Hello all!
I am new at this place and an escort on hiatus from the United States. I know this board is mostly for folks across the pond but, I need advice and to notify people of something tragic for anyone who got tested in the states through a clinic called "AIM" or "Adult Industry Medical", a clinic for sex workers of all types to get tested and support. It was open for 13 years.
It seems that someone stole the entire medical file and posted all the names on a site called pornwikileaks.com. Any person who got tested there from Jenna Jameson to little me has their real full name, stage name, address, and even some had pictures of their own children and parents home address on the site, too. The FBI has closed down the site but, no one is being thrown in jail or persued. The info till shows up in searches and is cached even with the site shut down. The "unknown" creator is still threatening that the site will be put back up!
What do I do? I am going to college to work with children. I worry that having this information out will not only harm my future, but since this site was open for a year...who knows what clients knew of it and now know who I am....
I tried contacting Google but, no response and if someone Googles my real name it pops up straight away!
Sorry my first post is negative but, I need advice...I just do not understand how 13,000 sex workers can be affected by this and no one is fighting it more!