the next room. He reassured me it would be fine, the only one to watch out for was "such and such girls name" as she hates it.

The client reassured you? And then started talking to you about one of the other escorts there? Crikey almighty. You DEFINITELY don't want to be listening to clients talk about other escorts, especially not if they are sitting in another room of the same blinking flat!

While most clients are far too busy living normal lives, it's known that there are certain ones who haven't got much going on aside from visiting escorts and who therefore get off big time on stirring up 'entertainment' by being catty and talking about girls behind their backs. If a client starts talking to you about another escort, smile and change the subject immediately!

If you want to stay safe and sane in a high-tension situation (e.g. a bunch of sex workers all sitting about waiting for an agent/pimp to send along clients - none of them having their own income or business in their own hands, all of them depending completely on the whims of random blokes) then you need to keep your nose well out of everyone's business. If anyone talks to you about anyone else, just smile and say that you're really sorry but you're just there to work so only want to talk about light-hearted general topics rather than risk causing any upset.

If you can stick to that attitude firmly, people will eventually respect you for it and will leave you in peace.
Disclosure: The other person behind


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    • I should be updating this instead...
What Emily said, as ever.

Prostitution - whatever genders are involved - can be particularly prone to this. What you're selling is your desirability. Whenever a client prefers someone else, there are people who take the implied 'they're more desirable' very, very personally. Throw in the 'I don't care what the rest of the world thinks, I am right' personality many find necessary to do the work and bitchiness is the result.

The way many brothels work could have been set up to maximise all of this...

The more sensible way to look at it is to give a silent cheer for the way that not everyone prefers the same thing every time because if it weren't for clients' diversity of desire, most escorts would be starving.
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."

Winding down

Lil Lolita

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Sorry Emily, I think there may have been a misunderstanding. It was the guy on the phone from the agency who warned me about one of the girls getting annoyed with others being there, not the client lol!


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The full extent of my knowledge of this kind of working arrangement is based solely on watching episodes of The Cathouse docu on the Bunny Ranch Brothel in Nevada US so take it with a pinch of salt - but I'm sure there was something on there about 'Hooker Etiquette.'

Apparently once a punter has chosen his girl from the line up it was considered impolite to for another girl to then be seen in the corridor or waiting rooms in case he changed his mind about which girl to give his business to.

Maybe the lady who doesn't like other girls being around has had clients change their mind - or maybe she just watches too much crap TV like me :)

R xx
« Last Edit: 17 January 2013, 03:24:33 pm by Rooby »


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As its been said  b4 some of the working girls in this Industry are very supportive and helpful especially on saafe.
yet you will get working girls who couldnt give a f**k what anyone thinks or about anyone but themselves  and thats their personality anyway and they would probably be like that in any industry, escorting or fashion even retail etc they are all out there, ive had the misfortune of coming up against them.
I dont deal with people like that much anymore  as an independant i accept that guys may visit me and others girls also. Ive never needed to trash another girl. Clients have mentioned  a women in my area i just say oh i dont know her and change the subject dont get into their negative back stabbing either. There is no benifit to it whatsover for me.
« Last Edit: 17 January 2013, 02:44:53 pm by Orchid »


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It is not just in escorting.  Whenever you get a group of people working in an enviroment where they all want the money from business this will happen. 
In this job though a lot of it can be because we all work differently.  For instance if I work in the same flat or house as someone else I will expect them to stay in the lounge when I have a booking and to not let my client see them.  This is for the clients discretion.  I also expect them to be quiet and not be banging around.  Yet I have worked with people that do not care and would pop out to the door everytime a client knocked, no idea why but I assume they were hoping the client decided to see her instead.  I have also worked with people that insist on banging doors non stop, or banging around when I am in a booking.  Again no idea why as I always sit quietly if they had a booking and their client never knew I was there.
It drove me mad and I did end up losing my temper as I found it disrespectful and if there are a few girls working from the same place I can imagine that sort of thing would cause a lot of bitchiness.  I know if I had had someone to talk to about it I probably would have but I realised that everyone is different and not everyone has as much respect for the way others prefer to work and as I could not afford a place on my own at the time I had to suck it up as much as possible.

Perhaps this woman had had people like I have had.  Believe me if you have a client with you and he can see or hear other people there is can unsettle them and then they will not come back again and noone wants to lose clients because someone else was being a pain in the arse.

The best thing to do is to repsect how others work and ignore the bitching completely as it does not make for good working conditions.  Do not get involved in anyone elses bitching either.  If a client mentions someone who you know just say well I cant really say as I have not had a booking with her.

Between you can you not set up an agreement.  i.e noone books a client for the same time leave at least 15 minutes between times for clints so they do not see someone else.  When someone is in a booking everyone else sits quietly in the shared areas and does not leave the room unless they need to and when they do, to do so quietly and any other points that you and the others may want to add.  It will make for a much nicer working enviroment for everyone
Truth is far more important than what one wants to hear. With truth there is no us and them or colour or religion there is just fact

Lunar Moon

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One word answer for this;


Unfortunately  :(
Never regret the things you've done only the things you haven't done.


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Is it just me or does what you were doing i.e talking with these girls about another who is not there to justify or defend herself, actually bitchiness in itself?


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I've seen way much more bitchiness and back stabbing between guys working in finance. The difference is they just see it as part of the "game" and don't moan about it like we girls do.

Mornings were made for sleeping, wild sex and bacon.


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I've seen way much more bitchiness and back stabbing between guys working in finance. The difference is they just see it as part of the "game" and don't moan about it like we girls do.

I know what you mean, but I don't think it's 'moaning' as much as a bit of naivety in that many women seem to expect other women doing the same job to behave a bit better than this towards each other. The posts we've had on here expressing surprise that a job which often involves earning a three figure sum of money per hour can be a bit on the cutthroat side never cease to amaze me.
« Last Edit: 18 January 2013, 05:09:53 pm by amy »


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I left my first parlour due to the jealousy of the girl I was on shift with. Much prefer to work independently where you arnt being compared right under your nose. Not only that a minority of moronic parlour clients will book a girl then change their mind repeatedly as different girls walk past. This isn't just annoying and timewasting, it's also quite insulting.


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I havent been on here for a while, been very busy with the agency job and my other job!

I had an incall in the agency flat last night, and there were two other girls there. They were very nice and said they lived over 30 miles away so they were just waiting in the sitting room until someone booked them (dressed in normal clothes). I didnt mind if they were there when I had a client, because I just took him through to the bedroom and they shut the door, also having worked in a sauna I was used to being in the same vicinity as others having sex.

The incall went ok and the guy left afterwards. I rang the agency and the guy on the phone who's really nice said I could stay there with the other two if I wanted or head back home, it was up to me. Another girl arrived for an incall who lived locally, and I said I didnt want to put her client off with me in the next room. He reassured me it would be fine, the only one to watch out for was "such and such girls name" as she hates it.

Apparently this girl from hearing from the others is very two faced, bitchy and quite rude. What causes it in the industry? Is it jealousy? Why would someone get so upset at another girl being in another room of a flat if she had a client?

I had to put up with bitchiness from some of the girls in the sauna, which was one of the many reasons I left. The girl ribbed me there about how she had now got my old customer and bragged openly about it. In the agency, this was the first time I had ever met any of the girls there, but the three I met last night were so lovely, even offering me lube when I stupidly forgot my own (client left and came back with some he was so desperate!)

I just wish the girls I met last night were like that generally, without all this nastiness. How do you handle bitchiness, whether independantly on AW (and getting slated by other girls on there), in parlours etc?
That is why i could never work in a parlou the problem is if you are busy and they are not they get very upset for no reson.
I dont work in a parlou but i rent a room and other girls are there i get always upset when they keep on asking how many clients did u had i think is none of there business why they keep on asking that

Chanel xxx

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I havent been on here for a while, been very busy with the agency job and my other job!

I had an incall in the agency flat last night, and there were two other girls there. They were very nice and said they lived over 30 miles away so they were just waiting in the sitting room until someone booked them (dressed in normal clothes). I didnt mind if they were there when I had a client, because I just took him through to the bedroom and they shut the door, also having worked in a sauna I was used to being in the same vicinity as others having sex.

The incall went ok and the guy left afterwards. I rang the agency and the guy on the phone who's really nice said I could stay there with the other two if I wanted or head back home, it was up to me. Another girl arrived for an incall who lived locally, and I said I didnt want to put her client off with me in the next room. He reassured me it would be fine, the only one to watch out for was "such and such girls name" as she hates it.

Apparently this girl from hearing from the others is very two faced, bitchy and quite rude. What causes it in the industry? Is it jealousy? Why would someone get so upset at another girl being in another room of a flat if she had a client?

I had to put up with bitchiness from some of the girls in the sauna, which was one of the many reasons I left. The girl ribbed me there about how she had now got my old customer and bragged openly about it. In the agency, this was the first time I had ever met any of the girls there, but the three I met last night were so lovely, even offering me lube when I stupidly forgot my own (client left and came back with some he was so desperate!)

I just wish the girls I met last night were like that generally, without all this nastiness. How do you handle bitchiness, whether independantly on AW (and getting slated by other girls on there), in parlours etc?

And they say women are the fairer sex!! I guess this is why this can be such a lonely occupation
So, what she done said was that happy hoes ain’t hating and hating hoes ain’t happy.