Thank you Spangle for taking the time to write such a detailed response. I?ll give your link a try. I just want a quicker way of improving the ranking, I know new content helps but I swear if I have to keep this blogging rubbish up for much longer I?m going to crack!
You don't need to spam blogposts or anything; one a week is fine (unless you're running an online magazine!). The key to SEO results is time as well as effort - this is a silly analogy, but it's like weight loss. If you eat an apple and then weigh yourself, and then immediately eat 10lbs of pasta and weigh yourself, and then have a wee and weigh yourself, the scale is probably going to give you 3 different results - but have those results really got anything to do with anything? No. Better to set a plan for the week, including a small caloric deficiency and a little exercise, and then only weigh yourself weekly so you can track the cumulative results which are much more meaningful. So do a little website work every week (new links, new content, new adverts, etc) and then check your analytics a week later to view the results of that previous week's efforts.
Twitter is the same. People will follow and unfollow for loads of reasons, but checking your follower count right after every tweet is just going to make you go mad for no reason. "Don't people like it when I use the word 'cheese'?! I lost TWO followers just then. Argh!" etc. Better to either A) ignore your follower numbers altogether because Twitter is fun but silly so just concentrate on having conversations you enjoy on there, or B) see what the overall trend is over a fortnight/month; if it's going up but you lost two followers after tweeting about gruyere, don't sweat it. If it's going down overall despite tweeting frantically about willies and fannies 24/7 and gaining a few followers who have dick pics as their avatars then maybe reassess your strategy. Day-to-day fluctuations in your web popularity won't tell you much.