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Author Topic: What would you do?  (Read 3981 times)


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Re: My story - what would you do?
« Reply #15 on: 22 August 2011, 11:15:37 am »
You need to get rid of him. Fast. He's sucking all your energy and bringing nothing to the table. My advise: Cut all ties with this looser. Do not answer to any of his calls/messages. Change your phone number, your website and your pictures. If moving is not a possibility then don't move. A short message in the lines of "I do not wish you to contact me again. Any interaction with me will result in a restraining order. Good bye" If he does it again go and file a restriction order. End of. You don't deserve a crazy lying psycho in your life. And do not even think about writing a letter to wifey and telling her everything (in retaliation. I know it's tempting) because the drama will spiral even more. Just cut him loose. Good bye, adios. Hello sanity. Welcome back!

I was going to write my advice, but Ana30 has said it all. Follow her advice to the letter. Keep posting here as you do it if you need some support.

He is thriving on the drama - you are entertaining him for free at the moment, even if you're not having sex with him! Give him nothing, tell him that you will take legal action if he contacts you again and cut off all contact starting now. Look into how to get a non-molestation order and be ready to move on one as soon as he starts ignoring your explicit requests for no more contact. Find an affordable lawyer and get him/her to handle all contact from now on.

Non-molestation orders:


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Re: My story - what would you do?
« Reply #16 on: 22 August 2011, 11:33:12 am »
Hi Joanna

I'll be as kind as I can here, because I really do feel for you.  The reason this guy is still in your life/harrassing you/bothering you is because you're still giving him the time of day.  Sorry  :( You need to want it to end.  Until then, it never will.

Writing to him just gives him more of your time than he deserves.  Turning up at his flat just gives him more of your time than he deserves.  You're possibly sending out mixed messages to him - whilst you're saying on the one hand you want him to leave you alone, on the other hand you're wanting him to be who you want him to be (IMHO).  He'll never change.  He lies and manipulates and thinks nothing of doing this.  As Anika said, you can't reason with a person like that - you can try until you're blue in the face, but he will never, ever change.

Ana gives great advice re: changing your website, photos, phone number - and address, if needs be.  Make it impossible for him to contact you.

Put him out of your mind and just pity the next poor woman he does it to (because you won't be the first, nor the last).  He is simply not worth your time and energy  :-*


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Re: My story - what would you do?
« Reply #17 on: 22 August 2011, 07:09:26 pm »
Cut him off, this guy will probably destroy you and he'll come away without even a scratch. Send a quick no nonsense message saying "Do not contact me again", then change your phone number(s), email address, put his address on the block list and do not answer, or return any calls/texts etc.

If he does contact you keep a record, do not get into any dialogue whatsoever and seek legal advice.

Your other option is to carry on seeing him but knowing he'll never leave. This is very difficult to do and you'll end up putting your life on hold whilst he gets on with his.


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Re: My story - what would you do?
« Reply #18 on: 22 August 2011, 07:36:27 pm »
he might have paid you 1k a time at 3 time a week but look how much you have lost in earnings in the meantime and the stress and the headache and the heartache 

do what the others say  - if he bothers you then  get a restraining order  on him ( his wife will  probably end up knowing about it ) but  tough shit  he has been an utter asshole   

your probably not the only one he has done this to and wont be the last, so just kick him to the kerb  and dont anwser his phone calls texts emails ect 
your allowing him to carry on with this drama by anwsering his calls ect

and the bit about the dead wife  well thats just plain f...... sick   and nasty and i would have dropped him right there and then 3k a week or not
just imagine what he would say about you if his wife found out  - probably that your some crazy escort stalking him  ::) and he felt sorry for you  blah blah

if you can i would say bugger off on holiday for a few weeks  and dont take your phones delete his email accounts 
he will get bored  - they always do   


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Re: My story - what would you do?
« Reply #19 on: 22 August 2011, 10:58:58 pm »

Hi Jo,

I messaged you, I have had a similar situation but with a ex of mine. I would report him to the Police, as what he is doing is harrasment. You need to log every phone call he makes and save text messages from him to show evidence. I know going to the Police can be daunting, but it may give him a warning to stop what he is doing! some of these stalkers don't actually know they are stalking their victims. I have read many stories of people killing these people they are obbsessed with. If I were you, I would let the flat go and move out and change your email addresses and phone numbers, everything that you have given to him and stop escorting. Or work with an agency but do Outcalls only, so your safe.

Amber Sweetpetite

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Re: My story - what would you do?
« Reply #20 on: 23 August 2011, 08:32:57 am »
This sounds like a situation an escort friend of mine got into about 10 years ago. It could be the same person.


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Re: My story - what would you do?
« Reply #21 on: 24 August 2011, 11:57:57 am »
I've been in a very similar situation myself, and it isn't pleasant. There are alot of very manipulative people out there, and you haveto be so careful. I'd suggest cutting all ties, and possibly reporting him, or telling him you will report him.