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Author Topic: Pushy client or normal?  (Read 2347 times)


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Pushy client or normal?
« on: 18 November 2024, 09:46:17 am »
 Recently had a client who was insistent on getting his moneys worth down to the minute. Entire 2 hour booking was spent kissing and doing oral on me, to the point where I'm not even sure what he was getting out of it. Wasn't interested in chatting much if at all which I find really irritating and awkward to deal with. Towards the end I start trying to finish and clean up, but he comes into the bathroom and interrupts asking for more because we have 10 minutes left. Is this actually normal? What can I do in this situation, I was worried about saying no because he had been talking about reviews and feedback and his experiences with other escorts. If a client gave me a spiteful review it could really fuck me over at the moment. What can I say if I'm in this situation again? I'm used to much more GFE type meets where the client is interested in more than just constant activity for the whole meet.


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Re: Pushy client or normal?
« Reply #1 on: 18 November 2024, 10:52:30 am »
Recently had a client who was insistent on getting his moneys worth down to the minute. Entire 2 hour booking was spent kissing and doing oral on me, to the point where I'm not even sure what he was getting out of it. Wasn't interested in chatting much if at all which I find really irritating and awkward to deal with. Towards the end I start trying to finish and clean up, but he comes into the bathroom and interrupts asking for more because we have 10 minutes left. Is this actually normal? What can I do in this situation, I was worried about saying no because he had been talking about reviews and feedback and his experiences with other escorts. If a client gave me a spiteful review it could really fuck me over at the moment. What can I say if I'm in this situation again? I'm used to much more GFE type meets where the client is interested in more than just constant activity for the whole meet.

I am usually taken aback when someone is full on for a two hour booking, my profile, adverts, website have always been GFE (with the addition of kink activities in recent years, which tend to be slower in some respects). If a one hour booking I am absolutely fine, but if longer and they are highly active from the first few minutes I might say something like "I don't think I can keep up/I cannot keep up sorry".

The talking about other escorts is something I can feel uncomfortable about, particularly if going into detail or being indiscreet. I don't mind the occasional 'I met such and such, she's really lovely', but if it's more of a 'she has this, that the other, did this that the other, do you know she is a ##### and her other half ####, she has this particular type of property, red door'. I do actually go right to the end before getting up/clean-up unless the client starts to get ready to leave, if I pop into the bathroom during this time I jokingly/fleetingly say "I'll be back in a moment", if it's close to the end (within 10 minutes) there will be just cuddles and lightish to moderate kissing with a jokey 'There isn't time' or 'It's almost' or just a giggle and say something else jokey. I do also understand the pressure of reviews etc.


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Re: Pushy client or normal?
« Reply #2 on: 18 November 2024, 12:55:47 pm »
If I sense they want to extract the very last atom from my service menu & booking time, they will never get my best service and won’t be welcome again.
Nice clients have overstayed and got my most engaging and generous treatment. It’s a paradox but the more they demand the less I will give and vice versa.


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Re: Pushy client or normal?
« Reply #3 on: 18 November 2024, 01:19:54 pm »
If I sense they want to extract the very last atom from my service menu & booking time, they will never get my best service and won’t be welcome again.
Nice clients have overstayed and got my most engaging and generous treatment. It’s a paradox but the more they demand the less I will give and vice versa.

I agree, although I do think ten minutes before the end is a bit early to be calling a halt. If they're showing no signs of being aware of the time, that's about when I'd ask them how they wanted to finish up so they'd know it was getting close to the end, and they also knew I knew that.

The gossiping about other sex workers is unacceptable though, and I've binned a few over the years for this. One was telling me where another lady worked, and I was furious because I knew he'd probably be doing exactly the same with me as soon as he got the chance.


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Re: Pushy client or normal?
« Reply #4 on: 18 November 2024, 04:29:09 pm »
I had a similar situation from one guy who was every week with me. He could come 3 times during the hour and on the last meeting when he had 5 mins left he asked me to play with myself and using toys  ??? that was his last time with me. I refused as I said I don’t see any reason to do that and he’s answer was : oh we have 5 mins left.  :o I said I’m happy to cuddling, kissing and chill afterwards but I’m not going to do a toys show. That’s it. I hate this tape of people :FF


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Re: Pushy client or normal?
« Reply #5 on: 18 November 2024, 05:21:22 pm »
They're just trying to overstay. I bet he wouldn't be impressed if you threw him and his clothes out the door the second his paid for time with you was up, yet you'd be well within your rights to (not that I'm suggesting anybody does) because that is when his booking is finished. See also the ones who think it doesn't count because they're no longer having sex, but take twenty minutes to put one sock on while they rabbit on about fuck all.

This is why I like working where I do. The people here have things to do and places to be both before and after they're at mine, so I'm mostly spared this sort of twattery :D

BBW Jayda

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Re: Pushy client or normal?
« Reply #6 on: 19 November 2024, 12:14:53 am »
Let me guess.. he's one of those old boring man tht think their chat is intriguing.
Hes clearly boundary pusher, why can't he get dressed within tht 10mins and leave.
Please stop worrying about reviews and feedback, alot of men don't care about reviews, especially if they like what they see.


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Re: Pushy client or normal?
« Reply #7 on: 19 November 2024, 09:06:11 am »
I love getting bad reviews in forums because it stop the guys who read said forums from seeing me. Win win 🥇
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.


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Re: Pushy client or normal?
« Reply #8 on: 21 November 2024, 06:03:45 pm »
I love getting bad reviews in forums because it stop the guys who read said forums from seeing me. Win win 🥇

Same. The type of person that reviews on those forums is usually ICK. I had one guy come and see me three times, leaving lovely reviews on AW, and then I found some horrible reviews from him on several of the forums [removed] where he criticised my weight, my house and my cleanliness. I was upset for days, but then realised that those kinda guys are not the type of clients I wanted anywhere near me.
« Last Edit: 21 November 2024, 06:16:25 pm by SAAFE »


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Re: Pushy client or normal?
« Reply #9 on: 21 November 2024, 06:15:52 pm »
Can posts stay on topic, please.


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Re: Pushy client or normal?
« Reply #10 on: 21 November 2024, 07:11:42 pm »
Recently had a client who was insistent on getting his moneys worth down to the minute. Entire 2 hour booking was spent kissing and doing oral on me, to the point where I'm not even sure what he was getting out of it. Wasn't interested in chatting much if at all which I find really irritating and awkward to deal with. Towards the end I start trying to finish and clean up, but he comes into the bathroom and interrupts asking for more because we have 10 minutes left. Is this actually normal? What can I do in this situation, I was worried about saying no because he had been talking about reviews and feedback and his experiences with other escorts. If a client gave me a spiteful review it could really fuck me over at the moment. What can I say if I'm in this situation again? I'm used to much more GFE type meets where the client is interested in more than just constant activity for the whole meet.

He sounds like a manipulative schmuck that isn't worth your time and energy again. Usually the last five mins or so, I start putting my robe on to indicate it's time to go.

I once had a two hour session and apart from 20mins, it was non stop action.  :FF

He's tried booking since but I won't see him again

There is such a thing as a stupid question and there is not a first time for everything.


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Re: Pushy client or normal?
« Reply #11 on: 23 November 2024, 11:02:25 am »
He sounds like my worst nightmare. I would have probably done the service to the end to avoid any repercussions and then put him straight on the black list. I also think you should report him on client eye so other ladies get the choice of weather they are up for this kind of intensity.