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Author Topic: LLETZ carried out - how to tell advanced booked clients  (Read 1320 times)


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LLETZ carried out - how to tell advanced booked clients
« on: 08 June 2013, 07:31:38 am »
Hi everyone,

Have done a search for this and found just one thread, but it didn't answer the question I have and hoping you lovely ladies can help me out.

I had a hospital referral for abnormal cervical smear cells which resulted in a LLETZ procedure on the spot (removal of cells by electrical loop) last week - no advance warning that this was going to happen.  It was CIN 2 - moderate.  So I can't have anyone go near that area for 4 weeks.

As I work with advance bookings only (very lucky I know), I contacted those affected for last week - 3 cancelled and 1 decided still to see me and we did other stuff and just avoided that area.  I am lucky that I've so far had very little discharge or pain so have felt fine since the day after the procedure was done.

My question is, how do I tell my other advance booked clients without turning them off!  I'm still offering OW, HR and luckily I am in a niche of the sub/Domme arena where many don't want intercourse and there is loads I can do with them, so I am fairly sure I can keep much of what is booked, but I don't think I should allow RO for this time either (which might be a problem).

It's finding the right words to convey to the client that I'm stuck on, as I clearly turned some of my clients off - 1 was a newbie so perhaps expected, 2 were regulars who understood but they didn't reschedule.  I'm getting it wrong somewhere, so don't want to do that with the clients I need to contact regarding the next few weeks.

Please help me word things in an upbeat, positive way but getting the point across that down below is out of action!

Many thanks.


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Re: LLETZ carried out - how to tell advanced booked clients
« Reply #1 on: 08 June 2013, 08:21:17 am »
Although you work in the Advance Booking system perhaps the guys who didn't re-schedule cant work as far in advance as you rself and therefore couldn't make another booking.

It may be that some of the guys who see you, although in a dom situ which mainly doesn't offer sexual situations, you do and they are expecting this.  If this is the case you will just have to bite the bullet and do without their bookings for the specified times given to you.  It may mean loss of earnings but your health is more important than any amount of money.

I don't know the words you could use to explain your situ apart from what you have said, though I wouldn't go into detail re procedure as it is a bit confusing to women, never mind men and they may start to think it is infectious which we know it is not.

If you must say something I would just say you had a procedure/similar and sexual contact is off till xxx time and if they want to see you after this time then you can take a booking for then.

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Re: LLETZ carried out - how to tell advanced booked clients
« Reply #2 on: 08 June 2013, 10:42:06 am »
Thanks Lady_Lust - some really helpful pointers.

You could be right about the regulars and I'm over-worrying they won't return for good.

I'm over-thinking the whole situation I know.  I will email all the clients booked, keep it top-line but informative and ask them what they would like to do about their booked session, mentioning which services are available.  It could be a good time to start other services like text-chat or something too.

Most of them are regulars so I know what they like and enjoy, hence my thoughts are that the majority of those should be ok to go ahead, unless it turns them off to a point of not seeing me at all during this (which is what I'm worrying about the most, but maybe unnecessarily). 

Financially, I had budgeted for some income from June and July to go towards my booked holiday, but if the worst happens, I'll dip into my emergency/savings funds.  The upside is I might get to do the decorating and watch Wimbledon instead!  ;D

Just have to hope the surgery results show a clear margin and I don't need to have it done again soon.


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Re: LLETZ carried out - how to tell advanced booked clients
« Reply #3 on: 08 June 2013, 01:56:21 pm »
I recently spent a few weeks in hospital and cannot have sex now for a good few weeks.  (I have the same to come in a couple of months as well again) so all I have done is told guys that due to unforeseen circumstances I cannot offer full penetration for the time being.  I did not go into details about why or no fingers etc etc I just stated that no penetration can happen but that I am sure we can find many more ways to enjoy ourselves.  Touch wood I have not had anyone cancels due to this.
Guys don't want to hear about any procedure we have as we are supposed to be up for it all the time, it is part of the fantasy they pay for so when a couple asked me why, I just giggled and said Oh girlie problems and they laughed and did not mention it again.

It is about keeping the illusion going of being a sex kitten whilst also letting them know that actual sex cannot take place.

Mind you I have also told each of them I am giving them ?30 off the cost of a full hour as no sex is happening so I think that helps.  I did not feel right charging full price when I am not offering my full list of services.  So perhaps try that?  yes it is less than we want to earn but we are removing a big part of our services (to some men it is the main part) and it is better to lower prices while offering less services than to just lose all your bookings.

Just keep it light and friendly when you inform them.  something like I am offering a reduction of XXX per hour as due to girlie reasons I cannot have penetration for the next four weeks.  If you still want your booking at the reduced rate please let me know.  The fact that you are not giving gory details and are offering a fee reduction to cover your service reduction tends to keep them happy
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Re: LLETZ carried out - how to tell advanced booked clients
« Reply #4 on: 10 June 2013, 10:55:53 pm »
Thanks Dani for your thoughts too - and I wish you well for your hospital stay and recovery too.

I took on board everything and delighted to say that I've had very positive responses so far.  Even clients who didn't know and contacted me today to make bookings, have gone ahead as well, so looks like I'm going to be quite busy still.

I have reduced my rates too - ?20 off 1 hr, ?30 off 2 hrs and ?50 off 3 hrs - that's bringing some previous clients back who aren't interested in the intimate side and can't normally get a short notice appointment - so that's an added bonus.

Thanks so much for your help - I think I was too open about what I'd had done and they said they were shocked when I told them last week, however they've been in touch to re-book, so all is not lost.  I am such a worrier.

H x