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Author Topic: Considering escorting, would like advice  (Read 3061 times)


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Re: Considering escorting, would like advice
« Reply #30 on: 07 August 2023, 04:52:26 pm »
I'm extremely grateful who has given me guidance on how I can be an escort if I decide to, but I'm still struggling to decide if becoming an escort in the first place is a good idea (considering everything I've explained about my case). I would find it very helpful to get honest input on that question.

If you want truly honest input then it would be a no from me.

Not so much because of the practicalities, but you sound mentally fragile and struggling a bit with your self image (why are you so convinced that being Asian or half Asian means people won't think you're British; nationality and ethnicity are completely different things?) and punters - as well as other sex workers - can be brutal. You don't necessarily need a hide like a rhino, but a degree of not giving a fuck does come with the prostitution territory IME - if I gave a second's headspace to what people thought about me I'd never leave the house.

If you're naturally solitary you'll also find it incredibly draining; I've been working for over twenty years and I still have to take a day off if I've been very busy or if a punter has been particularly hard work (if you're somebody who needs three days to recover from a big social occasion like me, then this is you). The intrusive personal questions mentioned by DBLM are a pain in the arse which is why she's suggested a pre prepared story - you might think you won't mind these sort of conversations and some people are happy to talk about themselves all day long, but the chances are when the fourth person in a day starts it up again, it gets tiresome. And for the record, it's always OK to point out that something is none of their business and change the subject.

You will get threats and abuse on the phone/by text, your appearance will be mercilessly critiqued and it can be hard to switch off like any other self employed person - there is always admin to do, stuff to buy, general faff. And that's before we even start on the bookings themselves; the vast majority of punters are fine, but some definitely are not and while you're new is when you'll likely encounter more of the arseholes and the boundary pushers. And you don't even know how to give a blow job?

It's entirely your call though, and remember that you're not welded to any decision you make - the bottom line is if you try it and don't like it, you never ever have to do it again :)

Princess Rosabella

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Re: Considering escorting, would like advice
« Reply #31 on: 07 August 2023, 05:54:12 pm »
Thank you for your honesty amy. If I'm honest I'm quite disappointed to read that you don't think becoming an escort is a good idea for me, since I had been very attracted to the benefits of being a sex worker especially with some recent replies indicating I might make very good money doing sex work, and I still don't really have many other skills or qualifications to get a different job and don't have many other good ideas for jobs so I am struggling to think about what the alternative to becoming an escort would be. With that said, I do understand your concerns and you are possibly right that I am "mentally fragile".

I've actually met a few people in real life who have incorrectly assumed that I grew up outside the UK because they didn't think I looked white, and that's despite speaking native English with a British accent to boot. I recall I used to get offended over this but as a sex worker I know I have to be prepared for much worse things. My worry had been that punters might think that, and I had worried that most punters prefer white British escorts and so would be less likely to see me as a result. However, I no longer have this worry having had discussions about it in this thread.

You are correct that I might find it draining. I've never been a sex worker before of course, but I recall that I do tend to get a little drained when I spend a whole day socializing. Perhaps I could start slow (i.e. start with a maximum of one client per day, then increase that once I get used to the job?)

I knew before I made the OP in this thread that I would receive threats and abuse over the phone and text, including transphobia, misogyny, and racism. I was prepared for that. I am also prepared to be asked invasive, ignorant, and disrespectful questions by clients, including about being trans. My much bigger concern was the risk of physical violence, which is why my family won't support me going into sex work.

I can see that it may be a constant stress that I could receive calls from punters at any time and thus it may be hard to totally "switch off" but in my mind this was outweighed by the relatively fewer working hours per week (yes, I know that there's more to do than it might seem at first glance but even accounting for website making, blogging, photos, ads, emails, etc. I still can't see it being as many hours as a vanilla job unless I'm seeing a lot of clients in which case the money I'd be earning would be well above anything else I could do in the position of life I'm in right now) as well as having more flexibility about when I want to work. If I want to take a break, would it not be possible to leave a note on my website and inform all advertisers that I'm on that I'm taking a break and won't be answering calls or emails for the next X days? I had been thinking that I'd take the second half of December off each year as well as my birthday (my birthday lies outside of typical holiday season, so this would be a big relief!!), and of course always take a break if I feel I need to. I've heard summer is usually kind of slow anyway, so it might be an idea to take a holiday then too.

As a virgin, I lack practical experience in any sexual act other than pleasuring myself. I am not sure how difficult such acts are to learn. Perhaps I could try to find video tutorials online? I have made the decision though that I will neither give nor receive oral sex unprotected.

I'm concerned that I could put a lot into getting started, from persuading my family about my decision, to buying a work phone and SIM card, do doing all sorts of research about how to do sex work safely yet efficiently, buying lingerie and taking photos, investing in advertising and making a website, and for it to not work out (whether that's because I end up feeling unable to endure the job, or because I'm not earning enough for it to be worth it).

Additionally, could my life suffer adverse long time impacts from being an ex-prostitute?


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Re: Considering escorting, would like advice
« Reply #32 on: 07 August 2023, 06:22:55 pm »
Two (at least) very important points stand out for me. I had to read and read again some of your posts to be sure I'd got it right.

You have not had sex in your private life.  I can not understand how anyone can confidently and with any skill perform various bedroom activities with clients when having no experience in that area at all.  I looked upon my varied and interesting private sex life as a sort of training before doing it with strangers for money.

 You assumed the clients would dictate what they do with you because they are paying you. This is partly true as your do's and don'ts should clarify to a new client exactly what you're prepared to do but it doesn't always follow that they stick to the agreement without trying to take advantage of you.

To be a sex worker you need confidence and assertiveness and a lot of it. You can act as though you have (not at all easy) until it becomes natural hopefully but in the interim there would be clients who have years of experience under THEIR belts and would see through the act. These could be the troublesome ones and make you very unhappy and nervous.

You seem to still be unsure if you want to try this work and imo if there are so many doubts and obstacles in your way then it seems a bad idea all round.

Being told you could make good money as a sp is one thing but the reality of the work is certainly not for everyone.


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Re: Considering escorting, would like advice
« Reply #33 on: 07 August 2023, 06:30:23 pm »
My sweetheart, I will be completely honest with you. I have both a high-end and a more basic (still above-average rate) profile.
Let me say this with love and respect, but making money is not as easy as it may appear here. YES, I have a lot of coke clients, old clients who can't get it up, and successful guys who don't necessarily come for sex, but just want to feel some fake admiration... Sex is still 99% of the time a factor, however small or large it may be.

Sexual relations will still take place 99% of the time.

I really need you to understand that if you are a virgin who does not wish to give and receive sexual pleasure, you will not be able to earn enough income this way. The truth is, if it were THAT easy, more people would do it... unfortunately, it does not work that way... Despite the fact that we call ourselves "escorts," we are in fact primarily "proper" sex workers.

Since I do not wish to end this on a negative note, I will give you my advice. The first thing I would recommend is that, while you are still so young and inexperienced, why not consider starting with something that is more suitable, such as online video chat or phone chat? 


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Re: Considering escorting, would like advice
« Reply #34 on: 07 August 2023, 06:40:29 pm »
I think to add to what everyone else has said and I don’t think I’m repeating anyone here (I’ve been dipping in and out to read this thread so apologies if I am), choosing to work less hours or see less clients doesn’t necessarily make it any less draining. You will still have admin to do and fielding through enquiries. As a newbie, this can be quite overwhelming in the beginning, particularly learning to read between the lines of enquiries, trusting instincts and how to respond if at all. There’s lots a lot of advice across the forum on this.

I also have to add as a personal opinion, I don’t think this is right route for you, or at least not right now. There are lots of benefits to escorting sure but there negatives too and I think it takes certain experience or confidence to be able to deal with the negatives.

As I’ve responded, I see someone else has replied with a suggestion I was about to make about perhaps trying out some online work too.

I wish you all the best in whatever you decide to do.


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Re: Considering escorting, would like advice
« Reply #35 on: 07 August 2023, 06:43:25 pm »
I find the idea of using dating apps to meet guys for flings kind of daunting (it hasn't exactly gone well in the past, I would get a lot of sexual attention from men but it was mostly older men and men who were physically or otherwise unnattractive to me).

This is the bit that makes me wonder - if you can't be sexual with older men that you wouldn't be with in your private life, you are drastically cutting down on the number of potential clients.

The classic test is to look around at the supermarket. If you could not see every man in the store if they came along clutching enough £20 notes, then 'hands on' sex work probably isn't for you.

Particularly if you do not show your face in your marketing, no-one except you and your clients know that you've had sex for money.
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."

Princess Rosabella

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Re: Considering escorting, would like advice
« Reply #36 on: 07 August 2023, 08:49:23 pm »
Thank you very much to everyone who took the time to reply.

Justine, I appreciate your advice very much. It is true that I have no experience in sex and I do not intend to hide that (in fact I was possibly even thinking of marketing my virginity). Despite that, I feel confident that I can say no if a client for instance attempted to haggle for unprotected intercourse with me. Is there any other way that you think clients might "try to take advantage of me"?

Yes, it's certainly true that I have many doubts about where this road of sex work may lead me. However, I'm not sure that having several uncertainties about something necessarily means it's a bad idea not worth exploring. Do bear in mind that if I don't become a sex worker, what alternative is there for a person in my situation?

Money may be my primary motivation for being an escort but it isn't the only one. I am partly attracted by the sexual aspect and in many ways I'd find the job preferable to others. I know that the job isn't for everyone but a big part of me does want to do it.

themoneyhoneyy, thank you very much for your kind reply. I am aware of the fact that as an escort, most appointments would involve sex. I am a virgin but I am not against the idea of "give and receive sexual pleasure" as a profession. The reason I have not had sex in my personal life was because I wanted to save losing my virginity to someone special, but I never found such a man who mutually shared that feeling. Now that I am in the difficult situation that I'm in, I feel very tempted to have sex for money.

I appreciate your suggestion of forms of sex work without physical contact. However, my understanding is that those forms of sex work would likely not yield the same income per hour as escorting. Additionally, part of me really does want to have sex with men for money.

Rosie, thank you for your kind reply. It is interesting that you comment that seeing less clients doesn't make the work less draining. Is it really not possible to take a complete break from escorting including admin, even if only for a few days? Thank you for directing my attention to the fact that I will need to learn to read enquiries carefully. I'm a little sad to hear that you don't believe it's the right route for me. I know that the job might be difficult at first but I had hoped that I would overcome the challenges.

I guess I really wanted to believe that escorting was a good idea for me, but I had a lot of concerns about it too and my family weren't supportive of my idea, so I feel disappointed to be told that I'm not cut out for it.

xw5, I was referring to my experience with dating apps from some time ago when I was a teenager looking for a relationship. Regarding your supermarket thought experiment, if I go to the store and consider every man in the store, there would indeed be plenty I would never have sex with or be in a relationship with for free (though there are a good number that I would like to have sex with or at the very least feel neutral about having sex with). But for £200 per man I feel I might be able to do it, especially in the longer run once I have gotten used to having sex with someone I'm not personally attracted to for money.

Yes, I won't be showing my face. I was just concerned that somehow I may still one day get outed or otherwise face negative consequences from my prostitution past?


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Re: Considering escorting, would like advice
« Reply #37 on: 07 August 2023, 09:13:11 pm »
Well we only have your posts to go on (and I basically decided prostitution was a goer for me pretty much on the spot when a man in a bar offered to pay me for a quick shag, so this degree of weapons-grade navel gazing is not something I have any experience of), but are you really surprised that it seems odd to people for anybody to propose starting a business doing something that they've never even tried before?

I was almost 30 and already had sex with more different partners then I could count when I started and whilst there will be punters who find inexperience charming, there will be more looking to exploit it and likely also a good few unable to understand why they are paying hundreds of pounds for somebody to be inept at something. That said, it's not as if you're going to be rewiring their house :D

As for ways punters can take advantage, anything from overstaying their time to every possible kind of useless 'advice' ('helping' with your ads/website/photos, say) to old fashioned haggling and even blackmail (including threatening bad reviews, not that these are a bad thing); did you not consider things like this? And are you seriously saying you can't think of any other jobs than prostitution - what do you think the rest of the world does to earn money?

I don't know what you want from us, to be honest. Brevity isn't my strong point either, but you seem to be enjoying writing long posts about yourself far more than actually taking any sort of practical action, and that means it's just going to go round in circles.


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Re: Considering escorting, would like advice
« Reply #38 on: 08 August 2023, 09:49:21 am »
I am heterosexual so perhaps I shouldn’t comment?

To me there are two issues:

Potential earnings, I am part time and use escorting for extra cash, put others on here use it as their living so take advice from them.

Sexual experience, first time I was 15 he was 17 his parent were out, hugely memorable but not as a great experience!  I didn’t start escorting until after the divorce so was sexually experienced but I am still had to learning.  We can all discuss the range of clients and how we deal with them. If you were female I could suggest clients who I think would introduce you to sex in a nice way at your own speed, at the other end are the P&D clients as they are called, the just want a quickie - penetration and a cum/dump, in a condom.
I suggest you think carefully about your first sex, you want to enjoy and learn from it, ideally in a romantic relationship.  However, in you want to learn for future escorting, have you considered the right male escort, you are in control them, or one of the hook up sites?

Just a thought.


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Re: Considering escorting, would like advice
« Reply #39 on: 08 August 2023, 01:43:30 pm »
I get you want to know as much as possible but you’re never gonna know what it’s like until you actually do it. There’s only so much information we can give you.  Everyone’s opinion and advice is based on their own experience and we are not all the same. Therefore you aren’t going to have the same experience as any of us. What you’re asking most is common sense. Sorry to say it but you’re giving time-waster vibes and I wonder if you actually genuinely want to do this job??
1. You have no experience
2. You’ve already told your family you want to do it - what’s stopping them from going online and searching for you? Highly likely you’re going to get notice by a family member/friends even if you don’t show your face.
3. You don’t want to have sex with people you’re not attracted to - I think it’s safe to say 95% of clients we see we are not attracted to. Doing this job isn’t about who you’re attracted to - main things are they are polite, punctual &  clean
4. You don’t really want to have sex

You are attracted to the money escort work brings, like us all. But if you can’t mentally get past some obstacles and disadvantages this job brings, you aren’t going to do very well.

« Last Edit: 08 August 2023, 01:57:00 pm by Fayeinlondon »


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Re: Considering escorting, would like advice
« Reply #40 on: 08 August 2023, 03:57:13 pm »
I'm not sure this is a serious enquiry. You say you have no experience or proven aptitude/ability for sex work and yet discount the possibility of any other type of work because you have limited experience or qualification. Your ambition is to make £8K a year, which you could easily achieve working part time at Aldi.

If you are actually serious, I strongly suggest you get some counselling to talk this through in detail and explore why you are drawn to this idea and whether it is realistic for you. I cannot believe that this forum is the only place someone would go to do research on the subject and yet you have asked multiple questions that should have been answered by a cursory Google. Which is yet another reason why, if you're serious, this is probably a bad idea for you.
« Last Edit: 09 August 2023, 12:20:33 am by AnnaConda »

Princess Rosabella

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Re: Considering escorting, would like advice
« Reply #41 on: 09 August 2023, 10:02:53 pm »
I am so sorry for my behaviour here. I made this thread with honest intentions as this was a big life decision I had really been struggling with and I wanted to know as much as possible by talking to people experienced in escorting. I see now that I went too far with talking about myself rather than taking action and there is only so much that can be said. When faced with the harsh truth of what a career in sex work may mean for me, I reacted very badly by not being open minded about my choices, not listening enough to the warnings I was being given, not being as proactive and decisive as I should have been, and struggling to accept the truth.

I think it would be best if I were now to take a break from this community and I should explore alternative job options to sex work, alternative sex work to escorting, therapy, and think about experiencing sex/relationships before becoming a sex worker. Then I think I would be in a better place to make a decision about doing sex work.

I feel absolutely terrible for how I have acted and for giving off time waster vibes. But nonetheless I would like to say how thankful I am for everyone who has supported me. I hope that should I decide in future to go down this route in life I would still be welcome here.

Very best wishes, Rosabella.


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Re: Considering escorting, would like advice
« Reply #42 on: 09 August 2023, 10:13:02 pm »
I think that's very wise Rosabella. Sex work can seem glamourous and 'easy' from the outside but it's really not. It's a job that you have to be mentally prepared for. From your posts you don't sound ready at all. Let yourself grow and mature a bit. Find what you're really passionate about. This community will always be here if you ever decide that sex work is what you really want to do.


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Re: Considering escorting, would like advice
« Reply #43 on: 10 August 2023, 12:10:02 pm »
Well said Flo :)

And in the best interests of all concerned, locked.