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Author Topic: Anyone had a colposcopy?  (Read 1286 times)


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Anyone had a colposcopy?
« on: 22 July 2011, 11:43:24 am »
Apologies if this is in the wrong place, I wasn't sure where to put it as its obviously not to do with escorting, but is a question that I would really appreciate any views on.
Please can anyone who may have had one share experiences, received a letter this morning, now dreading it :(

Dexi Delite

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Re: Anyone had a colposcopy?
« Reply #1 on: 22 July 2011, 12:05:29 pm »
Yes.  I was a bit nervous about the lead up to it, but on the day I was told exactly what would be happening and the surgeon had a monitor screen which showed me what was actually happening inside of me during the op (this is for more his benefit than mine).  I must say I was fascinated by the whole op going on on the monitor screen that I almost forgot that there was someone inbetween my legs.
The operation itself doesn't really hurt.  I'm sure your dr has already explained to you what will be happening and the surgeon will explain again on the day.  You will be injected with a local, which is pretty painless.  Once it's kicked in the surgeon uses what lookes like a small chicken wishbone with a copper wire attached at the widest part which is very hot (it's the only way I can think best to describe the instrument, however I had mine done several years back so things may have changed). This is inserted and the copper wire then cuts through the piece of flesh that has the abnormal cells and cauterizes as it cuts, to minimise bleeding. 
It's a very small and simple procedure and it can be a bit nerving, but in my experience as I said before I was more fascinated on the day.  It's just fear of the unknown and the lead up to it I found more nerving.  Also the surgeon will tell you to avoid putting anything up there and sex for about a week to 10 days.  I'm a slow healer and waited 10 days and sex was still quite painful, but if you heal quite fast you should be fine.
I really hope it all goes well for you.

Hugs for the day
« Last Edit: 31 January 2013, 12:20:41 pm by Dexi »
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Re: Anyone had a colposcopy?
« Reply #2 on: 22 July 2011, 12:31:09 pm »
I had a colposcopy, which didn't involve any "procedure" - I sat with my legs in stirrups while the dr did the usual with the speculum, and then looked at my cervix through a microscope. He painted something on to test for pre-cancerous cells, which showed as negative. He then painted something else on to test for a particular virus that can show as an abnormal smear (I now believe he was looking for HPV) and that showed as positive, so absolutely fine, no removal of cells, or pain.

My sister had the "hot wire" done, she didn't like it but was lucky that in those days they tested under-25s, as she was 20 and had pre-cancerous cells - she may have become one of those "doesn't happen in young people" statistics, had it not been for the colposcopy!

Dexi Delite

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Re: Anyone had a colposcopy?
« Reply #3 on: 22 July 2011, 01:40:11 pm »
This government sucks with all these NHS cutbacks.  I usually go for a smear every year now rather than the usual 3 just to be on the safe side. But the last time I went for one, back in Nov it had only been 11 months and the nurse told me that the lab will just throw it out as it's not been 12 months due to back logs and cut backs.  I was amazed. I had to make an other appt for Dec.
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Re: Anyone had a colposcopy?
« Reply #4 on: 25 July 2011, 01:57:20 pm »
Hi I had one done last December although they had to knock me out to do it! I am such a little softy when it comes to this sort of thing though.  So had to go a few times i.e pre op appointment etc and then the procedure under a general.  They burnt the cells off so I was glad I was unconscious to be honest and now I am due another smear as a follow up.  Better safe than sorry though  :)

Lushious Louisa

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Re: Anyone had a colposcopy?
« Reply #5 on: 26 July 2011, 03:10:16 pm »
A colposcopy is really just a smear but a little more done ie the spray you have that the Dr uses to see any chance in cells.
After my first when I was 24 and laser treatment for abnormal cells I had to have colposcopys for a further 3 years 6 monthly twice then every year for 2 years to check everything was ok, it was and now I am due my first 3 yearly smear this August.

Don't worry hun apart from the spray thing which just tingles a little bit its not that scary although I know the not knowing what its like is terrifying  :-\