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Author Topic: Vacation with Client  (Read 1718 times)


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Vacation with Client
« on: 02 July 2013, 08:12:15 pm »
Hi everyone!

I've been googling, and kept coming across this forum, so I figured this would be the best place to ask for some advice!

I was a touring gfe on and off for about 3 years. Starting leaning towards another profession, and life, and eventually I completely stopped seeing clients. About a year ago,  I started making appointments with one of my old regulars to help supplement my income. He's the only client I've seen, and we visit about once a month.

He asked to take me on his (paid) vacation with him, and I happily agreed. Agreed on a rate, and everything like that. Wonderful accommodations, and should be a blast.

Here's my concern.... We'll be gone for 3 nights, 4 days. 5 hour flight (first class, wooohooo!!).... I've never done an overnight with him... Or with any client for that matter. Never the less, 3 overnights in a row. I'm very comfortable with him, and completely trust him... but I've never been in this situation before. I, of course, am mostly myself when I'm with him... but as I'm sure all you ladies do, I put on my sexy "act". I don't want to ruin his perception of my escort character.... (After all, us GFE's are the best actresses on Earth). I don't want him to know how long I take to do my makeup and hair. I don't want him to know that I use self tanner, or that I drool in my sleep, and I especially don't want him to find out that I poop. Hehehehe.... Another thing I'd also like to keep private from the client is that I have kids. I've never spent a night away from my youngest (who is 2).

So, all in all- I am asking for some expert advice. Do you have any tips or tricks, or useful information that will help a first time travel companion? Any little ideas for me to mentally note while I'm away. Things to help keep my sanity in check? Tips on how to stay "sexy" and "on" for 3 straight nights. Ways to politely let him know that I need to have some private time (to speak to my kids, and poop, etc. hehe).

Anything will be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance for any help, ladies!!!!

Mrs Mischief

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Re: Vacation with Client
« Reply #1 on: 02 July 2013, 09:01:55 pm »
I suppose one thing you could do is tell him your a bit self conscious about being seen in the morning until you have woken up properly and had time to do your hair and feel fresh. Would he mind if he went for breakfast before you to give you time to get yourself ready for the day.

lailah terri

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Re: Vacation with Client
« Reply #2 on: 03 July 2013, 07:58:50 am »
Overnights can be difficult! I like to wear a sleep mask, I have a beautiful silk one, I like to feel it makes me look glamorous and it also hides my ikky morning eyes heehee.

Im not sure how long you have before you go but in the long run I really recommend semi perm makeup and lashes, they both changed my life! Cut down the morning hours dramatically and I feel more confident without makeup.

You may find that he really likes seeing the natural fresh faced you :)

Maybe you can negotiate some time to yourself where you can speak to your little ones?

Can't really help you with the toilet issue as I've never spent more than one night away.
"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."
? Marilyn Monroe


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Re: Vacation with Client
« Reply #3 on: 03 July 2013, 12:07:54 pm »
Luckily I don't spend a great deal of time on hair and make-up, I don't think it makes that much difference! I usually get up to use the loo a couple of times during the night, and one of these trips will be at around 5am - so I use this time to wash my face, clean teeth, have a general freshen up, brush hair and then back to bed feeling all lovely.

Green Carnation

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Re: Vacation with Client
« Reply #4 on: 03 July 2013, 01:41:21 pm »
It all depends where you are going. If you are going to a hot humid climate, no matter what you do, you'll look crap  ;D
Our European hair is not used to being in high humidity, and goes all over the place, frizzy and horrible. Men don't usually notice things like that anyway, so I wouldn't worry.
Depending on what time you usually go to the toilet, you can always use the toilets in the lobby area. My toilet time is usually after breakfast and coffee, so I always go to the lobby toilet, and it saves me all the stress with a guy behind a thin wall.
I would definitely bring a dry shampoo, wet wipes, waterproof mascara if you are going to splash in the pool.
You can go for waxing just before the holiday, so you don't waste time on shaving.
Also, you absolutely MUST negotiate some 'me time', maybe a couple of hours a day, just to clear your head, call the kids, etc etc. he can then go for a nap, read a book, play with his ipad or whatever.
I'm sure he won't mind. It can be draining spending 24h a day on holiday even with your boyfriend, not to mention a paying customer.


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Re: Vacation with Client
« Reply #5 on: 03 July 2013, 02:33:11 pm »
It sounds to me as though you are heading into very dodgy territory there. I would be uncertain about doing that with someone I was very comfortable with. Someone I have known personally for years, a close friend, far more than monthly meetings for sex.  Being cooped up with someone you don't really know for long periods has a tendancy to end in tears, and you don't sound confident about the prospect at all.