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Author Topic: What to charge private clients?  (Read 2897 times)


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What to charge private clients?
« on: 15 December 2008, 09:05:56 am »
Hi everyone

Aint been around for ages as moved house and no internet for months (a horrifying feeling) Hope everyone is well.

As mentioned before im with an agency,however i also have some private clients that ive found along the way.

My dilemma is this,the agency i work for  charges low prices,however the volume of work i get means i end up making a heck of a lot more than when i worked for an agency previously that charged a lot more but got me less work. Its not ideal but i need the money for time being at least!

I am loath however to charge my private clients the same as the agency as deep down i feel my services are worth more,also when its private clients i have no in call facility so have to consider travel costs etc and also the fact that they are paying for privilage of having my number and being able to contact me 24/7.

So i have been charging private clients a higher rate than with agency,most dont mind but a few are starting to be a bit niggly about it and its starting to get to me. Thing is i would like to go independent when my finances allow and i dont want to already be in the position of underpricing my services when i eventually do so!

So what do you think? am i wrong,right or just a greedy bugger? cos im  not even sure myself anymore ???


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Re: What to charge private clients?
« Reply #1 on: 15 December 2008, 09:11:00 am »
hi colette welcome back to the forum; and glad you have internet access again and you house move is finished.


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Re: What to charge private clients?
« Reply #2 on: 15 December 2008, 09:13:11 am »
i think it is most important that you feel well with the price you are charging
never ever devalue yourself and it is a very bad feeling of charging less than you feel comfortable with,
always charge that amount you feel comfortable with and that resonates with you, ... of course that can change over time. and i personally feel as more comfortable you get with charging higher rates as more likely are the clients to pay them!!!!  :)


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Re: What to charge private clients?
« Reply #3 on: 15 December 2008, 09:35:18 am »
My dilemma is this,the agency i work for  charges low prices,however the volume of work i get means i end up making a heck of a lot more than when i worked for an agency previously that charged a lot more but got me less work. Its not ideal but i need the money for time being at least!

I am loath however to charge my private clients the same as the agency as deep down i feel my services are worth more,also when its private clients i have no in call facility so have to consider travel costs

There's an old saying in the world of escorting which goes, its better to shag 1 guy for $1,000 than to shag 10 men for $100 each. But of course, with the current climate, the terrain had changed up quite a bit which calls for, 'more sensible approaches'.

But at the same time, no matter what the goes on in the needn't be so reasonable and conciliating that you ignore your personal believes. Even though its an agency, they must remember its you who's working. I havent been with an agency before so I wouldnt know, perhaps you could bring up the fact of traveling and such adds onto your expenses. Not sure if thats good or not, but I would.

Either way, its up to you.

Anika Mae

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Re: What to charge private clients?
« Reply #4 on: 15 December 2008, 10:59:29 am »
If they're complaining, presumably they know the agency you work for and could choose to book you through there for the cheaper price. If most of them did that you'd have to pay a fee for them all and make even less money than if you charged them the agency rate privately, but if they know perfectly well that they could get the agency rate but choose to keep going to you directly then whatever they get out of that must be worth it. Tell them that they can pay your rates if they call you, or your agency's rates if they call the agency, unless you think they'll all go off to the agency!

If you like, you could overstay sometimes, maybe go for dinner with them, stuff that makes them feel more special than an agency client.


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Re: What to charge private clients?
« Reply #5 on: 16 December 2008, 09:28:16 am »
Thankyou for your advice ladies.

Ive decided for time being to charge just slightly more than the agency,not so much that people will get the huff (although some men will quite happily quibble over a tenner as ive found) but enough to cover my travel expenses (paying my driver etc)
But it still doesnt sit that well with me i must admit as i do think i am worth more. Hopefully one day i will be able to go independent and increase my rates to a level i feel comfortable with.

And i also have to say that since giving my number to some clients ive never had more respect for ladies who work independently. Ive only chosen my most select clients to give my number too and ive still had the lot,drunken texts at midnight,people thinking they can ring/text me at all hours just to chat,phonecalls where the person has said nothing and then hung up,the whole lot! I dont know how you independent ladies cope without wanting to strangle someone >:(

And thats a good idea about making my private clients feel more special Anika,i will try and put that one into action.

Anika Mae

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Re: What to charge private clients?
« Reply #6 on: 16 December 2008, 11:57:12 am »
And i also have to say that since giving my number to some clients ive never had more respect for ladies who work independently. Ive only chosen my most select clients to give my number too and ive still had the lot,drunken texts at midnight,people thinking they can ring/text me at all hours just to chat,phonecalls where the person has said nothing and then hung up,the whole lot! I dont know how you independent ladies cope without wanting to strangle someone >:(

I assume you've given them your personal number. Having a proper work phone makes that side much easier.


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Re: What to charge private clients?
« Reply #7 on: 16 December 2008, 01:06:38 pm »
Its a seperate phone number that i use just for work but if i dont turn it off it doesnt deter them >:(


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Re: What to charge private clients?
« Reply #8 on: 16 December 2008, 09:02:17 pm »
if i get a nuisance call in the middle of the night or if i get a constant TW i save the number in my phone with a BL at the begining of whatever name i save them under for BLACKLIST.  this way i know not to bother answering when it comes up on the screen so i dont get annoyed with them.

Its easy to get frustrated with them but i find its better to find away around it rather than loose my rag, thats just playing in to a good TW's hands.