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Author Topic: canadian with work visa - how not to get in trouble  (Read 2426 times)

Caitlin C.

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canadian with work visa - how not to get in trouble
« on: 23 March 2008, 04:59:17 pm »
Hi guys!

 I was wondering if I could get some advice. See I am a Canadian citizen but will be in the UK on a "working holiday visa" (good for 2 years).   I'm wondering what to do if I should work as an escort while there, since technically it would be legal for me to work there and escorting is not illegal.  In what situation could I get in trouble if caught escorting? I''m assuming the only problem would be that they would want me to pay taxes or something. Also there are restrictions on how much work I'm allowed to take on legally but then since it's a cash job that would be hard to track wouldn't it?
I don't want to get in trouble there, just want to be able to afford to stay in the UK for a while comfortably.

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Re: canadian with work visa - how not to get in trouble
« Reply #1 on: 24 March 2008, 07:12:44 pm »
Amongst the things I'm not is an immigration lawyer :)

Having said that, the Home Office's website <> has been very good when I've needed to know the details of what's ok with various visas for people from various countries.

You may find that you can work only if you're employed by someone, rather than self-employed (which is what practically all escorts are).

If so, you would be working illegally. You may or may not get thrown out of the country if caught, but would certainly have problems visiting here again.

It sounds as if you would be fine with taking this risk, given the comments about tax. Just be aware that the tax authorities do take an interest in ads from people they don't know are paying them money.
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Re: canadian with work visa - how not to get in trouble
« Reply #2 on: 24 March 2008, 07:17:08 pm »
Ah yes, if this <> is your visa, it's the "However, you may not establish any type of business" bit that means, legally, no escorting.
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."