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Author Topic: Quit escorting & looking for new ideas....perhaps dominatrix??  (Read 3520 times)


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After taking a short break from escorting, I've come to the conclusion that I really dont want to persue it again.
I really enjoyed the few months that I did do as an indie, however I seemed to have one hurdle after another. ..just as I got a routine and rhythm going something would get in my way...being ill, irregular periods, change in permanent incall place twice etc etc.
I thought at first that I was getting burnt out by the obstacles I kept facing....but on more reflection I feel mentally different and feel like I cant activate that alter ego that I think keeps you going in this job. Hence why I haven't been able to go back.

I haven't worked now for at least 8 weeks, and of course the bills arent gonna pay themselves and I also have another little mouth to feed.  So I'm starting to feel the strain!
I think going back to a regular job is out of the question too, I think sex work changes you this way.

I've been trying to research Dominatrix, I know this is not a subject to be taken lightly and this is why I would want proper training. Also, I'm a bit of a perfectionist and I like to do a job properly.

Does anyone have any help or advice? Or can relate to how I'm feeling?

Any knowledge or advice would be appreciated as you all well know....its not the sort of subject you talk about round the dinner table :-)


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Re: Quit escorting & looking for new ideas....perhaps dominatrix??
« Reply #1 on: 27 May 2014, 09:04:08 pm »
Just my opinion but being a dominatrix brings the same probs as escorting plus a few more.

I know what you mean when you say you are a perfectionist in work and believe me when I say that doing domination takes a lot more mind control than your plain shagging.  You really have to be in the  "right head space" for it.

I don't mean to be cruel by saying what I've said but I think if you try being a dominatrix it will bring you more headaches than you got with whoring.

Like I say it's just MO maybe someone can be more encouraging.
« Last Edit: 27 May 2014, 11:25:04 pm by Lady_Lust_XXX »
Beauty is nothing to do with having a pretty face.
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Re: Quit escorting & looking for new ideas....perhaps dominatrix??
« Reply #2 on: 27 May 2014, 10:19:34 pm »
I have had the same issues. It is not easy being independant at all. When I first stumbled upon SAFFE I was at my lowest point even though to others I was ontop of my game by having a flat in London, 100% indie no pimp, agency or parlour and regular income.

But as some of my posts will show..As strong as I am I was a mess.

Sometimes I felt like I was breaking down because I was on my own with no one really to confide in and advise me or even to lend a shoulder to cry on..and cry I did.
Anyone that really cares will tell you when to pull your socks up and go out and face the world and do what you need to do WITH PRIDE. It may not be what you want to hear but the truth is a balm to a tourtured soul. Its called tough love and that is one of the most positve forms of love.

Honestly today I came across a prayer that I stashed away somewhere and only found it because i was going crazy looking for something that someone wanted from me that I coudnt find. But maybe it was meant to be because I found something that was a balm to my soul. So really they can wait, I will take care of that in due time but right then...I let their madness go and today I just let go and relaxed

Many times. Im sure my neighbours heard me weep pitifully and felt the pain my family and friends didnt hear. But within myself I knew that if/when If I got over it I will be ok. And over time I have.

Success is never easy. Im not saying I am successful but I have done things that many told me I would never do. And Im still striving for more.

You will have low days as well as the good but if you can see the good in this world and reject the bad you will control your destiny and live life according to your terms...aslong as the intention is positivity.

We will make mistakes. We all have vices but they are all tests. In your heart you know that your mind and your will to survive is stronger than any temporary setback. Tomorrow is always a new day. Aslong as the sun rises at dawn and babies are born there is hope for a better future.

You can do it. To make it you must be strong but acknowledging weakness is part of the process. That is growth, maturity and wisdom,

So, what she done said was that happy hoes ain’t hating and hating hoes ain’t happy.


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Re: Quit escorting & looking for new ideas....perhaps dominatrix??
« Reply #3 on: 28 May 2014, 12:43:07 am »
It's something I considered but I'm a natural sub and I know it. I think from hearing girls who are dom it's something you have to generally live rather than it be your alter ego like escorting. I could be wrong though.

Perhaps change your services around a bit or offer shorter meets only? Massage and HJ, or just webcam. etc. Something that's not draining on you emotionally. If you did the massage/hj then you don't need an alter ego so much as if you did a GFE type meet. Might be worth a try and maybe even ease you back into it.

Once you find your groove things will go smoothly. I have irregular monthlies and I can relate, 5days here 2weeks there, sometimes I get a few months off but still a pain in the bottom, Beppy Sponges have been my savior.

I couldn't imagine going back to a 9-5 and working for someone.


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Re: Quit escorting & looking for new ideas....perhaps dominatrix??
« Reply #4 on: 28 May 2014, 01:51:46 am »
Girls I really appreciate your thoughts. The more honest the better.
I think because the ultimate stressful thing for me at the moment is lack of money.  I can't afford to live.  The simplestsollution would be to man-up and grin n bear it.  Unfortunately for me....if my heads not in it I can't bear to do it.  The thought of another cock in my mouth or no shows or sitting waiting on your own with your phone in a hotel room is filling me with dread.
Maybe I'm just feeling a little sorry for myself and it will pass....I was much happier in myself when i was working.
aghh....there is no pleasing me!

Thanks again thou ladies xx


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Re: Quit escorting & looking for new ideas....perhaps dominatrix??
« Reply #5 on: 28 May 2014, 09:23:48 am »
I've noticed quite a few girls have recently quit escorting as such, went on a wee massage course as started offering massage with a happy ending which there is definitely a market for as lots of married men think that getting a massage and a handjob at the end isn't cheating lol plus some just like being massaged professionally though and with a little bit of a release at the end.........I can genuinely see the appeal in that as I love being massaged.

Being a dominatrix takes a lot of training and personally I think you need to be naturally good at all that stuff, no amount of training in the world could turn me into someone so powerful and domentant like that.

« Last Edit: 28 May 2014, 09:25:35 am by Pink~Princess »


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Re: Quit escorting & looking for new ideas....perhaps dominatrix??
« Reply #6 on: 28 May 2014, 08:03:29 pm »
You could also consider just doing really basic domination, such as facesitting (underwear on or off), foot worship, a traditional hand spanking, you could advertise massage and hand relief only sessions along side this.  Make it clear exactly what you specialise in and you should have no problems.  Not all guys are into the heavy stuff that requires a dungeon, there are plenty out there that want a mild hand spanking then a handjob, nothing complicated.


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Re: Quit escorting & looking for new ideas....perhaps dominatrix??
« Reply #7 on: 15 November 2015, 01:59:10 am »
As someone who quit the adult industry after being a Domme for over 8 years I can truly say it's tough! Mentally I have never known anything in my life take up so much mental and emotional energy as being a Domme. The clients demand attention 24/7 regardless of the boundaries you set. You spend a lot of time trying to manage them. It's so much easier mentally to be an Indy but I know from experience it's so much harder emotionally to be an Indy. The Dom job initially gave me back my power and freedom. But ultimately the undertone of it all was objectification and these guys have no loyalty or respect. The job burned me out. I knew I was done with it a year ago and the journey through study to get to a place where I am employable has been tough too. It's difficult to give up the high income yet it's far better for my soul. Domme work will heal the Indy wounds before it slowly starts to destroy your mental health. I was into the hardcore stuff. Maybe lighter stuff is better, but to me lighter stuff was too much like Indy and I couldn't face another client as an Indy. So harder stuff seemed the natural progression. It's tough being a stone 24/7 in that job.


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Re: Quit escorting & looking for new ideas....perhaps dominatrix??
« Reply #8 on: 15 November 2015, 10:39:27 am »
Couldn't agree more SS, do me work IMO takes up far more emotional, physical and metal energy than normal whoring ever did.
Beauty is nothing to do with having a pretty face.
It is about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart,
And most importantly a beautiful soul.

mature helen

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Re: Quit escorting & looking for new ideas....perhaps dominatrix??
« Reply #9 on: 15 November 2015, 01:39:26 pm »
Ive escorted for donkeys years and never had a problem with burn out etc but years ago I did have a Dom friend in London who I visited once and I spent the day helping her out and I can tell you after that 1 day I left with a banging headache or migraine and I felt physically and mentally drained and exhausted.

Dom work is hard mentally and physically and escorting is a piece of piss compared to that..Don't forget you will need a dungeon or something similar add to that all the equipment you will need to buy (not cheap) and you will have to have complete faith to know what you are doing is what the client wants because many of them don't have a clue and so expect you to somehow understand what they want and cater for their fantasies.


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Re: Quit escorting & looking for new ideas....perhaps dominatrix??
« Reply #10 on: 15 November 2015, 02:50:06 pm »
Ive escorted for donkeys years and never had a problem with burn out etc but years ago I did have a Dom friend in London who I visited once and I spent the day helping her out and I can tell you after that 1 day I left with a banging headache or migraine and I felt physically and mentally drained and exhausted.

Dom work is hard mentally and physically and escorting is a piece of piss compared to that..Don't forget you will need a dungeon or something similar add to that all the equipment you will need to buy (not cheap) and you will have to have complete faith to know what you are doing is what the client wants because many of them don't have a clue and so expect you to somehow understand what they want and cater for their fantasies.

I completely agree with all that Helen said above. Even if you decide to cater for the softer end of the Ds/Sm world you must have a natural confidence and complete understanding in the services you are offering and of the client's often unspoken expectations, wants, needs and limits and limitations. A lot of things can go wrong or cause injury if not carried out or observed correctly, even with the softer things.
It can be a psychologically intense service for both parties. There may also be a lot of "needy" out of hours contact via emails/phone/texts etc which need to be managed appropriately that can also be very draining and tiresome.

A Dominatrix is not, in my opinion, something you just decide to try and be for an alternative income.
Personally, if I were struggling with escorting I would struggle with Ds/Sm even more due to the heavy expectations clients would have of me. There is a lot more "take" with these appointments, by that I mean the Dominatrix carries a big burden of expectation that in the main is about indulging/satisfying the submissive, which unless of course, you are really into the lifestyle and this satisfies your own wants and desires etc you might not find it very fulfilling.
Sorry if I am rambling, it's just that it is a very complex world to try and explain and without using a lot of clich?s!

« Last Edit: 15 November 2015, 02:52:06 pm by Gizzi »


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Re: Quit escorting & looking for new ideas....perhaps dominatrix??
« Reply #11 on: 28 November 2015, 12:31:29 am »
I had a few trainees come train with me when I was a Domme and the first one cried after 3 days from emotional overwhelm and the second quit after 3 days. Neither of them expected to find it so emotionally and mentally draining. I used to come home and cry some nights and ended up developing addictions to cope with the stress. The clients expected a lot of attention day and night. They were very needy, controlling, manipulative yet vulnerable. It took about 2 years before I fully understood the psyche 100% and I was a fantastic dominatrix. I'm the end I just couldn't cope with the emotional drain. I also felt ugly and angry being this negative cold woman facade. Indy work was much easier. Although Indy work is still tough. I had abusive clients in Indy work too. Both jobs are dangerous but Domme work is dangerous because you can literally kill someone if you don't know what you're doing properly. It's happened to many mistresses. I've had slave faint on me and other issues. Plus there are some slaves who become obsessive and stalk. It's the hardest job I've ever done.


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Re: Quit escorting & looking for new ideas....perhaps dominatrix??
« Reply #12 on: 28 November 2015, 03:03:52 pm »
I was thinking of training to offer dom services but after reading this, I will stick to the mild stuff.

Thanks for sharing, ladies.


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Re: Quit escorting & looking for new ideas....perhaps dominatrix??
« Reply #13 on: 28 November 2015, 09:17:36 pm »
If you offer Indy with mild BDSM you should be fine.


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Re: Quit escorting & looking for new ideas....perhaps dominatrix??
« Reply #14 on: 28 November 2015, 09:23:01 pm »
Thanks, SoulSurvivor, after reading what you have done I do feel it would be the best thing.

Having spoken to a couple of friends as well, they say the same thing: knackering, draining and easier to whore. x