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Author Topic: Punters asking you for your real name  (Read 8114 times)


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Punters asking you for your real name
« on: 17 May 2012, 11:04:52 pm »
How annoying is this!!!  Don't these pricks realise there are reasons we use a pseudonym.  Like we say to them 'oooh, I bet your name isn't John, Jack (or whatever fake name they're probably using) oow go on..tell me your real name!' 

I mean wtf!  And does it fuckin matter anyway!  What difference whatsoever does it make to the losers knowing your real name or not! It just winds me up, they ask too like its a perfectly acceptable normal question when no it isn't!  I'm getting 'nosy nameys' quite alot and feel like telling them to 'mind you own fuckin business you definitely do not need to know that.' 

I thought about giving them a fake 'real' name but why should I when they shouldn't be asking me in the first place! 

What do you say to pricks that want your real name? 

And sorry for the rant lol xxx


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Re: Punters asking you for your real name
« Reply #1 on: 17 May 2012, 11:15:38 pm »
I thought about giving them a fake 'real' name but why should I when they shouldn't be asking me in the first place! 

Exactly this...

"Normally I don't tell this to anyone... oh well, since you're my favourite client - my name's *insert another sexy fake name*"


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Re: Punters asking you for your real name
« Reply #2 on: 17 May 2012, 11:22:50 pm »
I thought about giving them a fake 'real' name but why should I when they shouldn't be asking me in the first place! 

Exactly this...

"Normally I don't tell this to anyone... oh well, since you're my favourite client - my name's *insert another sexy fake name*"

I concur, just make one up that you can remember. I have three :D.


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Re: Punters asking you for your real name
« Reply #3 on: 17 May 2012, 11:50:57 pm »
'Emma Fox' - actually any first name with Fox as the surname sounds amazing. Feel free to plagiarize  ;D
« Last Edit: 18 May 2012, 12:26:57 am by SuperSass »


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Re: Punters asking you for your real name
« Reply #4 on: 18 May 2012, 12:21:39 am »

« Last Edit: 09 October 2012, 12:58:11 pm by La-lique »


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Re: Punters asking you for your real name
« Reply #5 on: 18 May 2012, 12:34:22 am »
If I have met them a couple of times or it's a long booking and they ask (depending on how comfortable I feel) I'm not that bothered! It's only you're first name and there are probably a few hundred people with my name just in my town/city so why bother lying?


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Re: Punters asking you for your real name
« Reply #6 on: 18 May 2012, 12:46:44 am »
« Last Edit: 09 October 2012, 12:57:51 pm by La-lique »


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Re: Punters asking you for your real name
« Reply #7 on: 18 May 2012, 01:02:39 am »
If I have met them a couple of times or it's a long booking and they ask (depending on how comfortable I feel) I'm not that bothered! It's only you're first name and there are probably a few hundred people with my name just in my town/city so why bother lying?

If you're comfortable why not but i whilst i dont really wanna tell an ouright lie, personally i am uber careful about my real ID yes ok its only a first name but i just dont want to give anything away at all to the point where I dont even carry any cards on me on a outcall booking, anything that could reveal it and incalls i always work from a hotel with fake name anyway.  i think its because i have a professional career though and so anything that could lead to blackmail or over familiar clients is a concern.
That is a good point. If I was in you're situation I would probably be the same. I only tell them if I think I can trust them at least to a certain extent.


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Re: Punters asking you for your real name
« Reply #8 on: 18 May 2012, 01:06:03 am »
Most clients don't ask but if they do I just say I cant tell them that and change the conversation.
And never have any form of ID anywhere near the client, my surname is foreign (im english though) and my family are the only people in the country with my surname.. but my surname is well known in my area though and half of my family are dodgy (dont speak to them for that reason) it is very difficult to spell and pronounce but if a client recognized it i don't think they would come stalking me ;)

have to be extra extra careful!! x
Sometimes it's not the youngest or the richest clients you want or the ones you have most in common with.

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Re: Punters asking you for your real name
« Reply #9 on: 18 May 2012, 01:06:32 am »
If I have met them a couple of times or it's a long booking and they ask (depending on how comfortable I feel) I'm not that bothered! It's only you're first name and there are probably a few hundred people with my name just in my town/city so why bother lying?

For me it is the principle. I don't want my clients to get too comfortable in thinking they can know my personal business and I worry that first it will be name, then family etc. Kudos to you if you feel comfy enough to.

Also I've only ever met 1 other person in The UK with my name lol.


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Re: Punters asking you for your real name
« Reply #10 on: 18 May 2012, 01:40:05 am »
I tell them to guess, this usually turns into a long game, and I keep telling them they're close and to keep trying, but always make it an unusual name - Cordelia or Arabella usually, no way in a million years would they guess those  ;D. A couple of my regulars who like buying me spa days know my first name cos I got sick of pretending to be my working name when going to the spas, as I like to be me in my time off  :).

katie 84

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Re: Punters asking you for your real name
« Reply #11 on: 18 May 2012, 01:43:47 am »
Ok Pussycat.....I've gotta the hell do you get clients to buy you spa days?! Do you hint about it? Ask them directly? Tell them they have to!? lol. x x x x


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Re: Punters asking you for your real name
« Reply #12 on: 18 May 2012, 02:04:32 am »
A couple of my lovely regulars who I've been seeing for ages sometimes get me them for birthday/valentine's/Christmas gifts. I get them presents too, but just little thoughtful ones  :). One, who I trust a lot, wanted to know my surname to give me a flying lesson for my birthday, but I politely declined cos my surname is unusual and he'd easily find out a lot about me on google if he were to try. If my surname was common then I would've considered it, but I'd rather a spa day than a flying lesson, bless him he likes planes!x


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Re: Punters asking you for your real name
« Reply #13 on: 18 May 2012, 09:14:29 am »
In the six years I've been working I think I've only been asked once what my real name is.

I think if you use an unusual working name they think it is made up (which it is) but if you use a 'believable' working name they don't bother.  I've got to be honest and say I  ::) when a guy says his name is John, Paul, Stephen, Dave ....................

My surname too is too unusual to let anyone know it. 

I had an old BF who used to call me by the nickname of 'pussycat' ................ used to drive me insane.  ::)  I've got a handle and I prefer people who know it to use it.

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Re: Punters asking you for your real name
« Reply #14 on: 18 May 2012, 10:14:34 am »
I always say .. its my real name, "and whats yours darling?" to which they laugh !!! they dont always use their own names either  ;)
orchid x