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Author Topic: so what do you offer in your services? owo? etc  (Read 1422 times)


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so what do you offer in your services? owo? etc
« on: 25 March 2013, 10:23:03 pm »
I'm a newbie to all this and want to know what other girls offer with there services and what precautions they take to ensure there health safety etc...

lady c

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Re: so what do you offer in your services? owo? etc
« Reply #1 on: 25 March 2013, 10:27:27 pm »
everyone offers the service they feel comfortable with i guess, please read the main site all the info is there. I f i did not feel safe offering a service i would not do it.


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Re: so what do you offer in your services? owo? etc
« Reply #2 on: 25 March 2013, 10:28:15 pm »
Blondie, have you read the main SAAFE site yet? There's articles there about health and also one on OWO/OW, plus if you use the Search box on the top right, you should be able to find a few fairly recent threads where it was discussed at length (there's at least one each for reverse oral, rimming and a few others too :)).

EDIT: Crossed posts with LC


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Re: so what do you offer in your services? owo? etc
« Reply #3 on: 25 March 2013, 10:33:45 pm »
thank you!

Nobody Interesting

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Re: so what do you offer in your services? owo? etc
« Reply #4 on: 25 March 2013, 10:36:07 pm »

I think it is safe to say that the ladies will offer a scope of things. It just depends on your own comfort levels. I doubt anyone will admit to offering bareback though.

Whatever you decided to offer make sure that you have looked into things and are not being pushed into offering certain services.

A couple of thing that may be worth mentioning, to aid you in your personal choice...
OWO, If you have bleeding gums when you brush there is more risk, do not brush your teeth for around 4 hours before even if your dental hygeine is great, moth wash will be fine. Check them for any types of lesions and pre-cum can be a sign of STI's

Safety wise I am hot on...
Give them a wipe and change condom between 'acts' and after they have cum make sure you deal with the condom, do not let them touch themselves after as they could get cum on their fingers then touch you, wash your hands and start again.

I always put the condom on as I want to have a good look and check them out, including under their foreskin. It can be done subtly lol

H x

Someone's been a bad girl


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Re: so what do you offer in your services? owo? etc
« Reply #5 on: 25 March 2013, 10:46:58 pm »
Thank you, I hadn't even thought about them touching themselves and then me!! How silly of me, il deffo be dealing with used condoms now! I don't like the idea of offering OWO purely because I have to kiss my son with my mouth ahha, also I like the idea of all my clients knowing im very careful...